Chapter 1: Lilly (Liam POV)

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I looked at my friend Chris, he was smiling, playing with cars. I did not know how he could just play with cars like that. I much rather prefer reading books, that is much more fun to me. I love reading a good story. I tried getting Chris to do it, but he did not even know how to read or write.
It was a bit disappointing, but I was used to disappointment at this point, it had happened all of my life. Sometimes I wish I could go back and save my parents, I never really got to meet them. Sure you can say that I was with them when I was a baby, but does anyone really remember those times?
I kept on reading my book, it was about dragons, it was pretty interesting, I could not wait to find out what happened on the 2nd book. I wish that we could find it, it was never at the library. I told Angela about it, she said she would look for it, but I kind of doubted that.
She had a lot on her plate already, she did not need to worry about another thing like that. I sighed and finished the final page. It was the only chapter book I had ever finished, but it was such a good story, that I had read it 3 times in the last week.
I put the book down and sat down beside my friend Chris and I began playing with the cars with him. He looked at me and smiled, as we both began pushing the cars around the little race track that Sasha had made for us the other day.
My sister always told me to talk to more people, and I would make more friends, but to be honest, I really did not want any more friends. I was happy as is, plus I did not want to be betrayed, I had heard about Bens old friend, he had a crush on her for so long.
She stabbed him in the back and ended up going after his own worst enemy. I would hate to have that happen to me, I could not even imagine. I had heard about woman, I was never interested in them, maybe as a friend, but I was happy as is.
Ben told me when I got older I would understand a bit more what it was like to have a woman in my life, but I did not know how true that really could be. I shook my head, not trying to think about bad things. I was a happy kid, and I wanted to stay that way.
Suddenly someone stepped on Chris's car, the kid then kicked the car far away. He then began laughing and so did the rest of his friends that were with him. James, I hated this guy... He could never just leave me and Chris alone.
He would always make fun of us, but that was because me and Chris were smarter than him. Every time I stepped in to say something like that, his response would always be the exact same. "Smart? That's for losers!" He would always say back to us.
Every time he said that, him and his friends would start laughing their heads off. It was not funny at all to me, how can you brag to your friends about being stupid? That just did not make much since to me.
I would never understand kids my age though, clearly his friends were not the smartest either. I looked around to see who was in the room with us. There was only one daycare teacher in there, she was too busy wrapped up in a book.
"Haha! You guys are such losers! Playing with cars? You guys should play some real games, we have video games here." James said to the both of us. Chris just kind of ignored him and started playing with a different car. James did not like that at all and he stepped in front of him and then kicked Chris.
Chris fell to the floor and began crying, I felt bad for my friend. I looked over at the daycare lady. She looked over at Chris and then just grinned, then she went back to whatever she was doing before. I hated being here, I would much rather prefer time with Lilly.
I did understand that sometimes Lilly needed time for herself though I looked at James and this time I decided to step in. I picked myself up and stood up to him. James was 6, he was a bit bigger than me, but I was not a little kid so much for myself.
"Leave him alone! You don't let us play the games anyways!" I said to James. He looked at me a bit surprised that I stood up this time. He did not know how to react to it for a few moments. But when he finally realized what was happening he made the exact reaction that I would have expected out of him.
"That's because you are losers! We don't play games with losers! Isn't that right Chris?" James said to him. Then he kicked Chris once again right in his face. Chris this time did not respond, he just fell over, and blood began pouring out of his face.
James did not seem to notice at all, I ran over to Chris to make sure that he was okay. I tried doing something that Lilly had taught me, I had to check his pulse to at least make sure that he was still alive. Sure maybe I was freaking out a little bit too much, but you never know when someone gets the perfect crack to the skull.
I felt the pulse on Chris luckily, it told me that he was going to be okay basically. But he was still knocked out, and his nose was spraying out quite a bit of blood. I ran over and got a tissue and then I ran back over to put it in Chris's nose to stop the bleeding.
James stepped in a bit surprised, and this time he seemed to have noticed that Chris was not going to be okay. He walked over and looked at me with a bit of a look on his face as if he was trying to say that he was sorry, which I did not really want to hear from him right now.
"Is he going to be okay? I didn't mean to hit him that hard." James said. I looked at him for a few moments, for a second I thought about throwing him to the ground and starting a fight with him. But Lilly had told me, never be the one to start a fight, but always be the one to finish it.
Or something along those lines, I wasn't sure if I had said the words perfectly or not. I looked at James for a few moments, I did not know if he could see the anger on my face or not but I shook my head at him and sat down beside my friend to make sure he would be okay when he woke up.
"I hope so... You kicked him really badly." I said to James. James looked at me for a few moments. Then he lowered his head and then nodded, it was the first time I had ever seen James do something like that.
"I'm sorry... I didn't know it would do that, I will leave you alone from now on." James said to me. I looked at him and then I nodded, I was happy that finally him and his friends would leave me alone.
He walked back over to his friends, they seemed to be a bit worried as well. I did not pay them any attention, they all walked away looking at Chris a few more times, then they went back to playing their video games, I was just happy that they were finally leaving me and Chris alone.
