We're really sorry Holly

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Holly's POV:

I was sat having my hair done ahead of the second live show I looked up in the mirror and saw Oliver and the rest of Brothers of dance walk in I turned around said 'Guys I really don't know what else to say to get you to believe that I didn't send that email' Oliver hugged me and said 'You don't have to say anything, because we now know who was responsible for this', I felt tears in my eyes as they all came in for a group hug and Matthew said 'We're really sorry Holly we should have known that you'd never say any of those things about us'. 

Samuel sat down beside me and said 'Can you forgive us Holly' I smiled and said 'Yeah of-course I can forgive you, you guys are some of my best friends', I was so happy now that myself and Brothers of dance were friends again and with my hair and make-up done it was now time to go and get into my costume for tonight's show. 

Perri's POV:

After what felt like the longest journey of my life I finally arrived at the venue where the Greatest dancer live shows were being held, the whole journey I was worried about Holly but as I stepped out of the Taxi at the venue I received a picture from Harrison of Holly and Brothers of dance together and I felt much happier. I grabbed a drink and made my way through to find my seat which was right at the front directly in front of the stage, once everyone was in their seats the show eventually started and all the acts and the dance captains came out for the opening. 

Amongst all the dancers on the stage I noticed Holly the most because her smile was just so incredibly bright and it reminded me of one of the reasons why I'd fallen so in love with her. The first act tonight was Brothers of dance and their Chess routine blew me away how they managed to do all those moves and still remain in their individual squares was to me just incredible, after three more incredible acts had performed it was finally time for Holly's routine. 

I looked over and saw Jordan trying to get my attention I walked over and hugged him before saying 'Jordan I don't want to miss Holly's dance' Jordan smiled and said 'I know come with me we're planning a surprise for her' I followed Jordan backstage and up into the area where all the acts waited for their turn to dance I stood by the railings and watched as Holly started her dance. 

Holly's POV:

I walked onto the stage and stood towards the back waiting for the music to start, and as the music started I danced like there was no tomorrow.

As I came to the end of my dance I looked out and saw the entire audience on their feet, I walked over and Joined Alisha and waited to see what the audience had scored me before finding out what the dance captains thought about my dance. I couldn't believe the amazing comments I'd gotten from the dance captains, I looked over at the stairs as Jordan came down he gave me a hug and said 'Now Holly we understand there was abit of drama behind the scenes before the show, and we're over the moon that you and Brothers of dance are friends again. But we also thought we'd arrange a little surprise for you, so here he is Perri come on down'.

I couldn't believe that Perri was here I ran over to him and he picked me up and spun me round, we followed Jordan back up the stairs Jordan turned to me and said 'So Holly obviously your incredibly happy right now, but how did you find your dance tonight' I smiled and said 'Honestly I absolutely loved it, but I couldn't have done it without the help of my Choreographer Dane and I just want to say a massive thank you to Brothers of dance for all the support they've given me and continue to give me'. 

Jordan then turned to Perri and said 'So we have an extra guest here tonight, Perri what did you think of Holly's dance you must be incredibly proud of her' Perri placed his right arm around me and said 'Words can't even describe how proud I am of her, this weeks been really hard for her but she's so strong I know that she can overcome anything. I also want to say a massive thank you to Harrison if you hadn't asked me to come I wouldn't have known about what Holly's gone through so thank you, and one last thing I want to thank Brothers of dance as-well for all the support they give Holly you guys are all incredible and I couldn't think of better friends for my girlfriend'. 

(Skip ahead to the semi finals)

Oliver's POV:

Tonight was the night of the semi finals and honestly I never thought we'd make it this far, this week had been really hard Matthew hadn't been feeling well since Tuesday and this afternoon he felt so rough that we were all wondering whether he was going to be able to perform tonight. After the first few acts went out and performed their routines it was time for Holly's routine and she danced absolutely incredibly and we were next up. 

Not only was one of us feeling unwell but we were all feeling tired and our muscles were sore after five weeks of intense dancing, but we went out there and gave it everything we had. 

Holly's POV:

Watching Brothers of dance perform just made me remember what an incredible dance troupe they were, they were all exhausted but they made that dance look effortless. After they'd come back up stairs and spoken to Jordan I went over and gave them all a massive hug, I hugged Matthew and said 'Are you sure your alright' Matthew nodded and said 'Yeah I'm ok, just really tired' I nodded in response and said 'Yeah I know it's nearly over, just take a deep breath'. 

After watching Harrison's incredible Elton John performance it was time to find out who was going through to the finals and who would be going home, I stood beside Brothers of dance I grabbed Oliver's hand as my nerves overcame me and then Alisha said 'Also through to the finals is Holly' I put my head in my hands and cried as Oliver and brothers of dance enveloped me in a group hug. 

I watched from the stairs and waited for the last act to be chosen and when I heard dance points name called out I realised that Brothers of dance were going home, after Alisha and Jordan had spoken to them and Hannah I ran down onto the stage and hugged them all. Oliver hugged me and said 'Are you ok' I shook my head and said 'No I don't want you guys to go, I can't do the finals without you' Matthew hugged me as-well and said 'We're not going anywhere Holly, we're going to be here for you at the finals every step of the way. We promise'.

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