The tormention

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Lord Voldemort wanted to see Lucius about something he told Lucius he had to find everything about the prophesy by Friday otherwise he would be in trouble . Lucius would work extra hard but by Friday he had no leads on the prophesy . It was Friday morning * Narcissa you need to leave the manor now the dark lords coming * he said . Narcissa didn't need telling twice she grabbed her coat and left . A few hours later Voldemort apparated in front of him * Lucius have you got it sorted * he said with a smile * I am getting to it my lord * said Lucius * what do you mean by getting to it * Voldemort yelled * look Narcissa hasn't been well * stammered Lucius * I was thinking you would mention her * he smirked . He clicked his fingers and two death eaters walking in gripping Narcissa . Bellatrix followed them and stood in her place beside the dark lord . Lucius looked into his beloveds eyes she was scared * you thought you could send her away to be away from me !* laughed Voldemort * Lucius really !* he smiled * Crucio !!!! * Narcissa suddenly caved into a scream she dropped to the ground still screaming. * no ! * Lucius screamed . He stared at Bellatrix she looked like she wanted to say something but held her tongue. He knew bella would have let Lord Voldemort kill Narcissa even though they were really close the dark lord was more important than family to Bellatrix. * stop please ! * he screamed * very well Lucius you will be leading the mission I will lure the boy there and if you fail the Cruciatus curse is all your wife will be reseving * he smiled then he and the other death eaters disapparated . Lucius scooped Narcissa up in his arms and put her to bed * obiliviate * whispered Lucius wiping the curse from her mind . Narcissa mumbled something quietly . Lucius began to sob * I am so sorry * he whispered tears falling on Narcissas beautiful face .
The next morning Lucius woke up to Narcissas groaning he had forgotten about the after affects of the Cruciatus curse . * how do you feel ? * he asked
* awful like I have been burned inside out * she said wincing as she tried to sit up . * shouldn't you be at work Lucius * she said turning painfully to face him . * I am taking the day off and I have an excuse if you are not feeling well * he said softly pulling back a strand of her hair * not really * she whispered giving him a weak smile . Lucius got up and made breakfast instead of the house elf's it was the least he could do . He could see his poor wife was in pain wincing every time she moved . Lucius put his hand on her forehead her head was burning with a fever . * are you alright Lucius ?* she asked turning to face him slowly to cause less pain * you seem a little distracted today * . Lucius sat by her side * I am just worried about you my love * and kissed her .
Then there was a bang on the door it was Bellatrix * what do you want ? * Lucius Asked coldly
* the dark lord wants you * she said sternly * tell him tomorrow * he said * fine if you want to make things worse for Cissy * she said smiling * ok fine but let me first check on Narcissa * he walked in Narcissa was reading . * your going aren't you * she said softly * I will be back as soon as I can ok * he said kissing her forehead . * hurry said Narcissa wincing as she attempted to stand . * I will rest ok lie back * he said helping back into bed .
Narcissa was waiting it had been a long time since Lucius left her and she was starting to get upset . Bellatrix has written her a note saying that she would be coming over to explain everything. Once bella arrived she wandered why Narcissa wasn't there to greet her and she found her on the landing wincing to get to the stairs once she took one look at her and burst into tears she had never seen her sister suffer this much before . * why are you crying ? * Narcissa asked * its Lucius * she said * I feel so bad * Narcissa stared at her * what do you mean ? * Narcissa had no idea what bella was on about * I went to get him I made him leave * she said * narcissa he is going to askaban * she said holding Narcissas shaking hands . Narcissa face went ghostly white she stared into Bellas eyes there was no way bella must have been pulling her leg but when Bella didn't crack a smile her lip quivered and she began to cry she dropped to the floor tears rolling down her pale cheeks . She couldn't stand she didn't have the power to she just cried her hands were shaking like crazy . Bella gripped them tight . Narcissa was becoming rather dizzy Bellatrix was somehow a blur bella managed to stand her up slowly . She couldn't see bella the lights were bright she suddenly threw up and dropped to the floor .
* mum ?!* came dracos voice as he ran to his mothers side Bellatrix was trying to stand her * bella what's happened ? * he asked tears forming in his eyes * it seems your mother has been so worried about your father she hasn't been looking after herself properly * said bella lifting her with her wand * Will she be ok ? * he asked his lip trembling * your just like your mother * bella said rolling her eyes * you both worry far to much * she said * Draco she will be fine she just needs rest * she said pulling the covers over narcissa .
narcissa groaned as she opened her eyes she couldn't get up her eyes stared at the ceiling she felt so alone she missed lucius's warm grip she missed him . * mum * said a familiar voice * bella she is awake ! * narcissa tried to sit up but she didn't have the energy. Draco noticed and rushed to help her up . * thanks my little dragon * she said softly . Bella rushed into the room * oh Cissy your awake finally now Draco can finally shut up * * bella what do you mean * she asked trying not to loose her temper . * about you he was worried poor thing he kept asking about Lucius and if you would be ok * she said yawning . * narcissa speaking of worrying have you been eating properly * narcissa burst into tears. Draco glared at Bellatrix * don't make her cry * he said angrily gripping his Mum's hand tight * I really miss him * wailed narcissa * I know * said bella crossly * but you need to look after yourself properly you are worrying yourself sick look at you your so pale you need to eat narcissa I mean it * she said sighing as she mopped narcissa up * Draco please go down to the kitchen and fetch her a slice of cake * she said business like * I don't think I can eat * narcissa stammered * narcissa please eat something * bella said stroking her hair . Once Narcissa had got her cake Bellatrix made sure she had eaten every last bite .

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