Or Chris's unconscious body at least, I looked at him a bit sadly, I just hoped that he was going to be okay. I knew that he had problems with asthma as well. I looked at him sadly and then I layed down beside him, it was nearly our nap time, but I did not want to go to sleep until I knew that he was okay.
Suddenly though, I heard the daycare lady that was in the room with us slam her book closed. I looked in the room, realizing that a few people were staring at Chris a bit sadly. They never stepped in, but they always felt bad about James always making fun of me and Chris.
The lady that had slammed her book began walking over to me a bit angrily, I looked at her a bit confused, she was looking at me a but upset. Surely she knew that this was not me! She had just seen James making fun of me and Chris, she knew surely that me and Chris were best friends as well right?
"Liam! What did you do to Chris! Leave him alone! Go into the back corner of the daycare! I do not want to see you out for the rest of the day!" She said to me. I looked at her with a bit of surprised look. I then looked at the lady a bit closer and I realized why.
I looked at James real quick just to make sure my theory was right, and then I looked at the lady once again. The lady was definitely the mother of James, no matter what I said she would not believe me. But for some reason, a 6th sense came in and tried anyways.
"What?! That was James, you just saw him kick Chris, I was just watching you!" I said to the lady. She looked at me a bit surprised but then she regained her balance and she shook her head at me angrily. Why did I even try with this anyways.
I wish Sasha was here today, I had not seen from her in quite a few days. I knew that Ben and her were becoming close friends, maybe that ended and she just did not want to be around any of Ben's family anymore. It would not be the first time it had happened to my family.
"Are you telling me that my son would be so cruel to attack this little boy over here? I can see you standing beside him, my son is on the other side of the room." She said to me. I did not even look, it was no use. I knew that no one else in the room would even try to help me in this, it would be pointless, it would just get themselves in trouble as well.
I looked over at James, hoping he would hear her and he would step up and admit to it. But I don't even think James was hearing what was going on in the first place. Besides, I doubt he would admit to his mother that it was his fault in the first place.
"Whatever... You are going to believe him no matter what anyways... He is your perfect angel." I said to her. She looked at me a bit confused, clearly she was not smart, I wonder where James must have got that from.
She then pointed to me to walk over to the end of the room near the back door. I began walking over to it, I sat there and looked at the window. It was a nice day outside, I wish I could be with Lilly right now, but I knew she was busy somedays or sometimes she didn't want to take care of me.
I looked back over at Chris for a few moments, but he was not there. The lady must have taken Chris somewhere, I would not complain, they needed to make sure that he was okay. I would take the blame for it, if it meant saving his life.
The daycare was back to normal now, everyone was pretending like nothing had ever happened, I sighed and just kept on staring at the window. I saw something in the distance though that looked a bit confusing.
There was a big fire, I felt like yelling something but I did not want to scare everyone, besides, I knew that the community was expanding the walls soon anyways, it could just be a planned fire to take out a section of the walls.
It didn't make much sense to me, they could just use that part of the walls on the expansion. But I did not hear yelling like the day that my brother and sister had told me about the dead running into the community.
That day, was a day that would make it to where I would never get to meet my mother and my father. I had heard nothing but great stories about them from everyone I knew however. I smiled thinking about the stories, they were amazing people, much like my brother and my sister... I was so proud of them.
Now that I was looking, the fire was getting closer and closer to us. I was starting to get a bit worried. Surely they weren't just taking down a whole section of walls in 1 day right? I shivered and then stopped looking out the window, I had to stop worrying about these types of things.
I used to always worry about Angela when she went out on a little supply run, she always came back perfectly fine though. You never know when they could run into a heard though. My brother had told me about the one he had been saved from his old enemy Jordan.
He said they were all around him and Christian, but Jordan and his friends had came in and saved all of them. I could only imagine what would have happened if Jordan and his friends had not been there to save them.
My brother had said they were trapped basically in between a wall and a large heard. I worried about my brother every day now. I was always worried if he would come back, or whether he would just randomly disappear one of those days.
Suddenly I heard loud noises, were those gunshots? Everyone in the daycare began freaking out, they were all wondering the exact thing that I was. Maybe the fire had gone out of control... Or maybe something worse was going on.
The lady ran into the room when she had heard the gunshots. She yelled for everyone to be quiet. After the 3rd time of her yelling, and us not hearing anymore gunshots, they finally began listening to her.
"Relax everyone! Someone on one of the watch towers probably forgot to put on their silencer. I am sure there is nothing to worry about. It would not be the first time." She said to all of the kids that were with me in the daycare.
I felt like stepping in and telling all of them that there was a fire going on outside, but hearing multiple more gunshots stepped in for me first. This time the gunshots kept on spraying and the kids freaked out even more than before. Even the lady began looking quite a bit worried.
She did not say anything to the kids that were in the daycare with us this time. She instead left all of the kids behind and then she ran out of the front door. I wanted to say she was going to make sure that we would be okay, but I was not too sure about that.
I looked at James, he had saw his mother go out and he thought it would be a smart idea to follow her. No one seemed to notice, instead all of the kids hid under tables or ran to closets or bathrooms, they were doing exactly what they had been taught.
