One song my heart keeps singing of one love

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Holly's POV:

Today was just like any other day I got up bright and early to get ready for my dance class at Pineapple studio's with Dane William Bates and loads of other dancers, some of us had been asked to come with a solo to perform in the class today. It had been three weeks since I'd applied to go on a dating show called Flirty Dancing, after two abusive relationships I wasn't sure if I would ever be ready to fall in love ever again but after taking time to myself I knew I was ready to find my prince charming I just kept hoping that my application was accepted. 

Once I was dressed and had, had some breakfast I fed my Cat Simba and left my flat and made my way to the studio, after a short bus journey I arrived at the studio as I walked in my friends from Dane Bate's brothers of dance group came over and gave me one of their amazing group hugs I smiled and said 'Um guys could I please breathe again please' they all stepped back and then I was bombarded by another hug I looked up and said 'Omg Harrison it's so good to see you, you never said you were coming'. 

Harrison smiled and said 'I wasn't sure If I was coming but my other class was cancelled, plus I still have to give you your birthday present', Harrison handed me a sparkly silver bag with some presents in I smiled and said 'Thank you Harrison, I'll open them when I get home'. I popped my bag in the corner and grabbed my water bottle as-well, I quickly glanced at my phone again and saw I had an e-mail I opened the e-mail and a massive smile lined my face as I realised that my application for Flirty dancing had been accepted. After a while the class started I watched some amazing solo's and now I was worried that mine wouldn't be very good, Oliver smiled at me and said 'Deep breath you'll be fine'. 

Dane Bate's cleared his throat and said 'Well done Sasha, alright Holly are you ready' I took a deep breath and walked into the middle of the room and waited for my track to start.

Coming to the end of my solo everyone was cheering and clapping and Dane looked happy as-well which was a bonus, after a busy day of dancing the class came to an end at 3 o'clock I was so tired that I went home knowing that I had a very exciting and busy day tomorrow for the first day of flirty dancing with Ashley Banjo. 

Perri's POV:

I was sat at home chilling watching Harry potter and eating a tub of pringles when my phone rang it was Ashley telling me that I wasn't needed for Flirty dancing tomorrow but I would be on Sunday, I nodded and put a reminder on my phone so that I wouldn't forget. Today I'd been feeling abit down I think it was all to do with the fact that most of the other lads were either married or had girlfriends, I just really wanted a girlfriend I was so fed up of being single. 

Holly's POV:

I woke up bright and early today was the day I could potentially be matched with prince charming I got dressed into my dark green shorts and bright yellow Adidas top, I packed what I needed into my red polka dot back-pack and then sat down to have some breakfast. After having breakfast I made sure I looked perfect before putting my black vans on and leaving to get the bus to the Studio where I was meeting Ashley Banjo, after a 20 minute bus journey I arrived at the converted warehouse studio I walked up the stairs and walked through the door. 

I saw Ashley talking to Sam Craske and a girl with medium length blue hair I felt so nervous I knocked on the door Ashley looked up and said 'Hey come on in, you must be Holly. It's so good to finally meet you, this is Sam and Morgan their going to be helping me out today' I smiled and said 'Yeah that's me, I'm a huge fan of Diversity'. Ashley smiled and said 'So who's your favourite in Diversity' I blushed slightly and said 'Well your fantastic but I would have to say my favourite is Perri' Sam smiled and said 'Yeah Pel's the one who catches all the girls eyes'. 

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