The Dreams

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Hey guys I have lots of good ideas for this story so I am excited to write this chapter

Thanks for all the positive feedback!

Twitter: @abbbymeger

Instagram: @the5sauceys


Victoria's POV:

Last night I was on my phone and people kept calling my Cassie. It was super strange.

Then I remembered a movie I had previously watched.

It was about a girl who switched bodies with another girl.

Then I started to panick knowing this was exactly like the movie.

"Hey girl. How you feeling?" Taylor said coming into the room and sits down.

"Okay. Espically because I have a surgery today." I said.

"Awe well I hope you get better soon because I need my makeup artist back." She says taking my hand in hers.

I give her a weak smile.

"I will leave you alone to get some rest." She says getting up and heads toward the door.

"I will try. Thanks for everything Taylor, you really mean a lot to me." I said.

Since I have been in the hospital Taylor and I have connected and to be honest I was loving this life better than my own.

Cassie's POV:

Calum pushed me out of the room as the boys followed.

I had fuzzy socks on my hospital gown and a blanket over on top.

I also had a pillow on my left side to help cushion my broken ribs.

"So where do you want to go?" Calum asked me.

"I don't know. Maybe the food court so you guys can eat some food because you barely have eaten all day." I said looking up at them.

"But we don't want to eat in front of you because we know you can't eat anything until after your surgery tonight." Ashton said.

"No it's fine. I got my ice chips." I say picking up the cup of ice chips from the cup holder.

"If you insist." Michael said.

"I insist." I said.

"Whatever you say majesty." Luke joked.

Calum steered me down some hallways until we reached the elevator.

Ashton pushed the button and we waited.

The doors opened and we all filed in.

It was quiet the whole ride and the doors split open.

Immediately revealing the large food court.

The smells of food go through my nose and my mouth waters.

We exit the elevator and find a table in a corner.

There was a wall of large windows revealing the Australian atmosphere.

It was so beautiful in Australia.

There was a large Christmas tree in the center since there was only 3 weeks until Christmas.

"Vic we are going to go order some food. Will you be okay?" Luke asks.

"Yep. I will have a party with me and my ice chips while you are gone." I jokingly said.

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