Fuck the royal guard, man

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Stahp i coulda dropped my croissant 

(If i am using mythical creatures wrong, or have invalid facts feel free to call me out lol)


A orange haired woman sat at a desk as she ground up various herbs meticulously and putting them into small jars. These were just simple remedies for things such as the common flue, sore throats, and the such. 

Ava was a herbalist, and the only one in her small town as well. Imuchakk was a tiny town in the Kingdom of Humans, ruled by a cruel and unjust King, Enji Todoroki, or Endeavor. The man had stepped up after the finest king the humans had died, All Might. 

The bell rang and Ava's lime orbs looked up to see an aged woman step in with a child. 

"Holo, Mrs. Unia. Need more of the back ointment?" Ava's heavy Scottish accent rang out in the small wooden shop. Standing up and searching through her shelves full of various ointments and herbs. 

"No no, deary. That won't be necessary, I still have some. My grandson here hasn't been feeling well, so I need you to check him out please. I fear he is deathly ill." The aged woman grabbed a young boy's hand and tugged him forward gently. He looked to be about 12 years old, so he was bound to be living on his own soon. 

It was a very common practice to kick ones kids out once they were 13, it's kind of like disowning them. Though, this old tradition is dying out as people are now keeping their kids until they'er ready to leave 'the nest'.

Ava felt the young man's pulse as well as his forehead. "Yer talkin' mince lady. He ain't got nothin' worse then a cold." Ava concluded grabbing a small vile. "It's most likely from ther dreich weather'. That'll be 20 yuel."  Ava said, some of her Scottish slang confusing the lady and her grandson. 

Yuel was the common currency throughout the world. Consisting of bronze, silver, and gold coins. (20 yuel is the equivalent to 10 US dollars)

The lady paid, blushing furiously at the fact she had stressed over something so simple. Walking out with her grandson and the woman's hair brushing against her knees as she walked, Ava watched and muttered under her breath "Yer face lookin' like a skelpted erse-" 

Ava wasn't particularly liked by the people of Imuchakk, but it's not like they had a choice in the matter. The people usually tried to not talk to Ava, she was always cursing at people with her Scottish slang and generally hard to understand with her thicc accent. Ha. Normies. 

Closing up shop as soon as the duo left, Ava began to pack up some supplies to head out to the woods. In her dark brown satchel, Ava packed a semi stale piece of bread and a couple of jars for herbs, her ukulele and whatnot. And of-fucking-course Ava's switch blade. You know how many dudes have tried to jump and or rape Ava? A lot for her tiny town. 

Leaving out the window as per usual, Ava wondered through the snow covered ground and into the forest. Though woman wearing dresses was looked down upon the Human Kingdom, it wasn't uncommon in Imuchakk. It was always freezing in this district, and dresses, here comes the shocker, and not too good at insulating the warmth. It was also very common for men and woman alike to grow out their hair to extreme length. The old woman's from earlier brushed up against the middle of her calf's at full length, while Ava's barely reached mid thigh in a braid. 

It was about mid day, and the forest looked as magical as ever. Entering the forest Ava was almost immediately greeted by faes and fairies. Along with a couple mythical animals who know Ava would never harm them, even the trees seemed to creek and groan in high spirits. 

Nature did always favor Witches, after all. 

"Holo, holo, yes I brought the bread." Ava spoke, accent as thicc as ever. She never left the house without some sort of offering to the forest, as it was magical like the creatures that lived there. Guaranteed, if Ava ever killed an animal for her own selfish gain, the creatures would be angered and attack Ava to either kick her out or kill. 

The faes and fairies seemed to argue in their own little language taking small chunks of the loaf, as Ava gave a couple pieces to a deer or two and a bunny. In return, the animals and fairies would lead her to hard to find herbs and dead animals she could scavenge for food. Often times when a animal was sickly, they would go to Ava so she could work her magic and end their life with no pain. 

One of the faes started to chirp much like a bird, pointing over into a deeper part of the woods. Following the fae, Ava was lead to a bush surrounded with saffron. The most expensive culinary herb in the entire world, and quite the catch. Picking most of the saffron, Ava decided she should get going to prepare dinner. It looked to be about 7:00 pm? Where did all the time go, because Ava swears if she has to stay up late making dinner again she will not hesitate to poison one of the ungrateful old men- 

Making her way back into town, her boots wet from the snow Ava stumbled into the town center. Royal guards were in the center, and the general on a horse his armor covered in red feathers. Most likely from harpies he's slayed. Maybe a Griffin or two.

"As deemed by the King, anyone who has mythical blood running through them, or associates with such creatures will be hung for their crimes. We are at war, and these people will be charges with treason and be treated accordingly. If you turn a traitor in, we shall pay you for your service to our great kingdom." The general read from a scroll, and Ava cursed quietly. 

Speed walking away from the crowd, Ava rushed home.

Packing anything that would help her survive, Ava began to wrap up delicate potions in articles of clothing, as well as knives and a small pan to cook in. Grabbing a old black book off the shelf once the orange haired girl heard someone pounding on her door. 

Bolting it out her back door just in time, Ava ran to the only for sure place she knew.

The forest. 


Definitely more serious then my other books :/

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