Chapter Eight: Going Out

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Navi steps out from behind the vending machine and I follow wondering why we are leaving when we just got here like five minutes ago. She stops and whispers to herself then continues walking down the long and narrow hallway to who knows where. We turn a corner and stop a few feet in front of an elevator. She takes a step forward and pushes the up button then returns back to her space on my left in one quick motion. I hear a ding signalling that the elevator has arrived. We step aside letting the few people that were already in the elevator leave, so that we could enter. She steps in but I hesitate.

"Come on." she says quickly.

"Um, I'm actually afraid of elevators, it's fine though, I'll just take the stairs, plus I need the exercise." I say turning towards the stair well.

"No no no, come on. We're going to face your fear. You've got this." She says confidently.

"I said no. I'll meet you there." I say. I can feel my skin start to get really warm, warmer than should me normal.

"Oh come on, it's just an elevator." She says begging me.

I do not respond, I just give her a scared and angry glare. My skin gets boiling hot and I know she can sense it too. She looks at me with wide and terrified eyes, I do not why since I am not that intimidating. I look at my hands and there are on fire, OH MY GOSH I'M ON FIRE!

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