In which Hermione has three realisations...

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When Hermione had rushed out of Harry's room, she collided straight into Blaise's chest, his hand raised to tap on Harry's door again. He immediately rested it against the door frame by her head.

'They're coming, there's no time,' he said softly.

Hermione's heart was in her mouth at nearly being caught and her head was throbbing from dealing with the Marauders and the emotional turmoil it had evoked and that she'd had to keep subdued. And now panic threatened to engulf her. She didn't know what to do.

'Forgive me,' he whispered as he leant forward, his deep brown eyes looked so sincere as he stared into hers.

The last thing she could deal with at the moment was Blaise, so handsome, so tall, so lean, so gentlemanly, smelling so appealing as he leant in like he was going to kiss her. She wasn't ready to cope with this. It was too much, too soon, too overwhelming. She was too tautly wired and her lack of functioning thoughts resulted in her striking Blaise hard across the cheek in fury at being put on the spot like this.

Afterwards, as she leaned against her bedroom door, she immediately regretted it. She saw that Blaise was trying to save her, she replayed the pain, the rejection, the hurt, the shock in his handsome face as she sunk to floor, her back against the door.

Harry was tapping gently on the door, quietly calling her name.

'Go away,' she sobbed. 'Go away!'

She cast a 'Colloportus' on her door, literally crawled across the floor and hauled herself into her bed before curling up under her duvet, fully clothed.

She didn't fall asleep, not for a long time. She was too wired.

And her night was restless, fractured by broken sleep, ruminations, broken thoughts, and agitated dreams.

By morning, she had come to three realisations.

The first realisation was that she felt inordinately guilty about breaking into Harry's room and borrowing the map so she could talk to Remus. Harry was her bestfriend, for God's sake, and she'd broken his trust just for her own curious whims. She had been so caught up in trying to find out about his and Draco's situation that she might have possibly thrown away the most precious thing in her life if she ruined their friendship. Hell, she didn't know what she would do without Harry and the only course of action was for her to come clean about her deception, which lead on to the fact that she wasn't going to make the map. The map was only for Blaise and her satisfaction and she wasn't going to go through with it.

The second realisation was that Harry was obviously very serious about his feelings for Draco, that was why he hadn't made a move on the blond man. This was not a game compared to his conquests of the few months after the war. And it was another reason why she wasn't going to interfere anymore.

The third realisation was that she was probably in love with Blaise. That nearly caused a full-blown panic attack in the middle of the night. She honestly hadn't seen it coming but she thought it was probably why she'd reacted so badly to him attempting to kiss her – the truth was she wanted the kiss to mean something, it wasn't allowed to just be a charade to cover up the fact that she had just been deceiving her bestfriend. She couldn't pretend she wasn't shocked, she wasn't even sure if she was ready for a new relationship but she couldn't deny that there was something about Blaise that really, really appealed to her.

She gulped. And blinked her tired eyes.

She had some explaining and apologising to do.

She had some explaining and apologising to do

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