Kirishima the not-so-effective bufferzone

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Gimme yo fuckin money! 


Law and order 
special victims unit

warning: i bullshit half the mythology in this book, so if you know how a lot of this crap works, you're going to get extremely triggered 


"Who the fuck am I?! I'm the fuckin person who save yer bloody ass!" Ava yelled at the blond man in front of her, Bakugou, as Kirishima called him. 

He didn't budge, continuing to glare heatedly at Ava. Ungrateful brat.

"Hey! Wow! Bakugou, chill! Ava patched us up!" Kirishima came running, huge logs in his arms. 

Bakugou turned his fiery stare to the red head. "Yeah, and? She's a filthy human." 

And Ava was almost offended. 

How dare he call her a human? Those things sucked. I mean, it's not like she was going to correct him. And she was technically half human, but still. 

Witches and Wizards were the original along with a various amount of subcategories. Ava would fall under the subcategory witch half breed, as she was half human as well. It's not like she was a perfect 50/50 half breed, mostly witch and then some human. Otherwise mythics wouldn't be naturally attracted to her and she wouldn't be able to use magic. Much less brew elixirs.  

Bakugou, either hesitantly or begrudgingly, pulled back his sword. Then the two males had a weird little gay stare off, while Ava just covered her boobs with one arm as the other one held onto the surface so she didn't just plummet into the absurdly deep lake.

"This is just fan-fucking-tastic and all, but can yer two stop standin' 'round like o' bunch of dobbers? If yer haven't noticed, am in me birthday-suit."

Kirishima's face matched his hair, turning to cover his eyes thus causing him to drop the logs. And Bakugou looked uninterested. Or bored. Maybe both.

As Bakugou was forced to leave by the resident ed-velvet cake, Ava got out of the lake in a semi rush. Some-fucking-thing brushed up against her leg, and the Ava was not about to loose an entire foot to whatever lived in the lake. 

Once out, the bright and really hot sun dried up most of the water quickly. Giant ball of murderous fire. 

The spare clothes Ava had weren't exactly suited for the whether, or the sun in general, so all the green eyed girl had was a long sleeve white tight-fitted shirt with baggy sleeves, a brown leather half vest that didn't really serve any purpose. Black pants, and thigh high brown leather boots. 

(I do not own the art, i can't draw for shit)

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(I do not own the art, i can't draw for shit)


Her feet were already sweating, and it hadn't even been five minutes. 

Then a realization dawned on Ava.

In the panic rush to pack her shit and go go go, she forgot many things. 

As well as she brush.

So now all she had were her fingers, a single hair tie, and hair about half the length of her entire body. 

Braid? Braid.

Hotel? Trivago-

I mean, what?

Walking over to where Kirishima and Bakugou were, all the while running her hands through her damp and extremely knotted hair. 

"So what the fuck happened to yer guys?" Ava asked, silently thanking who ever caught the rabbit they were currently roasting. 

"Is it any of your damn business, wench?" The ruby eyed male shot back, continuing to turn the rabbit.

Ava raised a single eyebrow. "Uh, yes it is. I the one who patched yer sorry asses up." rolling her eyes, the orange haired female stood by Kirishima, deeming him the buffer-zone between her and Bakugou.  

"We got attacked by a group called 'The League' and they ambushed us. We got separated from our group in the initial attack, and well, crash-landed here. You found us, yada yada yada, now we're here!" Kirishima explained enthusiastically, making wild hand gestures. 

Ava blinked unimpressed with the adorably male. "The stupid fucks that declared war on the Mythic nation?" 

Bakugou snorted. 

"Uh, yeah." Kirishima scratched the back of his head. "That'd be them." 

Ava hummed in response, and then the three were left in a awkward silence as they all watched the rabbit cook. 

"So why the fuck is a human like you so far away from those shit villages, or whatever you call them." Bakugou asked, leaning back on the rock he was on only to wince. Really, it was a miracle he was moving around so much and not just groaning in pain every two seconds. 

Ava glanced at him with a serious case of RBF, but internally she was semi freaking out. 

'Do I jus' say oi got chased away by soldiers cause' I'm a witch? Because I'm too fuckin' young to get eaten by a dragon.'

The ash blond raised a brow at her silence. 

"...Oi pissed off some guards' by protesting against our shit 'king' Endeavor. Got chased by the fucks, fell off a cliff, walked maybe eight miles' then  found you sad fucks." Ava summarized, making eye contact with the man who seemed to have a constipated 24/7. 

Kirishima frowned. "So.. you got chased away from your village because you protested against your King? Where will you go now?" 

Ava paused. I mean, she felt kind of bad for lying, but he did make a good point. Where the hell was she supposed to go? Literally all the family she knew of was dead. Or missing. Or missing and dead. 

"I'll probably' go an meet up wit me friend in the northern part of the Mythic Nation, oi guess." Ava shrugged. Keigo, her Hawk familiar, had been sent there because it's kind of hard to keep a giant Hawk hidden from her Mythic hating village. Slash Kingdom. 

Long story very short, Ava had forced Keigo to go and abandon her to go meet some other familiar honeys in the northern. Aka knock up a couple of female familiars and in general have a great time. 

'I wonder how concerned he was when he felt all the pain i was in.'

Kirishima spat out all the spit in his mouth. "You're going alone!? To the most dangerous and harsh part of the Mythic Nation!? By yourself!?" and Bakugou snorted. 

"Yeah, if you survive to meet your friend." maybe the blond did believe her, maybe he didn't, you'll never know.

Ava rolled her eyes. "At least oi didn't crash land from runnin' away from o' bunch of low-lives and get seriously injured." 

"At least i didn't fall down a cliff running away from a bunch of shitty human guards." Bakugou narrowed his eyes on the orange haired girl as Kirishima sweated nervously. 

"G-guys, c'mon. Can't we all get along?" Kirishima weakly tried to calm the two down.

"No!" the two yelled in sync. But then started arguing because they yelled it in sync. 

Kirishima sweat dropped, before freaking out as he smelt the burning flesh of the rabbit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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