Bath time, bitch

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It's Wednesday my dudes


(I hope y'all know what a Scottish accent sounds like, because you're gonna need some imagination half the time Ava in speaking.)


Waking up to someone poking your cheek with a stick is irritating, yes, but Ava would excuse their death sentence as it was an extremely attractive red haired male.

"Fuck, who're you?" Ava sat up, her head fairly fuzzy from dehydration and being done with this shit already.

The man smiled like a million suns, pointing to himself with his thumb proudly. "I'm the dragon from yesterday! Eijirou Kirishima at your service!" The extremely tall male, (or maybe Ava was just short) grinned with his eyes closed. Ava took this time to check him out as this motherfucker was ripped. Like, those abs though!

Leave Ava alone, if guys can check out girls butt's then she can check out abs.

Standing up, Looked around the shitty camp she had set up yesterday, or technically this morning as she probably only fished doing all that by like, two in the morning. And she didn't really believe the dude was the dragon, so looking for said beast was proven fruitless.

"Ava." the orange haired woman said, stretching not particularly fazed by the man being a dragon. She grew up around mythical creatures, even if it wasn't necessarily legal or approved by the elders (boomers) of her villages.

"Hah?" the half dragon hottie made a noise of confusion.

"My name is Ava." the lime eyed woman made her way over to the blond who was still passed out, but now his hair was all spiky cause it dried.

"No last name?" Kirishima questioned as he followed her to his ash blond companion like a lost puppy.

"It's customary her' for kids to get kicked out when they'er thirteen, and often times females loose their maiden names. Usually, woman only get last names once they get married." Ava responded, kind of checking over the built blond's body.

Kirishima froze, "Wait.. You're human?" He seemed more on edge and tense after the discovery. "I could have sworn you were some kind of mythic.. You're covered in magic residue."

Ava froze. Like, she was proud to be a Witch and all, but many species, mythical creatures included, didn't like witches. Like ogres, trolls and goblins. This was because all the witches that practiced magic eventually fell down the dark magic path, Ava's mother included.

Thinking fast Ava responded with something that wasn't entirely a lie, "I'm in the forest alot' and I hang 'round the faes and fairies in the forest."

Kirishima made an understanding face, before he looked to his blond companion worried. "Hey, are you a doctor or something?"

Ava snorted, "No way in hell." she checked on her clothes that she hung up yesterday, which was mostly dry.

"Really? Could've fooled me. You seem to know your way around this kind of stuff looking at how you handled Bakugou's injuries!" Kirishima was clearly trying to make some sort of decent conversation, but Ava was being a ass.

"I was a herbalist." Ava gathered her spare clothes, smelled herself and cringed, before looking at the lake. A bath couldn't hurt anyone, right?

Kirishima was probably talking, or asking a question as Ava cut him off. "Hey, I'm goin' to take a bath. You friend seems to be in a stable enough condition, and frankly, i stink." Ava pointed to the calm and clear lake behind her. Which was kind of weird as just yesterday Kirishima and the blond dude were bleeding everywhere in it. Oh my un-holy Satan, is Ava technically bathing in their blood?

Kirishima blushed but smiled nonetheless, "Sure! I'll go collect some fire wood! Bakugou doesn't look like he'll be waking up any time soon anyway." Kirishima proposed he left, obviously being a gentleman so that Ava could bathe in peace. And so he didn't look like a creep. Nodding, Ava was be lying if she said the red haired boy wasn't growing on her.

Just something about him, i guess. Probably his smile and how polite he was. Guys from her home town kind of just took what they wanted, and the woman never fought back. It's just how it was. Only woman who didn't look like a rat and fought back against men was Ava, and that's cause her Scottish dad was actually a decent man and told her to be an 'independent woman who don't need no man'.

Unbuttoning her thicc jacket and proceeding to strip, Ava was left in her underwear and a bandaged wrapped around her chest. Ava's lucky she hasn't ended up in prostitution, a brothel or slavery like so many other chicks.

But i assume you don't want to read about how horrible it is that boobs exist, so let's move on. Forth wall who? I don't know her.

jumping into the pond, Ava began to work at the knot of a bun her ridiculously long hair was in.

Swimming around in the pond, Ava felt refreshed at the lukewarm water. Just how far had she walked from her village? Warm baths were more rare then a guy who wasn't sexist. The ground was constantly covered in snow, and it was hard to farm anything. Hell, her job as a herbalist was barely afloat because of how little herbs there were.

In this part of the forest it was almost like the Spring she heard the rest of the Human kingdom experienced. Green grass, tall and healthy trees, animals that actually were out and about instead of hiding in fear of humans killing and eating them due to how little food there was. It wasn't uncommon for someone to get chunks of ice and heat them up in pots for simple meals like potato soup or just to drink.

Feeling clean, Ava swam to the rock were she left her change of clothes, which happened to be very impractical for this new environment. Looking up at the rock, Ava was met with the pleasant sight of the injured blond holding a dagger, which looked like a dragon tooth, at Ava.

Worst of all, the son of a bitch was indirectly holding her clothes hostage.

"Who the actual fuck are you, wench!?"


Should i start doing some sort of glossary of Scottish slang, or you guys good just using google?

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