It's All About Disney

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The beginning of October brought two prominent events for Hermione.

The first was a letter from Ron.

It upset her greatly and left her in a quandary. He claimed to miss her intensely and declared his undying love for her. The long and short of it was that he wanted her back and she was teetering on the edge of falling back into his arms because she missed him so much. The problem was there was no redress of the issues that had arisen between them, in fact, the very issue of his belligerently brawny approach to life was once again apparent in his letter as he wrote about his Auror training and hunting the remaining members of Voldemort's inner circle. His letter focused on the physical aspects of his work while complaining about the reading and studying and his forthcoming set of Auror exams. The message was implicit but still there: he needed her help. He had taken her knowledge and wisdom for granted for all those years and now he had to stand on his own two feet and he was struggling. There was also the matter of her parents, he didn't bother to ask, in fact, he never enquired after anything about her, how she was getting on, was she enjoying being back at Hogwarts, what subjects was she was taking, and the like. And nor did he ask after Harry and that upset her greatly. She missed Ron greatly, she missed his humour, his consideration for her which had been so clear before he started his Auror training, she missed his hugs and the physical contact, she missed his freckles and his grin. But she also knew that going back to him would cause her equal heartache.

Still, she wrote to him, telling him the news from Hogwarts despite it seeming so trivial compared to the Death-eaters he was hunting down and capturing. She told him how only eight of them from their year had returned to finish their N.E.W.T.s and that they had become a close-knit group who'd put House differences and the war behind them. She told him about the newest great excitement of the school: McGonagall made an announcement that there would be a whole school Halloween Ball on the 31st October, the theme was children's books or films.

She wrote about how the eighth years were very excited and many evenings were spent sitting around the fire hearth discussing costume ideas. They decided that they were going for a full-on dress up, though they realised that McGonagall had chosen that specific theme as she didn't want to truly scare the younger kids. There had been too many real scary monsters for them in their young years and they didn't need hordes of pretend Dementors, Death-eaters, and tiny Voldemorts roaming the halls. They decided that they should theme their outfits together and they went for villains from the muggle Disney films. Of course, they'd had to introduce those unfamiliar with them to the films, but Terry and Susan had managed to sort out a TV and DVD player in the common room. She told Ron how Harry, at first, had been very reluctant about the celebration because it also marked the anniversary of his parents' deaths. But after a couple of days and some ferocious breadmaking, he told her he knew exactly who he wanted to go as but he also wanted to surprise everyone. It didn't matter how much she pleaded with him, he refused to spill the beans. She was really quite frustrated him and he was being an annoying prat about it all. She was going to go as Mother Gothel from Tangled. Draco wanted to go as Jafar from Aladdin, Terry as Captain Hook from Peter Pan, Neville as Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, Blaise as Dr. Facilier from the Princess and the Frog, Susan as Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians, and Hannah was going as the Evil Queen in Snow-White. She told him how the year eights had commandeered a Charms lesson and persuaded Professor Flitwick to teach them all how to create Glamours. As they only had a month, the changes were still at a rather basic level, but Neville perfected how to grow his hair, and change his chin so it was very square. He still looked like Neville but he also looked more like Gaston. Blaise managed to make himself even taller but decided he didn't need to change his features as the make-up would do that for him, likewise, Mione just needed longer, bushier hair, which she thought was very funny after years of trying to remove the frizz. She also said that Harry practiced his main Glamour in secret but had shaved off his beard and worked in class on making his skin paler and very smooth so that no shadow of a stubble showed whatsoever.

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