Meeting the Legends

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I sighed as I set my bag down in my new room. I looked around and sat down on the bed, taking a nervous hand through my hair. My mind was racing, I willingly had joined the Apex Games, but, nonetheless, I was worried.

I had no idea what anyone thought of me. I hadn't met the Legends yet, and I was nervous. It didn't help that none of the fans were going to know I was the new Legend until the next game. It was nerve wracking, to say the least.

I had entered my name in the Games as "Huntress". It's not that exciting, but it's what I'm known for back home. I was an excellent tracker, and an even more amazing hunter. Animals weren't the only thing I hunted either, I pretty much kept things civil in my hometown with the criminals and such.

My real name though, was Ophelia. Ophelia Summers. Most people just called me Opi, though.
I jumped as I heard a knock at the door, standing from my bed and walking to it. As I opened the door I was greeted by one of the guards who had escorted me to the room in the first place.

"I'm sorry to bother you, I know you just got here, but it's time for you to meet the Legends." He said, a small, reassuring smile on his face.

I gave a slight nod and followed him as he turned and walked down the glassed-in hall. I looked outside at the surroundings, amazed by what I saw. I looked down towards the floor, not wanting to get too captivated and let my guard down.

The guard opened a door at the end of the hall and ushered me in. He stood behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Legends, this is your new recruit. Meet, Huntress. Make her feel welcome, will ya?" He said as he patted my shoulder and walked back out the door and shut it.

I looked around in amazement as all of the Legends stared at me, they honestly didn't look real. I gave a small smile and offered a small wave.

"Woo, fresh meat!" I heard, as the legend known as Mirage walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "Don't worry kid, no one's gonna hurt ya here. We're all relaxing before the next game. Isn't that right fellas?"

I ducked out from under his arm and rubbed the back of my head nervously, "I-..uh. Forgive me for my nervousness. I'm not afraid of you, this is to me."

"Oh~ seems like someone got denied. Hope that didn't hurt your pride too much Witt." The Legend known as Bangalore said from a couch across the room.

Mirage rolled his eyes, "Nothing can hurt my pride, unless my looks are jeopeediz- jeopird-..uh- messed up! Messed up."

I let out a soft laugh at his slight stutter and then jumped as I felt two hands on my shoulders,
"Don't mind the idiot, amiga. He's a little loco over his appearance if you get what I'm saying." The Legend, Octane said with a chuckle.

My eyes widened and a smile crept on my face. I was a huge fan of Octane, I had been watching him since he first joined the games. I turned around and smiled wide before speaking,

"You're Octane! It's really a pleasure to meet you, I've been a fan of yours since you joined the games! And it's truly an honor to be able to stand in front of you now." I said with a slight bow of my head.

"Woah, woah, chica. I'm flattered, but there's no need for the formality. I'm just a normal guy, no need to treat me as something more." He said with a laugh.

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