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It had been a few weeks since the battle of hogwarts and narcissa was now back to her normal self she had less worries she was happy Lucius was happy to he was still a little bit worried about his wife as sometimes she would get pains in her hip but her head stopped burning her and so did Dracos they went to the funeral narcissa cried the whole time and Lucius looked after her .
Harry Potter was cleaning out some of the Dursley's stuff as aunt petunia couldn't do it herself she was getting old and so was uncle vernon . Dudley was helping him when he came across a box that said Harry on it they opened it together and found Harry's birth certificate

Harry James potter
Birthday : 31st of July 1980
Mother : lily evens nee potter
Father : James potter
Godfather : Sirius black
Godmother narcissa nee black Malfoy
Harry stared did he read that correctly narcissa Malfoy was his godmother now it all made sense * Dudley I will be back in a minute * he said to his cousin he turned away and disapparated . He arrived at Malfoy manor and knocked on the door
Narcissa heard the knock and opened the door to see Harry Potter standing in the door way * can I come in ? * he asked narcissa was taken aback * yes sure * she said standing back to let him though * would you like anything * she asked her hands were shaking if Lucius knew * Harry smiled * could I have a glass of water please ? * narcissa walked over to the kitchen Harry sat down . Narcissa didn't know what to think . Then things got worse Lucius came in * hello darling - * he stopped as he saw Harry Potter sitting down in their living room . Narcissas hand shook and she dropped the glass of water on the floor * Lucius I am so sorry * she said rushing to pick up the glass she pricked herself and her finger bled Lucius put a plaster on her and cleaned up the mess * why don't you use magic ? * Harry asked as narcissa sat beside him * my wand Draco lost in the room of requirement * she sighed * can't you get a new wand ? * Harry asked * I can't use magic again not after what happened * she said a tear sliding down her cheek she brushed it away quickly . Lucius came in * so mr potter what brings you here ? * Harry Pulled out his birth certificate *I came about this * he said holding it up . Narcissa froze as Lucius took the certificate and then dropped in in shock * your his what ! * he yelled in shock staring at his wife she had gone pale she was not looking like his wife * Why didn't you tell me ! * he yelled * I - I * narcissa stammered trying to find the right words to say * Lucius looked at her with anger and pity * we tell each other everything * * I - I know * narcissa whispered * it's just - * narcissa couldn't even say a full sentence she was shaking so hard then Lucius stopped and looked at his wife's face she looked terrified she was trembling Lucius remembered how narcissa had always stood by him and supported him and then he said * look i am so sorry I know it's not your fault * he said sitting behind her . Harry spoke * I just wanted to say thank you for well saving me and that * he smiled and then disapparated .
Lucius held his wife's hand * everything Is going to be ok * he smiled at her she smiled back * I love you Lucius Malfoy * she grinned * I love you to narcissa Malfoy

The story of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now