How to run 101

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Why are you running!? 

Why are you running!?!?



Running into the forest, Ava could hear the guards not to far behind her. Cursing the King in every colorful Scottish curse word the orange haired woman could think of, she called for one of the fairies. 

"Hiding place! Now!" Ava shouted, for some reason the panic was making her accent more pronounced. Basically, her words were almost inaudible. 

The fairy grabbed her finger and led the orange haired girl as fast as she could, the same bush from earlier as a giant whole behind it. Big enough to hide Ava. She was just concerned about her bright orange hair drawing their attention. Maybe the cover of night would hide it, but lady luck wasn't always so merciful. 

The guards ran into the forest chasing Ava, killing any mythical creature they came across. Luckily, most of the faes and fairies flew away, but some were less then lucky. "In that bush! I see her orange hair!" 

'Ah fuck you, you bassa bawbag!' the equivalent of a bastard dickbag, provided by wiki. 

Running, Ava was so cursing Satan and every mythical creature on this green sphere floating in space. There was a cliff up ahead, and its not one you can jump off of and survive like in the books. The side of the cliff was covered in jagged rocks, and an entire tree protruding from the side. You drop? You done. 

Stopping Ava starred up at the lowlife guards, determined to take them with her if she was going to die. Pulling out her Grimoire, Ava pulling any and all moisture from the area. Snow malted in a flash and turned to water, and small droplets were taken from trees. 

"B-by order of.. the king.." The general began to speak, only to shut up after seeing two very pointy spikes of condensed water, that could very much kill him.

A magic circle glowing light blue circled around Ava, it took a moment to power up but  the men were impaled and blood spurted everywhere. Time to put into practice that one book Ava read called 'how to effectively hide a body, and get away with it'. The light from the attack actually eliminated the surrounding the area enough to catch a glimpse of all the bodies of the creatures the soldiers killed.

Only problem was, the initial force of the attack broke some of the very fragile ground on the cliff. Ava stumbled back, and obviously fell. Remember when I said someone wouldn't survive if they fell? Uh, yeah that still very much applies to Ava as badass as she is. 

Falling Ava scraped her back a couple times barreling down the edge, getting her barrings enough to actually grab onto one of the rocks. All the rocks were very sharp for plot convenience, and Ava sliced her palm open. No doubt most if not all the potions in Ava's bag were shattered, and Ava dropped her book in the fall.

Steadily beginning to make her way down, the orange haired woman was losing blood fast. She had scraped her back multiple times, and blood happened to be pooling out of the open wounds. 


The green eyed girl was climbing down the cliff for at least 3 hours, in complete darkness, half delirious from blood loss. It was a wonder she was alive without frostbite.

freaking out once her foot came in contact to solid ground, and falling down. Blindly searching the ground for her beloved Grimoire. Truly a fruitless task as if was lowkey clearly completing black. 

A fae, who were known to glow, flew over.

"Hey! Fae, c'mere!" Ava reached out for the female fae, but it continued to fly over to a particular spot on the floor. Lifting up Ava's Grimoire weakly, the orange haired woman staggered to her feet. Lifting up her book with difficulty. Her arms were burning because of how long she had to hold onto the cliff side, and Ava's fingers were numb from how long they were tensed. Her backpack weighing her down, as the fae picked up her finger and led her in a particular direction. That direction turned out to have the most sticks and rocks as Ava stumbled through the woods once more.

More and more faes joined as the walked, all glowing unique colors. All of them as some kind of hold on Ava, as if they were trying to hold her up. It truly would have been sight to see all those faes gathered in one cloud around woman. 

The group must've walked for hours, and everything in Ava was sore. Hell, even her tongue was sore from biting it. Gradually, the forest faded from a winter wonderland to a normal and healthily green forest. 

The faes finally leading her to a clearing with a giant pond, and a huge red dragon passed out half in the pond, half out. 

Wait a minute, a fucking dragon!? And here Ava thought the faes were trying to help her! She was boutta get eaten by a dragon, And it's not even a cool story she can her grand-kids cuz she'll be dead-

Upon further inspection Ava noticed how much blood was on the ground and in the pond. Fuck, it's probably not very drinkable now. The faes pushed Ava closer and the dragon let out a mighty growl. Some faes flew over and chirped some things to the giant red beast, and it calmed down a little, but still looked very conflicted at letting Ava anywhere near it.

"Calm yer tits! The fae led me here fer' a reason!" Ava stomped her way through the bloody water toward the giant red beast. 

Apparently, the dragon didn't like that too much as it raised it's head high and mightily and growled. The faes flew away at the intimidating noise, and Ava's could lowkey feel every drop of adrenaline coursing through her veins. 

Swallowing hard, Ava stared directly into the beasts eyes. The little starring contest carried on for a couple more seconds before the red giant lowered it's head and opened it's wing, which is where a majority of the blood was coming from. 

What Ava didn't expect was some hunky, half naked blond to be under the wing. 

Face down in the water.


Scottish accents are actually really hard to write 😓

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