Steamy Showers and Shocking Singing

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Draco was finding it harder and harder to stay away from Harry and, after boot-gate at Halloween, he didn't want to either.

He kept replaying the end of the ball in minutiae, shivering with the thrill at the thought of their brief dance together. In his heeled boots, Harry had been taller than Draco and he was surprised to find he didn't mind in the slightest as Harry towered over him when they danced together in the middle of the Great Hall. And, oh Merlin, under the protection of his wings, Harry had leaned in towards Draco's ear and Draco's breath had hitched at the proximity.

'You look stunning,' Harry'd whispered, his voice deep, his breath brushing over Draco's bare neck and across his exposed collar bone in such a way that it sent Goosebumps to the tips of his toes.

Draco had shivered and looked down, staring at Harry's boots for a while before briefly closing his eyes as if trying to dowse his feelings. He really couldn't think clearly that precise given moment, let alone construct a coherent sentence to reply.

When Draco opened his eyes, Harry had obviously noticed his reaction and was smiling teasingly.

Draco whispered barely audibly, embarrassed by his obsession, 'how do you even walk in those boots?'

'I've had to practice. Do you like them?'

YES! screamed the voice in his head.

'Yes!' He admitted out loud. He knew his voice was low and husky and Harry smirked at the pink blush that Draco felt spotting his cheeks. Indeed, Harry reached up and brushed the back of a finger gently over Draco's cheekbone.

'Is it a kink?' Harry said playfully.

YES! screamed the voice again.

'It is now!' Draco muttered, still staring at them.

Draco was fairly certain his heart stopped when Harry twisted Draco's goatee around his finger and pushed Draco's chin up with his crooked finger so they were making eye contact, practically nose to nose in the middle of the Great Hall surrounded by the whole school yet hidden within the folds of Harry's wings. Draco felt like he was flying amongst the stars as he looked into those emerald green eyes, eyes that seemed to sparkle only for him.

'Maybe I'll let you play one day. If you're a good boy...' Harry teased.

Draco's response of 'Oh, Salazar!' was barely breathed aloud but it made Harry smile wickedly and Draco dipped slightly against Harry as his knees weakened briefly.

The voice in his head was unhelpfully whooping with joy...

Harry then muttered, 'come on, let's go and find a drink.' And whipped his wings open to drag Draco to the bar.

Draco was almost chanting to himself, NO! Don't pull me away from this moment without kissing me first! NO! Just kiss me senseless right here, right now, please, in the middle of all this mayhem. Please! But he followed meekly, utterly trapped by the magnetism of the raven-haired man.

After that point, Harry seemed to only have eyes for Draco, he even wrapped his arm possessively around Draco's waist and pulled him close when Justin Finch-Fletchley came over to talk to Draco with open admiration for his Jafar costume. Apparently, Aladdin was one of Justin's favourite Disney films. The dark-haired seventh year kept glancing nervously at Harry, despite his clumsy attempts to chat Draco up, and Draco was fairly certain Harry actually growled quietly when Justin offered to get Draco a drink. Unfortunately for Justin, he somehow managed to spill his own drink down his chin and front when he embarrassingly missed his mouth. Throughout the exchange, Harry's fingers had been rhythmically drumming against Draco's hipbone through the draping cloth of his costume, apart from a brief break in the rhythm just moments before Justin split his drink. The man scuttled off in mortification as Harry and Draco sniggered quietly together and Draco leaned in closer to Harry. Draco couldn't help noticing that Harry looked rather smug about the whole scenario and he had a rather mischievous glint in his eye.

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