I never believed that thoughts could take you to different places, but really they do. They allow you to travel to unimaginable distances, in a matter of milliseconds, and it really depends on what state of mind you are in too. You could be unexplainably upset, and you either try to comfort yourself by thinking about that one person or thing that empties the majority of your sadness, and replaces it with chunks of happiness. Or you isolate yourself and think of the worst outcomes. Then you're trapped inside of your mind, an you become claustrophobic to the point in which you physically react to this intense mishap, and I wont say further on that, because we're all different, and we all react differently to things.
Have you ever noticed that, no matter where you go theres always a quiet person. They either, have the tendancy to trace the room with their eyes and observe every aspect of the area they're settled in, and avoiding eye contact in fear of having to socialize and entrust another living being with their thoughts, Or they would be daydreaming and genuinly locked in their own thoughts.
Difference in those two is, one is trying to avoid interaction, whilst the other has genuine thoughts that they'd be thinking about.
I'm pretty sure you usually notice the loud person wherever you go. They seem to suck all the attention out of the area that they're in. Most of them do this unintentionally, those are the ones whom, fidget whilst trying to keep a conversation they're not paying attention to, and half the time they blurt out random things, that have no connection with that conversation, but their unintentionally clumsiness and loudness grabs the attention of others. Half the time they try to distract themselves by doing some crazy physical activity, that makes them look mental. Whilst the other half of the loud one's, genuinely enjoy attention. They do all they can for it.
See in both the quiet and loud, humans, their are thoughts. In all humanity, their are thoughts. But we're focusing on the quite and loud one's, because they're often misjudged.
Don't you ever find yourself wandering in thoughts, and you have several other thoughts trying to line up in the back of your head, but you can't seem to quieten up your mind. So you distract yourself with other things, and you're all confused, because people are giving you looks, as if you're mental. But then, do you ever find yourself caught in such deep thought, that everyone's just a blurry shadow.
People are different. Yes.
But it doesn't mean we don't feel the same emotions. We all get tangled up in our own thoughts once in a while, about things we love, or things we don't. And maybe it happens when we're left all alone, or when we learn to block everyone out, or maybe it happens in other ways. But either way, the mind is a mysterious place itself. And if we are willing to put thought into every small aspect in this world, we've got to be careful not to get tangled in too deep, and by that I mean, not to overthink things.
PoesíaTry to think of thoughts as more than a segment of our imaginations, or words we whisper that we can only hear, but things that could change lives if uttered, or that could be a waste of space emitted from our mouths along with carbon dioxide. But...