You thought I wouldn't find you

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Holly's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling so incredibly happy after last night when Perri asked me to be his girlfriend, I was really looking forward to the weekend because I was going to stay with Perri for a couple of days and go to Dance-works to see Ashley again and meet the rest of Diversity. Today was my day off and I was going into town to pick up my new contemporary dance shoes and also get a new pair of pointe shoes fitted as-well, but I was also going to meet up with Oliver, Samuel and Matthew for lunch afterwards. 

After having some breakfast I got dressed and let Simba out into her Catio so she could enjoy the sunshine but I also left her cat-flap unlocked so she could get back in for food, once I was ready I left and walked to the end of my road to catch the bus into town. 

Once I was in town I made my way to the dance shop for my appointment and also to pick up my new shoes, the appointment took ages because I just couldn't find a pair of Pointe shoes that I liked but finally I did and I couldn't wait to start breaking them in, in time for my audition on the greatest dancer. After picking up some dresses I'd ordered I made my way to Nando's where I was meeting Matthew, Oliver and Samuel once I arrived I spotted the others sat in the booth by the window I walked over and gave them all a hug I sat down as Matthew said 'So how did your appointment go, did you find some new dance shoes' I nodded and said 'Yeah it took a little longer to find some Pointe shoes, but after a while I did find some. And I got some more sole shoes as-well'. 

Whilst we were waiting for our food my phone buzzed several times I looked at the messages and a wave of fear washed through me as I realised exactly who they were from. 

Oliver's POV:

I looked at Holly she was staring at her phone her eyes wide like she'd seen a ghost I waved my right hand in front of her and said 'Holly is everything ok, what's happened' she looked up at me and said 'Guys I'm really sorry but my alarms gone off at home, it's probably Simba messing around but I need to go and check. I'll see you tomorrow at dance' I nodded as Samuel said 'Do you want us to come with you in case it's something else'. Holly grabbed her bag and said 'No it's fine, I've got to go'

We sat and watched as Holly dashed out of Nandos and ran down the street I looked under the table and said 'Oh she's left the bag with her dance shoes in here' Matthew picked the bag up off the floor and said 'We can drop it off on the way home, do you think she's ok' I shrugged my shoulders and said 'I don't know, when she was looking at her phone she looked scared'. Samuel took a sip of his drink and said 'I hope she's ok' I nodded and said 'Yeah me to'.

Holly's POV:

My feet were screaming at me in pain as I ran all the way home I grabbed my keys and unlocked the front door and that was when I heard a voice I never thought I would hear again 'You thought I wouldn't find you, didn't you Holly', I turned around and saw my abusive ex boyfriend Chris stood behind me I stepped inside and tried to shut the door but he put his foot in the way and pushed his way in. I fell backwards hitting my head on the table in the hallway, luckily I didn't knock myself out perhaps it would have been better if I had done so I wouldn't have to feel the intense pain as Chris kicked me continuously in the stomach until I felt my ribs break. 

The next wave of pain came from when he stamped on my right thigh, before grabbing my hair straighteners and turning them up as high as they would go and clamping them down around my wrists I felt my skin blister and burn the smell of burnt flesh filled my nostrils, making me instantly feel like I wanted to throw up. 

The final wave of pain was a swift kick to the face the force of which made my head turn to face the wall, my phone had fallen out of my pocket and was now next to me on the floor I felt myself drifting in and out of consciousness. I stared at my phone as a DM from Perri came through and then the picture of me and Oliver dancing came up as Oliver rang me, I reached out to try and answer the call but every movement was just too painful. 

Matthew's POV:

Right now we were on the bus on the way round to Holly's to drop off her dance shoes and also make sure she was alright, we got off the bus I stopped and said 'This is her street here, what numbers her house Oliver' Oliver looked at the google maps on his phone and said 'It's number 23'. We walked down the street looking for Holly's house we turned around as Samuel said 'Guys this is it here, the front doors wide open' I pulled my phone out as we cautiously walked in the house was completely quiet apart from the loud Me-ow of Holly's cat Simba and then we saw Holly lying unconscious on the floor in the hallway. 

I unlocked my phone and dialled 999. 

( M = Matthew , A C H = Ambulance call handler)

= 999 which service do you require

M: Ambulance please

A C H: Ambulance service is the patient breathing

M: Please help it's my friend she's really badly hurt it looks like she's been attacked

A C H: Try and calm down for me, I need you to tell me is she breathing

M: Yes she's breathing but she's unconscious 

A C H: Ok I'm organising some help for you now ok

M: Thank you, How long do you think they'll be

A C H: Their blue lighting to you, eta 10 minutes. I'm going to stay on the line with you until they arrive. 

I looked up as Oliver said 'I think the ambulance is here' 

A C H: Is that the ambulance are the paramedics here

M: Yeah their just coming in now

A C H: Ok in that case I'll leave you with them

M: Thank you so much for your help

Two paramedics came rushing in and began treating Holly they then stabilised her head and neck with blocks and a brace in case she'd hurt her neck or head, after that they moved her onto a bed and took her out to the ambulance. One of the Paramedics turned to us and said 'We have room for one of you to travel in the ambulance with her' I turned to Oliver and said 'You go with her, take her phone and call Perri she'll want him to be there'. 

Perri's POV:

There were two months to go until we embarked on the biggest tour we'd ever done, but I couldn't wait for this weekend when Holly was coming to stay at mine for the first time right now I was at the studio finishing off rehearsals with Ashley and the others. I was heard my phone ringing in my bag I walked over and saw that it was Holly ringing I turned around and said 'Sorry Ash it's Holly I'll just be a second' . 

( P= Perri and O = Oliver)

P: Hey Holly are you ok

O: Sorry my names Oliver I dance at Pineapple with Holly

P: Why have you got her phone what's happened

O: I'm up at A&E myself and a couple of my friends found Holly unconscious at her home, it looked like she'd been badly beaten up

P: Omg is she ok

O: I'm just going to go in and find her now

P: I'm going to leave rehearsals now and come to the hospital, thank you for letting me know Oliver. 

O: That's ok Perri your welcome, I'll see you when you get here. Bye 

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