Chapter Eight - Carnival

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  • Dedicated to ALL OF YOU C;

-Erin's P.O.V-

"So what do you want to ride first?" I said, with a hint of annoyance in my voice, Niall and Liam had been signing autographs for about 20 minutes now. He looked at me, reading me like an open book. "I'm sorry Erin. This is what comes with fame." He said, sighing yet another autograph. Jesus can these girls not see he's out with someone?!

I groaned, walking ahead of the two. Danielle walked up behind me. "Don't get used to it, not like you'll be around long anyway." She smiled, walking back over to Liam. I watched her wide eyed and shocked. The nerve of that little... Thing! I don't even know what to call her!

I rolled my eyes walking ahead and lining up for a roller coaster. "Hey there." I voice said from behind me. I turned slightly to see a lad I've never seen before. "Hello?" I said turning back around and looking ahead of me. "What's a pretty girl like you doing alone at a carnival?" He said, causing me to turn to him again.

"I'm not alone." I said, looking at him awkwardly. He made an 'o' shape with his mouth, and continued to talk to me. "What's your name, love?" He asked, smiling. Oh my goodness. Can I feel like a douche for saying this but I just want to be left alone. "It's Erin." I said turning back around.

Just as I did I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I flailed around thinking it was the lad I had just talked to. I broke free, turning around and getting ready to show him what his spleen looked like but instead I came face to face with the bright blue eyes.

"Jesus Niall. I was about to open a can of whoop ass on you!" I yelled, clutching my heart which was beating faster than normal. He laughed loudly at my sudden action and just stood next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I sorry, can I make it up to you?" he smirked, placing a sloppy peck on my cheek, jesus, this boy always knows how to make me smile. "Get us to the front of the line?" I raised an eyebrow at the so called 'fame' he and Liam has.

"No problem." The familiar smirk one again appeared on his features.


"Next in line please step up and get in your seats." The announcer said as Niall and I stepped into the front seats of the cart. Miraculously Niall had gotten us to the front of that line and he and I were currently boarding the ride, Liam and She-devil no where in sight.

"Niall, whats wrong?" I tugged on his arm, which made him face me, his face pale white. "I, um, nothing, I just," The I finally realized what was happening, Niall was scared. I let the two people infront of us go as I turned to face Niall. "Niall it's fine, it's just a roller coaster, love." I said, smiling sweetly at him.

He smiled a big toothy grin, leaning down so he can engulf me into a hug, and before you ask, yes, I'm that short. "Umm, PDA Niall." I shoved my hand in his face, "Come on, race you to the water boats." I smirked, taking off in the direction of the boats. Which was totally unfair because, heels! Jeez Niall.


Omgomgomg so many reads, I remember I used to post like 10 comments just so people world read it! I love you guys so much! The dedication goes to all of you!

No, but the, the real question is, Who is your favorite???? CURLY V.S KENZIE!!!! WHICH SIDE WILL YOU PICK?? I'm gonna lose but who cares.

P.S. I probably should be telling, but curly and I are working on ANOTHER story ;) keep your eyes out babessssssss

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