A New Life

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                 Well. I lost this game.

I was on a team with Anita and Natalie, we were doing great until we came across Octavio's team which consisted of Revenant and Bloodhound.

What a combo, am I right?

Anita had thrown her rolling thunder, Natalie set up her fences so incoming grenades couldn't hit us and I had entered my ultimate, The Daemon.

I shot down Revenant and had heard him yell, "I'M DOWN! PICK ME UP!"

Damn that guy is pushy.

Octavio used his stim and avoided my shots as I tried to lock onto him. It was difficult when he was running that quickly. Before I knew it I heard Anita yell that she needed a medic. I told Natalie to fence off her and Anita to get her back in the game while I tried to hold off Octavio and Bloodhound.

I swear, if I keep having to go up against Bloodhound like this I'm going to lose it.

I actually knocked Bloodhound this time. The only person who was left was Octavio.

"Boo-yah! Hahaha!" I hear him yell as I quickly turn around and see him jump on his jump pad and gun down Natalie and Anita.


Now it was just me and Octavio.

I tried to gun him down but he injected another stim shot.

How many of these things does he have? Jesucristo.

Before I knew it, I was shot from behind and all I heard was,
"Too slow aye, amiga?" Before Natalie, Anita, and I were spawned back at HQ.

"DAMNIT!" I exclaimed as I sat down on the floor, panting due to me being out of breath.

"You did well, Ophelia. It is alright." Natalie said as she patted my back.

"How much damage did I even do??" I ask as I look up at the squad screen.

My eyes widen as I see how much I actually did.
"2,000 DAMAGE??? YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!" I exclaimed as I collapsed backwards dramatically.

"Happens to the best of us, kid." Anita said with a chuckle.

"That's it. My career is over before it's even begun." I say with a sigh.

Soon enough, I heard Octavio, Bloodhound and Revenant enter HQ.

"Another win for the Octrain!" I hear Octavio yell.
I groaned and draped my arm over my eyes. This was ridiculous.

"Save it skin suit." I heard Revenant snap.

Octavio must've ignored him because he was next to me in seconds, nudging me with his foot.

"Aye, amiga, you dead or something?" He asked with a laugh.

"I no longer have a soul. You are speaking to the corpse of Opi. Please leave a message and she'll get back to you once her soul returns." I muttered as I heard him laugh at my response.

"Aww, c'mon chica! It wasn't that bad." He said as I heard him sit down next to me.

I sat up and looked at him, "2,000. Damage. 2,000!! And I died."

"You were already low on health as it was. It's fiiiine." He said as he pat my shoulder.

I stuffed my face in my hands and sighed, "Mierda mi vida."

"You sure do like using that phrase." He said with a chuckle.

"Well, y'know, I cant figure out a better way to describe how I'm feeling so, it will stay that way." I said as I brushed stray hairs from my face.

"Well, on the bright side, at least you have a new badge for your banner." He said reassuringly.

"That is true. I guess I can look a bit more intimidating that way." I said as I leaned back on my hands.

"Aye, Opi! I got some news for ya'." I hear Ajay say as she approached Octavio and I.

"Oi, Silva, why dontcha' leave da poor girl alone?" She said and she jokingly shoved his shoulder.

"Ah, hermana, I'm just trying to make her feel better." He said as he rubbed his shoulder.

I looked up at Ajay and gave a smile, "What's the news, Ajay?"

"Turns out da fans adore you! They want to see you in action more. Which means big tings' are comin' for ya!" She said excitedly.

Honestly, this made me feel a lot better. "That's amazing!! Oh that's so great! I'm so glad they actually like me! I was so concerned they wouldn't because I was new."

"Nah, they love your abilities, and da fact dat you're ruthless." She said with a smile.

I raised a curious eyebrow and looked around at everyone, they seemed to be agreeing with her. "You guys think I'm ruthless?"

"Hell yeah, rookie. We watch you fight. You lock target on anything that moves, no mercy from your end. You also stick your neck out for your team. We've witnessed that in only the two games you've played." Anita said with a wink.

"Wow guys, I'm honestly really glad you think I'm actually a decent Legend." I said with a wide smile on my face.

     "Decent? Amiga you're amazing! If you could see yourself out there, it's wild! You bring so much excitement to the game!" Octavio said excitedly.

    I continued to smile and looked around at who was standing near me, "Thank you guys. You all have seriously made me feel welcome here."

     "Ah, it's no problem rookie. We try to make everyone feel welcome here. Although we fight each other, we stick together. Semper Fi or die." Anita said with a smile.

     I smiled wide and then stood up from the floor, "Thank you guys. I'd stay and chat more, but I'm starting to feel like death. So imma go rest."  I said as I offered a small wave to the group and walked out.

    My intention was to go back to my room, but as I was walking I stumbled upon a beautiful enclosed garden. It had giant trees, a beautiful, crystal clear pond, and so many different colors of flowers. I let my curiosity get the better of me and I walked into the garden.

It was absolutely stunning.

I sat down in the grass next to the pond and just stared off into the water.

My life had suddenly taken a turn. It felt weird not to be eating dinner with my mom, or playing out in the streets with people I knew. Everything felt weird in general. But I was happy to already be making friends, and being close with Octavio already helped me feel more secure. This was honestly the best decision I've ever made.

    I couldn't wait to see what this new life had in store for me.

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