21 • just a touch

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Draco kissed Hermione and he could not describe a feeling better than this. When Hermione lay nearly dead in front of his eyes, he swore he felt his own soul being sucked out. But when she woke up, all his mind and brain went numb and he gave into his heart. He was happy Hermione was alive. Alive and well. He realized she was his sanity. And would do anything for her. He lost all sense of time while kissing her.

He broke apart the kiss and rested his forehead on Hermione's for a while. Without tearing apart his gaze, he asked Harry in a feeble voice, "Can Hermione stay in the guest room for a while?"

"Ofcourse, I'll take her there."

Draco didn't want to leave Hermione. Thus, he picked her up gracefully and followed Harry. Once he reached the specific room, he lay her down. Hermione was nearly asleep when she held Draco's hand and whispered "thankyou".

Draco didn't move till the time Hermione was awake and well. He accioed some medicines for her and kept it on the bedside table. This night was strangely calm and violent. Harry and Ginny kept on checking on them from far behind. They weren't sure if they should interrupt Draco. They believed he needed some space.

Draco couldn't sleep the entire night.

Next morning, Draco was staring at the ceiling whild Hermione was beginning to wake up. She was stirring awake so Draco called Potter and Ginny. He went outside and gave the trio some privacy. He called "Pixie" and the tiny elf arrived.

"Yes Master."

"Take me to where Mum is staying."

With a click Draco appeared in Hermione's flat. Narcissa was there playing with Evelyn and Draco smiled at that sight. It was just refreshing to see his mother being genuinely happy. They were apparently building a pillow fort which was enchanted from the inside.

Draco cleared his throat, "Hey mum! Hey Evelyn!"

Evelyn ran towards him and Draco picked him up. It was weird Evelyn loved him so much because she didn't know Draco was his father. Narcissa smiled and welcomed Draco inside. Pixie had cooked them wonderful pancakes and Draco hummed, "Maple syrup".

He asked, "Have you guys had your breakfast?"

Narcissa shaked her head, "No but we were about to. Feel free to join us."

Draco put Evelyn on her chair and sat next to her. They were having a joyous meal. This flat had a homely feeling to it. Maybe one reason was that Voldemort didn't inhabit this place and he could finally see his mum happy.

After breakfast Evelyn went to color dinosaurs and Narcissa sat besides Draco on the sofa.

"Draco, something's wrong isn't it?"

Draco said nothing, just kept his head on his mother's lap. Meanwhile, she started to stroke her finger across his hair.

"Mum, I screwed up."

"What did you do?"

Suddenly a knot formed in Draco's throat.

"I, I just I don't know why I did it, but lik-"


"I kissed Granger."

"So? Miss Granger is smart and a wonderful person. What's wrong honey?"

"It's not that mum. It just feels unreal?"

"As unreal as Evelyn?"

Draco got up and looked at Narcissa.

Narcissa chuckled and stated, "The way she keeps on calling me Grandma and looks like you? It wasn't difficult to comprehend."

Draco , "So you're okay?"

Narcissa smiled, "She's a brilliant child. But the family tree didn't show her."

"She's from the future."

That's when today's newspaper was brought by an owl. Draco saw the headlines and screamed, "What the fuck!"

Narcissa slapped his shoulder, "Mind your tongue, there's your child in this room."

Hermione woke up and saw Harry and Ginny next to her. She tried to get up, but was too exhausted. Ginny gave her a potion and she regained back all her strength. She got up and said, "Where's Malfoy?"

"He stayed here all night and when you woke up, he just went," said Harry.

Ginny suggested, "He may have gone to meet his mother."

Hermione weakly nodded her head and tried to get up.

Ginny said, "Hey hey stay in bed," and left when she heard James shouting and calling her.

Harry said, "Mione you need to rest. I'll give the report to your head. Um do you remember yesternight?"

Hermione said, "In blurs but half of it could be hallucination."

"What do you remember?"

"That I came here and I fainted."

"That's it?"


Harry gave Hermione a blanket and told her to sleep. So did Hermione. That's when Ginny gave a newspaper to Harry.



An article by Rita Skeeter

Are you sure you know everything around you? Cause we're here to share some gossip. The infamous Malfoy and Granger are suspected to have a child. Through reliable sources, we got to know the child has blonde hair, a snake like charm, the wits of a bookworm and honey brown eyes. Coincident much?

Yesterday the couple were spotted in the hospital as well as the streets of Washington DC together in solitude. The sams source claims that Draco Malfoy had been cheating on her with The Hermione Granger. Currently the where abouts of them are not available for us, but stay tuned for more gossip on their forbidden relationship.



"Don't let Hermione see this."

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