Chapter 8: Sleep Good

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As we kept on walking, a few times, either Kim, or the other guy that I had not quite got the name of yet would stop and kill one of the dead that were getting in our way. I noticed that something was up with Sasha, I could not quite tell what it was, but something was just not right with her.
I wanted to believe that her apology was true, but the look on her face was telling me otherwise. Maybe it was just because she was tired such as I, but the way she was walking was different than the way I was. You could tell that I was tired if you looked me in my eyes.
For Sasha, I could not see that look in hers, it almost felt like she had no emotions right now. Either that, or she was just not thinking about any, or she was not able to think of any. I shook my head though, we could talk about it later, right now I needed some much needed rest.
I had to clear my head from so many different thoughts, and when I woke up, that was when I could worry about where Liam might be. If he was not at Lilly's and Lilly was okay, then there was only one other place that they could be at... Where the rest of the kids might be of course.
I did not want to think about what they did not kids, Tony had already told me all that I needed to know. Tony as well could be a liar, he could have known all along, he could have just said all that to scare us. I was not sure though, that other guy we were talking to in the cellar, he sure as hell acted like Tony had said.
To be truthful, I was not sure what to believe anymore, my sister could have very well betrayed us. I may have not known her as well as I thought I had, she always acted a bit strange to me, but I always thought she was like that because of all the shit she had been through.
I closed my eyes and kept on walking with the rest of our small little group. I wondered if Christian had heard the gunshots, he probably had, or maybe he was asleep and had not. But most of the time he was not asleep, I would check in on him at night and he would just be staring at the ceiling.
I opened my eyes, as I noticed that we were walking into someones yard, if I had to guess, it was probably Kim or the other guy that was with us. It was a bit of a larger house, it would make sense, usually the people that were important had the nicer houses.
Except maybe the house that me and Angela lived at. But that was Angela's own decision, she could have chosen a nicer house if she had wanted to, but the house she had chose had a much larger yard than a lot of other houses, and she liked to practice many things in our yard.
Many days that she was at the house, I would see her shooting arrows into a target that was sitting on a tree. She was usually pretty accurate, but time to time she would have a mishap, and she would look over at me with a bit of an embarrassed look on her face.
It was times like those, they were about some of the only few times that I would be able to get any emotions from my sister. I blinked a few times trying to clear out any more thoughts of my sister, if she had betrayed us... It would be best if I did not think of her, all she had done could have been fake.
I wanted to say that it could not be possible, but it very well could be... I knew that she had taken in me and Liam almost as if she was the mother, when our real mother had died, and my father had passed a long time ago.
There was so much proving to be otherwise however, I just shook my head. I could talk to someone about it later if I had to do so. Maybe even Sasha, since she was back with me I suppose... But the look on her face told me otherwise, the guy in the front looked at us a bit upset, and I looked over at him to hear what it was that he was about to say to us.
"Can you guys hurry the hell up? I've got a family I need to check in on..." He said to us. I looked at him a bit surprised, the guy was a bit of a dick if I was going to be honest. But at least he was not evil, I would rather take someone who was a dick, over someone that was evil.
I looked over at him and then nodded, then I nudged at Sasha to get her attention, but it seemed like she was out of it, she was just following us right now. I wondered what was going on in her head right now, if there even was anything happening in there...
Kim stepped up for me and Sasha, and looked over at the guy a bit upset. Stepping in between me and Sasha, but quietly talking at the same time to not disturb any of the dead that were nearby, and luckily there were not many that were too close, because both me and Sasha were out of it.
"Donald! They are kids... The girl clearly has a concussion, she needs rest... The boy looks like he has not slept in nearly a week." Kim said, stepping up for me and Sasha. I looked at her and nodded to her, thanking her for speaking what I could not put into words.
Donald looked over at us, and he just rolled his eyes at us. He then kept on walking, but I could tell it was almost at a jogging rate, we were so close to the house anyways, I did not see why he was so upset, we had already gone so far, if anything... He was the one slowing us down, I did not like this guy all that much at all.
I began walking a bit faster, and making sure that Sasha was keeping up as well. She was luckily, but it almost seemed like she did not even recognize what she was doing. I remembered that Kim had just said she had a concussion, it made sense as to why she was acting like the way she was right now.
We kept on walking, up to the point as to where we were on the front porch of the house. Kim unlocked the door, signifying that it was clearly her house that we were walking into. Once the door was opened, Kim looked around, holding her gun out at the same time.
