753 16 9

"patriotism is a big turn on!"
bucko boy- Bucky Barnes
bird 2.0- Sam Wilson
big steeb- Steve Rogers
blackwidow- Natasha Romanoff

bucko boy: howdy cowpals

big steeb: Can we please change the chat name?? It was one time!!!

blackwidow: hell no

blackwidow: that was ICONIC

bird 2.0: she's right, we're never letting go off it, sorry stevie ;))))

big steeb: Go away you pesky morons.

blackwidow: you kiss your mother with that mouth??

big steeb: My mother is dead, asshat.

blackwidow: no shit

bird 2.0: anyway i'm gonna start ignoring bucky from now on.

bucko boy: WHATTT why tho

bird 2.0: you disgust me

black widow: so much for ignoring him

bird 2.0: yk what romanoff-

bucko boy: it's because i'm irresistible

bird 2.0: LMFAOOO ok then

bucko boy: ur really grinding my gears now, Wilson

big steeb: Why can't you two get along??

bucko boy: he started it, i did NOTHING!

bird 2.0: you BREATHED

big steeb: Sam, be nice.

bucko boy: yeah, sammy be nice

bird 2.0: I-

bird 2.0: don't call me sammy, bitchboy

bucko boy: sorry samuel i do love you really

bird 2.0: Pplease, and i cannot stress this enough, PLEASE just be a normal person for ONe DAY

black widow: why am i still here

black widow: why am i friends with you guys

bucko boy: because you love us <3

bird 2.0: wrong once again Barnes, she love ShArOn cArtErRrRrRr!!!!!

black widow: test me and i swear i WILL tell the entire school who you like :)

bird 2.0: i don't like anyone but go off lmao

black widow: Aha but that's just what you want us to think

black widow: Besides, I like other girls too so..

big steeb: Tea, unloyal.

bucko boy: I think seeing Steve use slang makes my brain cells die

bird 2.0: WRONG ONCE AGAIN, you have no brain cells to die

bucko boy: i will slap you tomorrow

bird 2.0: i fuckin dare u bitch

black widow: the sexual tension whew

big steeb: Hahaha

bird 2.0: i-

bird 2.0: i will not hesitate to leave

bucko boy: do it

big steeb: ANYWAY

big steeb: Have you guys noticed all of our usernames start with B :)))

bird 2.0: yes

black widow: yes

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