Move in with me, I promise I'll protect you

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Harrison's POV:

I was on the train down to London from Liverpool I received a message from Oliver yesterday saying that Holly had woken up from the coma, so I instantly booked some train tickets. After what felt like hours on the train it finally arrived at Padding-ton  station where I got a taxi to the hospital, I couldn't wait to see Holly's face when I got there she had no idea I was coming to see her after a while I arrived at the hospital I walked in through the main entrance and stopped off in the shop to buy Holly some flowers. 

Once I found the ward where Holly was I walked over to the reception desk a young nurse walked over and said 'Hello can I help you' I smiled and said 'Yes I've come to visit my friend Holly but I'm not sure what room she's in', the Nurse looked at the computer and said 'Ah yes she's down the corridor to the right, room 12' I smiled again and said 'Thank you very much'. As I walked down the corridor I heard someone call after me I turned around and saw a boy with glasses and an Afro hairstyle he smiled and said 'Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I just heard you were looking for Holly' I nodded and said 'Oh yes I'm a friend of hers we met at dance, I'm Harrison' the boy nodded and said 'Oh yes I think Holly told me about you, I'm Perri Kiely I'm her boyfriend'. 

Holly's POV:

The nurses had just finished helping me have a shower as I was still a little unsteady on my feet they helped me back into bed just as Perri walked in he smiled and said 'How was your shower my love' I shoved my wet hair up into a pony-tail and said 'Refreshing I feel slightly more human now, did you speak to Ash and the others', Perri nodded and said 'Yeah their going to pop by later this afternoon to see you, they've all been asking after you. Oh by the way I bumped into a friend of yours on the way back up here'. 

I was curious as to which friend Perri had bumped into Perri opened the door and I saw Harrison stood outside I smiled and said 'Oh my god Harrison it's so good to see you' Harrison came over and gave me one of his hugs before sitting down in the chair on the other side of my bed. It was so good to see Harrison again we had a good catch-up and I discovered that Harrison was also going on the greatest dancer, it would be good having him and brothers of dance to support me whilst Perri was with Diversity running the dance workshops at Butlins. 

It was 3:00 when Harrison left saying that he needed to get a taxi to the station to catch his train back to Liverpool he gave me one last hug before saying 'I'll give you a call at the weekend, remember to rest and take it easy', Perri looked at his phone and said 'Ash has said I can miss the dance workshops at Butlins so I can support you on the greatest dancer'. I took Perri's left hand and said 'I know you want to stay with me after what's happened, but I don't want you to miss the workshops at Butlins, I'll be fine Perri' 

Perri's POV:

The last thing I wanted to do was argue with Holly she was such a strong person so I knew she'd be ok and she had friends who would support her, and then I had an idea I turned to Holly and said 'I was wondering whether you'd move in with me, I promise I'll protect you and keep you safe'. Holly flung her arms around me and said 'Perri I'd love to move in with you, I love you so much' I was so happy that she'd said yes I leaned in and kissed her passionately on the lips and then there was a chorus of oohs and aaahhs I turned around and saw Ashley and the others stood in the doorway. 

Whilst Ashley and the others were here the doctor came in to see Holly and let her know that all her tests and observations were looking good enough for them to discharge her later tonight, I was so happy and so was Holly. I decided to text my sister Starr and ask her if she could go round to my flat and check that it was neat and tidy for Holly's arrival tonight, she replied quickly saying that, that was fine and she'd leave some food in the fridge in-case we were hungry when we got home. 

It was about 7 o'clock when Holly was finally discharged I went down to get the car and bring it to the pick up zone whilst Ashley pushed Holly down to the hospital entrance in a wheelchair, I jumped out of the car and as I helped Holly towards my car she hugged Ashley and said 'Thank you Ashley for bringing me and Perri together'. I smiled as Ashley hugged Holly back and said 'It's my pleasure, you've made him smile like I've never seen him smile before'. 

Holly's POV:

With the traffic nice and quiet we got back to Perri's apartment quite quickly, Perri got out of the car and came round to my side to help me out we walked down some steps to get to Perri's front door which he unlocked and pushed the door open. I was about to walk in when he stopped me I looked at him and said 'What's wrong' Perri smiled and said 'I want to do this properly' I didn't know what he meant until he bent his knee's and scooped me up into his arms and carried me across the threshold. 

Once inside Perri showed me around his apartment which was amazing after looking around he helped me get comfy in his bed before saying 'Are you hungry would you like something to eat' I nodded and said 'I am feeling quite hungry what have you got my love', Perri smiled and said 'I've got a Pizza in the freezer how does that sound, followed by some ice cream'. I kissed Perri on the forehead and said 'Pizza followed by Ice cream sounds pretty good' Perri kissed me back and said 'Coming right up my princess'. 

Whilst Perri went into the kitchen to make us some dinner I decided to message Oliver and the others to let them know that I'd been discharged, I also decided to ring Dane Bates as-well. 

(H= Holly and DB= Dane Bates)

H: Dane it's Holly, sorry I know it's late

DB: No it's fine don't worry, How are you Oliver told me what had happened

H: I'm doing much better, I was discharged from hospital this evening. And I have some good news I can come back to dance next week.

DB: Oh Holly that's fantastic, how are you feeling about the greatest dancer do you still want to do it.

H: Absolutely yes, I'm really looking forward to it. Are you still able to help me come up with a routine for my audition 

DB: Of course, why don't you come in and see me on Monday and we can talk about what sort of concept you want your dance to have

H: Sounds good, I'll see you on Monday. Any specific time you want me to come in

DB: I'm meeting with Brothers of dance at 10:30 to discuss the concept for their audition routine, so shall we say 11:30.

H: Yep that's absolutely fine, see you then. 

I hung up as Perri walked back in carrying a tray full of food which he set down on the his chest of drawers I smiled and said 'I was just speaking to Dane Bates he's happy that i'm coming back to dance next week. He's asked if I can go in and see him on Monday to discuss the concept fro my greatest dancer audition, would you be able to take me'. Perri smiled and handed me a plate of food before saying 'Yeah of course I can, I don't have rehearsals until 2 o'clock that day so it'll be fine'. 

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