Almost as if she was worried someone might be inside of the house at the same time. But I did not think that there would be anyone in her house, so I thought that I may as well let her know that we were going to be okay to walk into the place, the sooner I was gone from the outside world, the better...
"The people that attacked us are gone, I don't think anyone is just going to randomly be in your house." I said to her. She looked at me for a few moments, and then she looked back inside the house with a bit of a laugh, as if she was laughing at what I had just said to her.
We kept on looking inside the house for a few more moments, but it seemed like we were okay to walk in now. The look on Kim's face was saying something completely different, it almost looked as if she was scared for some reason, which I was not sure as to why that might be so.
"It isn't the other people that I am worried about..." She whispered back to me. I looked at her a bit confused as she then looked at the rest of us and then nodded. "Come on, lets come in, but be quiet, there might be some of the dead inside..."
I looked at her a still surprised and confused as to why she might be so afraid of the dead being inside the house. Was she always like this? Clearly the door was locked, so the place should be safe... How would any of the dead possibly be able to get into the house?
As we walked in to the house, I heard footsteps from another room. I could not tell if it was from the dead, or if there was a living person in the other room. Or even worse, I had not thought about the fact that Kim might have her own family. My brain was not thinking straight because I was so tired.
"Pat? Connor? Are you in there?" Kim whispered loudly, as the front door closed behind us. Donald then did his best to make sure we knew that he had locked it as well. There was no response for a few moments, my hopes were grim, Pat and Connor must be her kids...
But then I heard the footsteps come closer and closer to our side of the wall, and then I heard a door unlock... So unless the dead could now open doors, it seemed like Kim had been lucky, and her kids were still alive. I nodded as I saw 2 kids, a boy and a girl walk into the room with us.
There faces were scared, but as soon as the saw the face of their mother they ran over to her and she swooped down and gave them a big hug. I smiled at them, I would do something like that when I found Liam... If I found Liam of course, I closed my eyes, trying not to think of the worst thing possible.
I looked over at Sasha, she did not even look like she even knew what was going on around her right now... Out of all of us, she was the one that needed the rest the most. The kids then looked over at me and Sasha, a bit scared. I did not blane them, I knew they must have heard the gunshots going on all day.
"I told you... I would be safe... Can you find a place for the girl to rest? I need to talk to Ben and Donald." Kim said to her kids. They looked at her and then nodded. Then they ran over to Sasha and grabbed on to her hand, Sasha looked around a bit confused for a few moments.
Then eventually I could tell she realized what was going on around her. She then nodded, as the began walking into the other room. I was about to say something about letting Sasha in the room for whatever it might be, because if she still wanted to be trained by me, then I definitely would.
But Sasha was just about out of it anyways, so I thought best not to, as I watched her head into the other room, with Kim's kids... This time, I knew that she would be safe the next time I saw her, the community was safe right now, even though it wasn't at the same time with all of the dead walking around.
Sasha would know better now then to walk out into the open with all of the dead all around her, I wondered why she had been doing that in the first place... Maybe it was because she was worried, and she was wondering why there were a bunch of gunshots like many others.
Once the kids and Sasha were out of the room, Kim then coughed to get me and Donald's attention. I looked over at her and then nodded to let her know that I was listening. But it seemed like Donald was the one that had his mind in another place right now.
"Do either of you know what the hell happened? Obviously we were attacked. But does anyone know into detail what happened? I was locked up in the house with the kids once I heard the first gunshots." Kim said to us. Donald looked at the ground a bit sad, I looked at her and then nodded.
This time, I was the one that needed to step up, these were important people just like me, and they needed to know what had happened today, minus a few parts that I did not want to really put in, in the case that they might blame me for what had happened.
"I came back just earlier, I found you when I was heading to see if my wife was okay... That's when I heard the gunshots, and we went to go save you and your girlfriend." Donald responded to her. I looked at the ground blushing a bit, but they did not seem to notice anything about it luckily, or they just did not really care.
Kim looked over at him and then nodded, then she and Donald both looked over at me to hear my part of the story. Once I noticed that they were both looking at me for the answers, I looked up at both of them, and figured I would tell them just about everything that I knew had happened...
"I came back yesterday evening, we locked down all of the gates... So we should be safe..." I said to them. Donald looked away for a few moments, he looked as if he had a bit of an afraid look on his face, which I was confused of for a few moments.
Then I realized that he had just said he was going to go check and see if his wife was okay. It was probably the reason that he was also rushing us not too long ago when we had not gotten into the house quite yet... It was beginning to make sense to me, maybe he wasn't so much of a dick as I had got from my first impression.
