Out of This World

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*Octane's P.O.V*

I frantically paced back and forth through the hallway. Ophelia was currently being looked at by Ajay, and I honestly didn't know what to expect.

After Ophelia got shot, she blacked out. It's as if the damages to her body were too much for her runes to deal with. There was so much blood...

It took everything in me not to attack Loba. We're not allowed to have weapons outside of the arena and firing range, and they were allowing her to keep a pistol with her. She didn't have to shoot Opi. She took it way too far.

My pacing ceased as Elliott walked up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders, snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing me back to reality.

"O', you need to calm down. You look like a train wreck." He said gently, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oi..mi amigo, I can't help it. I don't know what to expect when Ajay is done. I'm extremely worried and I really can't calm down." I spoke quickly.

"O'! Dude, c'mon. Ajay knows what she's doing. Ophelia will be fine. Do you think she wants to see you a mess and worried over her?" Elliott said, you could tell he was getting annoyed.

      I paused and sighed, "You're right. I'm sure she'll be fine. I just-...I guess I know now how she felt after what happened to me."

       "I'd hope so. She was worried sick. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, just-be a little less reckless. And honestly, she needs to be less reckless as well. This was kinda over the top and could've been avoided. I think you both need to really think about what you're doing before you do it." He said, a caring tone was noticeable.

      "Honestly, amigo. I don't know what I'd do without you." I said with a slight chuckle as I raked a hand through my hair.

    "Hah, I know. I'm the best right?" He said jokingly.

      I playfully punched his shoulder and then immediately turned my attention to the door. Ajay had come out of the room, she looked a little stressed.

      "Ajay! Is she okay?" I asked frantically.

       "She'll be fine. She needs rest. You can see her, but don't be smotherin' her, ya hear me?" She said as she put a hand on her hip.

       "Yes ma'am." I said quickly as I rushed into the room and paused as I saw Ophelia.

        She was lying in her bed with her eyes closed. Her shoulder and leg were bandaged, with a wet rag on her forehead. Her breathing seemed to be steady, which I was grateful for.

         I slowly took a seat in the chair beside her bed and grabbed her hand gently, "Opi.."

        She opened her eyes and turned her head toward me, giving me a soft smile. "Hey, Tavi.."

       "Are you okay?" I asked as I squeezed her hand.

      She nodded, "Just kind of sore, honestly.. I'll be fine by tomorrow."

       "What even happened..? I thought we were sleeping and I woke up to see you gone." I said as I gently kissed the top of her hand.

     "I-..well, I couldn't sleep again..and I guess not sleeping for almost two days made me a bit angrier than I normally would be. I wanted to confront Loba, I wasn't initially going to hurt her..she was taunting me, though. And I got pissed off and attacked her." She admitted quietly.

      "Ophelia..please, just don't do something like that again..you could've been killed." I said as I looked down, not wanting to think about something like that ever happening to her.

      "I know..I'm sorry, Tavi.." she said as she squeezed my hand tightly.

        "Te amo, mi amor..so, so much.." I said quietly.

        "Te amo también, Tavi.." she said with a gentle smile.

          She slowly moved over in her bed and gently patted the empty space she created. I stood up and slowly moved into the bed beside her, mindful of my legs and her injuries. Once I got comfortable, I gently slid my arm underneath of her and pulled her closer. She turned so she could lay her head on my chest, gently nuzzling into me.

"I'm sorry, Tavi.." she whispered.

"It's alright, chica.. You're alive and safe now, and that's what I care about.." I whispered back.

Before long, she fell asleep on my chest. I placed gentle kisses on her head and held her close to me. I didn't really plan on letting go, I wanted to make sure she was safe until she woke up again.

Ophelia meant the world to me. Although we haven't been together long, she still meant so much to me. She's the only person who has ever willingly kept up with my antics. I move through life quickly, and she understands that. She doesn't try to slow me down, she let's me live my life how I always have. But she also looks out for me if I'm going to fast, she focuses on my health and well being more than her own.

She really is one of the greatest things that have happened to me, and I'm so very happy and lucky to have met her.

I looked down at her sleeping figure, she only ever really looked at peace while she was asleep. I kissed her head once more, before closing my eyes and resting my head back on a pillow.

This girl was something else. Honestly,

She was out of this world.

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