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Chris is that a police?!

No it's a--

I'm calling the weed!

420 watcha smockin?

ALSO any misspellings during dialogue are on purpose to properly show Ava's Scottish accent. I'm sorry if you Scottish and I'm literally getting you're whole accent wrong, or using slang incorrectly.


Ava starred blankly as the blond, who by the way, was still face first in the water. 

"What kind of' fuckin jobby is this?" Ava finally reacted, pulling the blond up and out of the water. There was a very deep gash going from his V line to just behind his shoulder, and it was a fucking miracle he was (probably) alive. The gash was definitely a very much new addition to his body, barely even scabbed over and still bleeding visibly. 

"Ah fuck me, this ain't tha kinda shit I signed up fer'." Dragging him to land with great difficulty, Ava felt if he was breathing. 

"That can't be gud.."  Ava racked her brain for anything that could help, uh, I don't know, save this man's life. 

Tilting his head up, Ava connected their lips. No in the romantic way sadly, is was literally her just breathing into the unknown man's mouth, which was actually pretty gross. The man suddenly threw his body to the side and coughed out the water in his lungs, before promptly passing out once more. Except this time it was probably due to blood loss. 

Ava groaned and face palmed, "What theh fuck ami? A charity?"

The dragon had passed out a while ago, luckily after hauling it's body back onto land. Carefully dragging the ash blond over to the red beast, Ava got prepared to save these bitches lives.

Opening her backpack, Ava sifted through broken bottles and wet clothes. Tumbling down the cliff had broken nearly all her potions, granted they were not very well made, but still they could have helped in this particular situation. 

"Ahah! Me good Gin!" Somehow, Ava's managed to pack her best bottle of alcohol and it magically survived her little tumble. 

Looking between the hunky blond and her precious Gin, Ava debated drinking it and disinfecting the wounds on the stranger.

"Ah, fuck me. Ami goin' soft er somethin'?" Ava asked herself, pulling the cap of the bottle off with her teeth. Man, the orange haired girl was genuinely sad she was about to waste a very nicely refined Gin on a strangers wounds. 

Placing a hand on his (very) muscular chests to hold him down in case he woke up during the excruciating pain disinfecting his wounds would cause. Taking a swig of the Gin before tipping the bottle onto the strangers wounds. 

Ava really didn't think through how her flimsy toothpick of an arm was going to hold down such a built male, the second the Gin made contact with the wounds Ava was pinned to the ground. 

The man straddling her was panting heavily, eyes wide in panic. Calm down, we don't want a panic at the disco- FOREST. 

"Who the actual FUCK do you think you're doing!?" The man screamed, obviously not thinking straight. I mean, he pinned Ava by her shoulders to the ground. He didn't even go for the neck! Was this man delusional!? You always go for the neck! 

"What the fuck is wrong wit you!? I literally am tryna save yer life!" Ava screamed back with the same intensity, still holding the bottle of Gin. What? If she had dropped it the orange haired girl would have wasted it!

"By pouring alcohol on em' is helpin' me how!?" Ah yes, the blond was finally in the right mind set. He was now holding Ava down by the throat, I was almost concerned he had brain damage for not going for the neck. 

"What are ye?! A fuckin' bampot!? It's to disinfect the wound!" Ava yelled, pushing on his chest to sit up. Blood was getting all over her, and she was already freezing, covered in mud and cuts of her own from the cliff. 

The man's ruby eyes got all hazy before passing out on top of Ava. Crushing her boobs in the process, Ava let out a weak yelp of pain trying to push the guy off of her before he turned her D cup to a flat chest. Successfully rolling him off of herself, Ava contemplated leaving this man here to die.

'That would give me a whole bucket of karma.. Not to mention the grudge the forest would have against me if i left the dragon to die.. Ah fuck me.'

Ava dug through her bag for some gauze that hopefully wasn't wet from broken potions. Luckily, there was one roll at the very bottom of her bag, nearly untouched by the havoc the poor bag went through. The life of a bag named Bob. Someone should make a book on that. 

Deeming that the Gin Ava poured earlier was enough, the ginger realized a problem.

This was a full grown man. At least 6'1 in height and very muscular. Which meant he was very heavy, as Ava had learned when she was dragging his ass to land. So how the actual fuck was Ava supposed to get the dumbo to stay sitting up long enough for her to wrap his injuries? Which was still bleeding, if you were wondering. 


The trick was leverage! 

Ava got him to balance in a half sitting up position as the green eyed girl wrapped up the deep as fuck gash that was half the size of Ava's body. Now the orange haired girl was covered in mud, sticks, her own dried blood, and some strangers blood. Fun. 

Currently, the girl had set up a fire next to the red beast along with some poor little racks to hold up some of her extra clothes, that had previously been covered in potions. Ava rinsed them out in the lake, and as for the fire, that was completely by chance. She had set up some wood, and was about to try and figure out how to light it when the dragon breathes out a ton of fire. BAM! Instant fire. 

We're not even going to talk about how long Ava had to pep talk herself into even approaching the dragon. What? She did not want to loose an arm to that thing. He or she. Whatever, Ava doesn't assume genders. Unlike Rich from her ex village. Mother fucker---

Ava ran a hand through her obnoxiously long hair, grunting when it got stuck in the tangles. Did Ava want to brush that? Fuck no. So like any sane person, Ava just threw it into a ponytail which she would surely regret later once the sheer amount of tangles would make her consider death.

The pale girl smelled herself. Yep, smelt like something died and then a skunk shat on it. But was she going to take a bath?Tomorrow. 

If she isn't eaten by the dragon, that is. 


Quarantine may just be the best thing to ever happen to me. 

Like covid sucks and all, but i love this isolation shit

legit just an excuse for what my life already was

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