"So none of us know anything as to what happened? We aren't the only ones alive right? Where is Christian? Isn't he still training you?" She said to me. I looked at her and then nodded, I had completely forgotten to tell them the rest of the story.
They both looked at me, Donald still looked like he was in a rush, so I figured that I ought to get this over with as soon as possible. I then nodded continuing on with my part in all that I knew that had happened to the community.
"We found another community... They had been attacked like us... That is what happened to the other community many years ago... The theories were true." I said to them. Kim looked at me a bit surprised, but then she nodded for me to continue on with what I was saying.
But just before I was able to, Donald stepped in and began talking over me. I listened to what it was that he felt like he had to say.
"That depends on what theories you mean... The attack theories weren't the only theories..." Donald said to me. I looked at him and then I nodded. What he had said was pointless, if he really wanted to go make sure his wife was okay, he was doing a terrible job, and was wasting a hell of a lot of time.
"We came back... But we were too late... The other community that we found is going to be joining us, we are going to talk with them and see if there is anything we can do... The killed half of our community and took another half out of that... I don't think there is many of us left." I said to her. She looked at me and then she nodded to me.
Donald seemed to be thinking about something completely different right now, so I was basically talking to just Kim right now it seemed like. Kim looked at me still a bit confused, and I nodded to her to let her talk.
"So who agreed to all of this? And who told you all of this?" She said to me. I looked at her, and then nodded. It was a good question, and the answer to it, I was still not too sure about it yet either. Whether or not I was ready to believe what Shannon had really said.
Kim looked at me waiting for me to respond to the question that she had just asked me. I then looked up, and I began talking to her.
"Well... This is just what Shannon had said... She made a deal... Either they kill all of us and take everything we have... Or they kill half of us, and come back twice a year and take half of what we have..." I said to her. She looked at me a bit surprised, but then she nodded in the end.
She then lowered her head to the ground, I could tell that she was questioning Shannon's decision just like I was. I was still not ready to believe that it was not Shannon that was the one that had betrayed us... But at the same time, why would she do that?
There was just so many questions, that I had no answers to. I looked down at the ground, just like Kim was. But this time, Donald began talking, and it seemed like he was paying full attention to everything that I had just said to both of them.
"That seems a bit fishy, she just made a dela with them? At the same time they were destroying us?" He said, not asking a question at us, but more so as if he was just confused as to why Shannon would do something like that, and at the same time... How could she have done that?
I had not even thought of it like that, but I am sure we would get the answers in due time. First we needed to check and see how many people were actually alive in the community... It seemed like there was a lot more alive than I had originally thought there might be.
"That is a good question... We will talk about it tonight though... Donald, you go make sure your wife is okay... And Ben, go get yourself some sleep, you look like you are about to pass out in front of us right now." She said to me. I looked at her thanking her. Donald looked at her and then he nodded.
Then he began walking over to the front door of Kim's nice house. He opened the door, and then looked at us and nodded. Then I saw him begin heading off to wherever it was that his wife lived at. I watched him through the window, and then I looked back over at Kim.
"Where is a good place that I can sleep at for the night?" I asked her. She kept on looking at a painting on the wall for a few moments, I looked at it as well. It looked like a painting of Kim, and she was kissing a man... I did not know who the man was... But whoever had made the painting had done a damn good job.
Kim then looked over at me, her focus then turning over to what I had just said. I looked at her and then nodded, she could have all the time she needed right now. She probably had just as many questions going on through her head as I did right now.
"There is a room on the right, its a guest room... Sasha should be in there sleeping. So you will have to sleep with her if that is okay with you." She said to me. I looked at her a bit surprised for a few moments, and then I nodded to her.
I wondered if she was testing if me and Sasha were together, because I could have easily slept on one of these comfortable looking couches surely right? I looked at the ground not thinking to deeply about it. It did not really matter, I was not sure if me and Sasha were together right now anyways.
I was just tired, sleep was the only thing that I could think about at the moment. Sasha was the last thing on my mind, she had not been talking to me lately so I doubt that we were really in a relationship together.
"Thank you Kim... Not just for letting us have a place to stay for the night... But you also saved us..." I said to her. She looked at me for a few moments, and then she nodded and then smiled at me, I smiled back at her, I was grateful for what she had done.
I am sure that a lot of people would have been afraid to go anywhere near a heard and a bunch of gunshots. This was not the first time that Kim had saved me from a heard of the dead. As I began walking down the hallway to the room she told me about, I heard her say one last thing to me.
"Ben... Sleep good..."

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