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Jin P. O. V.

"Everyone! We're here............" I called everyone as we reached there.
I saw Y/n jumped at once and sat up with widened her eyes trying to figure out the place. Afterwards she looked at me and I smiled. Then she started to shake Jungkook and Taehyung.
"Hey wake up! You sleepyheads! " she said while shaking and pushing and slapping them. Oh my poor kids!
I went to wake Suga, J-hope and Jimin. After a long time when everyone woke up we started to gather our stuffs and headed towards the hotel.
"Anneyoseo! " The lady in counter greeted us.
"Oh, anneyoseo. " I bowed back.
"We booked 4 rooms under the name Kim Seokjin. " I informed.
"Let me check please, sir. " the lady answered with a sweet smile and started to input some informations in computer.
"Oh yes, thank you sir for choosing our hotel. Here is your keys, sir! " She said and handed me our keys.
"Welcome. " I took the keys and headed towards my gang.

Well now it's time to thank me Y/n.........
(Evil laugh)

Y/n P. O. V.

We were sitting in the lounge of the hotel half awake. Then after a few moments which I thought was a long time Jinnie came with our keys.
"Guys choose room mates! " Jin ordered.
"I want a single room for mine! " Me and Jungkook shouted together.
"OK! Taehyung choose! " Namjoon said.
"I wanted Y/n.... But since she wants to be alone in one room then..... I have Jimin! " Taehyung said happily hugging Jimin.
"Jimin? " Jin asked.
"I don't have a problem. " Jimin said.
"Okay, here's your key! " Jin handed them their key and they went off.
"Next? " Jin said.
"Me and Suga! " J-hope said excitedly, grabbed the key and dragged Suga with him.
"Too much energy! " Jin said.
"Me and Jin in a room, right? " Namjoon said.
"Yup! And here's you guys key! " Jin handed me my key.
"Where's mine? " Jungkook said confused.
"Oops! I have only one key left. Seems like you guys have to share a room! " Jin said and winked at me.
"Jinnie! " I said in disbelief.
"What, it's not that you guys didn't slept together. " Jin said finding a fact. "Hmm. Not only once but twice! Good luck! Don't be too much tired! " Namjoon said with an evil smile and they both went away.
"What now? " I asked.
"I don't have a choice now. " He said so calmly.
"So........ We're going to share a room? " I asked him.
"Yup! " He said and headed towards OUR room.
"Are you coming? " he asked.
I nodded and went with him to OUR room!

Jungkook P. O. V.

As we were going towards our room I already can feel the nervousness of her! And don't judge but I found it cute. I'm not saying that I wanted to share a room with her but that's exactly what I'm saying! I felt happy inside.
"Y/n? " I asked her.
"Y-yeah? " She said looking around avoiding my gaze.
"Are you uncomfortable or nervous? " He asked.
"N-no! Should I be? " she asked and awkwardly laughed.
"Hmm. Okay. "
We were walking again to our room and as we reached to the floor we started to find our room. And then I felt that all of my brothers ears on their rooms door as they were trying to figure out our conversation. Don't ask me how I found out. Man! I know them since my puberty!
"Y/n can you laugh like you're shy? " I asked Y/n whispering.
"Why? " She whispered back.
"Just do it. I'll tell you later. "
"No first tell me! " She said stubbornly.
So I didn't have a choice but to tickle her.
"Ahahahahaha! " Y/n started to laugh the way I wanted.
"Perfect! " I said in satisfaction.
I was still tickling her and she was a laughing mess.
"Jungkook stop! What are you Aha! " She tried to say but failed.
"You're having fun? " I asked loud enough for my brothers to hear.
"Jungkook! " She said and was breathing heavily.
"What? I had fun! Wanna continue in room? " I asked loudly.
"Nooo! " She whined. Just perfect.
And then I stood there silently and Y/n did the same as she was trying to catch her breath.
Suddenly Taehyung and Jimin came out off the room saying, "JIN HYUNG DID YOU HEAR-" and saw us. They stood there while trying to be innocent.
"What they were doing, Omo-" Jin hyung also came out of the room.
"They were loud! " Namjoon said and was ready to call death when he saw us!
"So......???? " I asked them raising my one of my eyebrow.
"Oh yeah did you hear the newzz? " Taehyung said awkward as hell.
"Taehyung, let's go! We have to unpack and why would they listen to news? You dumb head! " Jimin said and dragged Taehyung into their room.
"What about you guys? " I eyed Seokjin and Namjoon hyung.
"Oh we were telling them that the news was loud! " Namjoon said caressing his neck.
"Y-yeah! Let's go and you guys rest too! " Jin said and left with Namjoon.
And then I saw Y/n standing there looking as innocent as possible.
"What just happened? " She asked.
"Nothing! Let's go! " I said and we went to our room.


Y/n P. O. V.

We were chilling out in our room and then a call came.
Jungkook picked the phone.
"Hello? " Jungkook asked.
I saw him nodding and he cut the call. "Who was it? " I asked.
"It was Jin hyung. He said to get ready! We are going to the beach! " Jungkook jumped out of the bed and started to dance because of excitement!

 He said to get ready! We are going to the beach! " Jungkook jumped out of the bed and started to dance because of excitement!

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"Get ready! " He said like a little kid.
"Okay! " I also tried to be as excited as possible.
"Wait! We are only visiting cause it's already late. We are going there to see the sun set! So you don't have to change clothes. " He told me.
"Okay, then let's go! " I said.
"Let's get it! " He said.

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