'It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all'

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Hermione watched her bestfriend closely from the other side of the table in the Great Hall. She was quite baffled by what had gone on between him and Draco the previous week. There was an intimacy between the two men, as if they had come to an understanding but she was fairly certain there was no physical relationship between them, despite the fact that she was fairly certain Draco had been sharing Harry's bed ever since his breakdown. They certainly showed no obvious sexual connection, yet there were little touches every so often. And Harry's green eyes were constantly seeking out Draco for reassurance, or Draco would reach out and touch his hand or arm or the small of his back, a sign that he was there for Harry. And they were rarely apart.

She almost felt a small tinge of jealousy but then she berated herself. It wasn't as if she hadn't been somewhat distracted by Blaise. She glanced at the tall handsome man beside her and he smiled and leant close to whisper in her ear, 'I'll drag Draco off after breakfast, I need his help with something anyway. Use the opportunity to talk to Harry, I've been pulling you away too much. He needs you too.'

She wondered how Blaise knew and smiled gratefully. 'Thank you,' she whispered and he gave her a lingering peck on the lips. It made her breath catch. She still wasn't used to his affection and attentiveness, but she still stood by the fact that he made her feel special. Not in an overwhelming sense, but in the small attention to details, he seemed to be paying attention to her needs as much as his own. There was a little niggly thought that didn't trust it would last, but the other side of her just felt that she would enjoy it while she could. She certainly couldn't help the small smile that adorned her face these days and she knew that was down to Blaise. And then there were the times when that deep shiver ran through her body and she knew it was more than just feeling special; she knew she was deeply attracted to him too and, oh Lord, he made her feel attractive and sexy too.

After Blaise had dragged a slightly reluctant Draco away, she smiled at Harry and opened her mouth to ask him bluntly what was going on. But Harry held up his hand. 'Let's get our coats, I fancy a walk.'

When they pushed open the Great Doors to Hogwarts, it smelt like snow and their breath showed in the air. They both smiled and took a deep breath. She linked her arm through his and dragged him off towards the Black Lake.

'So?' he said. 'You and Blaise?'

She sighed happily and couldn't help the smile that crept across her face again. It made Harry smile too.

'I'm happy for you,' he said. 'He's obviously utterly in love with you, he treats you well, respects you and he admires you.'

That stopped her in her tracks, pulling him to a halt too and the haze of their breath hovered around them. 'Whatever do you mean?'

'He obviously respects you as an individual, he's not just thinking of his own desires. And he admires your intelligence. I can see him listening whenever you speak.'

She thumped him lightly, 'hey you! Stop being so bloody observant, it's making me worried.'

He laughed lightly and Hermione's smile broaden.

'I haven't heard you laugh for a while, it's good, Harry.'

'Less of me. I want all the gory details.'

'Harry!!! A lady doesn't kiss and tell.'

'Is there more than kissing to tell about?'

She knew she was blushing, 'not much. We're taking our time. I'm not quite ready after Ron.'

'And what about Ron?'

'What about him?' she said, slightly defensively.

'Does he know you've moved on?'

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