Interlude 2

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I sat there, and I looked in the jail cell... I had been in here, for what? I was not even sure anymore... I stopped counting the days about a month in, because that is when I gave up on hope. I just stared at the wall, and I thought of absolutely nothing...
There was no hope anymore, there was nothing that could be done at this point. I had thought that maybe the community could come back, and maybe attack them. I shook that thought off, there was more people in the attack that day then there were in our whole community.
Not to even mention the insanely large jail cell that I could not see the end of. There had to be a couple thousand in here. No... There was no way, they had taken most of our best men and women. They had taken our future with our children... There was nothing left anymore.
My brothers, hell... Who knows what they might have been told by Shannon, I knew that she had betrayed us... No one would believe it, because there was no one to lay witness on the scene that had occured that day. He had killed all of them, the whole council...
It was a smart move, in the end game, he was going to steal half of the supplies from our community twice a year... It would be enough for them to survive, barely at least. But people would not be happy with it, and I knew it, once they came in.
A lot of people might start a rebellion, that would not last very long... This community was far to big for anything like that, if anyone tried something like that, they would be killed, or they would end up like me... Trapped in this cell for eternity.
I knew I could get out, I knew there was a way... I knew that he liked me... The leader that is, he denies it, but I he comes to my cell more than anyones... The people around me told me he used to never come in here, until I showed up.
At first I thought it was because he was trying to get info from me, but after I had given him all that I could, I had sort of lied about a lot of it, so if he found out he would not have noticed that I had lied... But it was at least enough to give us a fighting chance.
I just was not sure how much longer the community would last, there had to be less than a thousand people left in there now... I knew that they would revolt, that is just the type of people that we were...
It would not be a very good ending for them, that was one thing that I was sure about. I just closed my eyes, and then I layed down on the bed, a very uncomfortable one none the less, but it was no worse than the other cell mates that were around me.
One of the cell mates I knew, Anderson, he had gone on quite a few missions with me recently... He had been allowed to get out, and start working with this community, but he denied them, and told them that they should just kill him. They didn't, they just locked him in until he gave in.
At this point, I was about sure that he was going to give in any day now, I knew that he was tired of sleeping in that bed every day and every night. Eating nasty leftover scraps from who know where... London said they were the meat of the dead.
He laughed about it, it just was not funny to me. He always expected me to laugh back at all of the things that he said for some reason. That is how I knew he had an affection for me... Weirdly enough as well, considering that he had a couple more wives that he had, he just did not have the same affection as he did for me. I sat there for a little while longer, it was dark outside but it was hard to sleep.
All I did was sleep in here, there was nothing in here to keep me in shape or to wear me out, I had been gaining a little bit of weight as I had begun to notice, I usually did eat the same amount, often leaving half of it in the plate, but I had been stuck in this cell for so long, I had not been able to work out.
I turned my head, and then I looked at the cell door. I saw someone walking towards me, but it was not London this time. He was for shorter and skinnier then the likes of London... Not that the guy was skinny, it was just the fact that London was huge compared to him.
The guy was walking over to me with a smile on his face, but it did not look like the normal evil smile as most of the people that worked here had, this guy had a genuine and heart warming smile... I just could not get a good glimpse of his face.
As he got a little bit closer, and I squinted my eyes to see a little bit better, I realized who it was right away and my heart stopped... This could not be real, surely right?

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