Chapter Twenty - San Diego (Pt.2)

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"It's going to be fine, don't worry so much." I whined as I buckled my seat belt after telling the driver the address to my mothers' house. Harry on the other hand, was ecstatic to meet her and wouldn't shut up about it either.

"So do you have any brothers or sisters?" He asked fixing his curly mop in the reflection of my phone, looking unhappy with the quality of his hair. 

"I have a half brother, you'll meet him." I snatched my phone back from him, then rested my head in Niall's lap and sighed. 

Visiting my mom is like flipping a coin, an 18 sided coin that is constantly flipping and never stops. One of the main reasons my parents broke up was because my mom got diagnosed with a severe case of Bipolar Disorder and Agoraphobia, which basically means she's one more diagnosis short from an asylum.

I remember when I went to visit my mom, the first time since they sent me to live with my aunt, that was one of the worst trips I have ever taken in my life. Luckily, my dad was in the area and we went to get ice cream after. I was only nine okay? Don't judge.  

We talked, not much like a kid should talk or does talk to their mom, but as much as either of us could handle and keep up with. Since she didn't leave the house much it consisted of talking over the phone the entire time.

"Are we there yet?" Harry asked, my eyes drifting over to him to see his sheepish smile and messily fluffed back hair. "Not too much further, but I should probably give you guys a forewarning." I sat up and rested up against Niall's side.

"Lay it on us." Niall spoke for the first time since we'd gotten in the car, draping his arm on the seat above me. Harry sat up after fussing about with his hair again, this time in the reflection from the dark windows.

"Well, my mom can be, sporadic?" The words left me in a more questioning way then I'd intended. "She goes back and forth with her moods, sometimes all in the same time frame. She hasn't in a little while, but she's prone to get really escalated anxiety, panic attacks and things like that."

I didn't want to come flat out and say it, I tried to hint around it and loosely explain. "So," I trailed off, moving my hand in a little circular motion between the three of us. "We should act more tame than usual, take it down a few pegs." Harry filled in my sentence, peeking over out the window and turning back to us with a little smile.

"Yes, exactly, just don't do anything outrageously crazy like you lot are known for." He said sarcastically, giving Niall and I the concerned mom look. Just as I was about to snark back, the car stopped and almost instantaneously the driver opened the door and gave each of us a warm smile.

I returned his kind gesture, trying to mask the unsure terror of what is behind the old, dull, wooden door that lie in front of us. Niall knocked on the door a few times then grabbed my hand, a big bright smile on his face; I wonder what happened to him, I thought.

The door flew open and it revealed a tall boy with messy blonde hair, and I barely recognized him, but to be fair he was only a toddler when I last saw him. We've talked on the phone at least every month, mostly chatting about mom but also building up a sibling bond that couldn't be broken.

"Hey Skank!" He called out as soon as he laid his eyes on me, scooping me up into a huge hug that lifted me off of the ground. 

"Twat!" I yelled back, giggling like an idiot and feeling stupid that I had even felt nervous in the first place. When he put me down I turned to the confused faces of Niall and Harry.

"Guys, this is my half brother, Ben." I gestured to him, being sure to slap him across the face gently in the process. He narrowed his eyes, returning the slap to the back of my head before snickering and folding his arms over his chest.

"Ben, this is my boyfriend, Niall and my best friend, Harry." Niall and Harry extended their hands, intended on a handshake but instead getting a quick slap, Ben turning on his heels and leaving us in the doorway. 

"and now, the interesting part." I whispered more so to myself, following the guys in and swinging the door shut behind us. 

Walking further into the house Niall and Harry lagged behind me and looked at the many pictures littering the hallway that led to the rest of the house, both of them suddenly stopping and letting out loud, bellowing laughs.

"What's so funny?" I walked back and caught a glimpse of the photo, throwing my hands over my face with a loud groan.

It was a photo my mom took when I was in kindergarten at my graduation into first grade, my hair was up in pigtails and my old glasses were pushed up my nose.

My romper was absolutely hideous, the colorful splashes here and there were probably not even in style when I was five, and hopefully they never would be.

"Come on, ya tossers." I grumbled and pinched Harry's right and Niall's left under arm, dragging them down the rest of the hall in complete ignorance to their cries and protests.

"Erin," I dropped my hands to look over at my mom, and she surprisingly looked a lot different from my last memory of her. Probably because that was over two years ago.

Her bottle-made brown hair was wrapped up in a ponytail on top of her head, her jeans washed out and faded from their original blue color. Her shirt was too lose on her thin body, dangling off her left shoulder to show her prominent collar bones.

 "Hi, mom," I said unsure, for a second I could've nearly mistaken her for another woman, absent of her track pants and bulky hoodies.

Way or way, I walked over and into her arms, wrapping her up in a tight hug after awkwardly deciding on going the top route. She smiled into my shoulder and squeezed me even tighter, whispering something to herself quietly. After a long embrace, she let go and finally acknowledged Niall and Harry, giving both of them a short hug. 

"My daughter has told me a lot about you two. That Liam one too." Harry offered a polite nod to my mothers comment, Niall simply smiled, his shoulders rolling at the subject.

"You have a lovely home." Harry smiled with his hands behind his back, looking at the endless shelves of antiques in the living room. Her face lit up as soon as she heard him, guiding us all to a massive bookcase and picking up the first object to explain.

"Not that I totally don't want to listen to this or anything, but Niall and I are going upstairs for a second" I said before she could even get the first word out "but Harry will stay with you. Right mate?" 

"......Right" He mumbled back, giving Niall and I the stink eye as my mom babbled on and on about some doll from the 1800's. He giggled like a little girl, sticking his tongue out at Harry while I dragged him up the stairs into my room.

Niall and I just stood in the hallway for a while, laughing, not really at anything particular. He gently grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, staring into my eyes. Slowly, but surely his lips met mine and our mouths collided for 60 seconds of pure heaven. I could hear his phone ringing from his back pocket, but I didn't stop. 

And at that moment, everything was perfect. 

Then Niall ansered his phone. 


you guys are honestly the greatest :,) like we update every 2ish months and ya'll still read it that's amazing... we don't have as many reads as we do on the earlier chapters but it's still so cool that you actually are excited for updated and stuff!! 

your homework this chapter is to tell someone about pucker up. tell yer friends. tell yer pets. tell yer neighbours. maybe i should stop being weird and just end this awkward message. k bye

 dedication goes to SkittlezSkittlez because she's a babe and take me to church is an amazing song

or should i say


k bye im annoying

Question of the chapter: What are you doing for Valentines day?? 

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