But this was not weather, they did not seem to understand about that. Gunshots did not just rain down from the sky, plus the air was perfectly fine today. I wondered what it could be, I realized what it probably was.
I then ran over to the front door and then locked it, James and his mom were out there somewhere. But I was not worried about them, and all the other kids in the daycare had not seemed to have noticed what I had done in the first place. They were all so busy crying and freaking out.
I ran back to the back corner just like before. I heard for gunshots, but this time they were a lot closer, like right outside of the daycare closer, and then the gunshots were all around the community.
This had to be like the day that had happened a long time ago. As long as we kept the doors closed we would be fine, we had plenty of food to make it past us for a good amount of time. The fire, it had probably burnt down the walls.
I looked over to see if the walls were still in tact, when I looked over I saw that the walls were completely torn down in that entire section, which meant that the gunshots were pulling so many dead towards those walls.
I felt like stepping in and being a leader for all of the kids in the daycare, but instead a just decided to sit in the corner and freak out just like the rest of them. I heard many kids crying, many of them were yelling. I just sat there completely still. I wondered if Chris was in the other room and if he was going to be okay.
Suddenly I heard a quick click of the the door like someone was trying to get in, it was probably James mom. She had the key. I was not worried about it and thankfully no one else in hear was freaking out about it. Instead everyone just went into absolute silence.
I heard shouting, it sounded like men to me which confused me a bit. Clearly that was not James mother there, unless it were other people trying to take the kids out and bring them to a safer place.
"You have the keys from that lady right?" One of the guys yelled to the other. The other guy said something back, and I heard a kid crying from outside, it was definitely James. No one in the daycare said anything though. I sat there and tried my best to listen through all the gunshots in the background.
"Yeah, I got it, lets come and get some of these kids!" The guy said. I looked around at everyone. I did not like the way that guy had said kids, I shivered but I just figured that I should wait it out. They were probably here to help us. I was thinking to deep into it.
The door then began slowly opened and a bunch of dudes walked in, I had not seen any of them before, but too be fair I had not met all that many people in the community in the first place. All 3 of them had a weird smile on all of their faces.
All of the kids looked at them a bit confused, I could tell that none of them noticed them either. Which made it even more scary to me. I was thinking too deep, they could be from the other side of the community. I felt a shiver go down my spine anyways though.
Then one of the kids near the front began freaking out and crying, I wanted to head over and see what it was, but they were obviously heading into the place anyways, and there was a quick escape for me through the back door if I really needed to.
I watch as the first guy walked in with a large assault rifle and a big grin on his face. I was a bit confused as too what he was so happy about. Then from the front I heard even more kids begin freaking out and crying.
I watched as the other 2 guys walked in, the first guy walked in holding James down. For a second I thought maybe that he had him there just to make sure that he was in a safe area. But then all saw the 2nd guy walking in with a lady in his arms and he was laughing.
There were 2 deep wounds in the lady's head and I instantly knew who it was. I saw James crying and now I knew why, it was his mother. The men must have shot her. But still, I tried thinking maybe somehow they might have thought that she was one of the dead and they had done it on accident.
But the looks and the smiles on their faces had a deeper meaning to all of it. I looked at them for a few moments, they were laughing, the guys were sick. How could they think killing a woman and showing it to the kids could be funny to them?
I felt sick and I felt like I was going to vomit for a few moments, but I still managed to keep watching. The guy in the front yelled to the other 2 for some reason, even though they were right beside him.
"Get the others, I keep the kids here for now, we just hit the jackpot." The guy said to the other 2, they both nodded, 1 of the guys threw James to the ground, and then the other just dropped his mom down and they both ran out of the room.
I knew what I had to do now, before it was too late and they noticed me. I opened the door really quick. Perhaps a bit too loud as the guy in the front yelled something to me that I could not quite hear. I ran off, running faster than I had ever ran before.
I needed to find someone, or find somewhere to hide, whatever was going on, was clearly not like last time. I thought of the direction to run. I saw the walls laying on the ground heavily burnt down and I saw many of the dead bursting through it.
I decided to go in the opposite direction, the smartest play here would be to go to Lilly's, she would be the safest move right now. She would know where to take me a how to take care of me in case the worse was going on.
I nodded to myself, then I began running as fast as I could to get over there, 5 minutes, that's all it would take if I was going as fast as possible, I thought to myself in my head. Lilly had told me that in case I was upset or something happened.
Something was happening, right now. I was trying not to be scared, but my brother and my sister were both out there somewhere, my sister had just left yesterday on a mission. She would not be back for a long time.
I saw Lilly's place not too far away, but now that I saw that I was close my body began deteriorating... I kept going as fast as I could. Just like my sister had told me, you never know when it could be life or death. In second slower, and it could be death for me.
Once I was there I ran on to the front porch and then began knocking at the door. When she did not respond, I then began ringing it, this time I heard her respond from outside. I ran over to the end of her house near her garden. She was sitting there a bit scared but she nodded happily as she noticed it was just me.
"Are you okay Lilly?"

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