there are days when my room of contentment to continue and think that i am worthy turns monotonous, melancholy, and sonically dark. even a flickering light cannot compensate into the overwhelming darkness in my head. because, like everything else, it's just fleeting. but it has become my haven—my silence. it is where i feel life in a harsher yet calm way.
maybe it's not a terrible thing to be anxious, lonely, or the embodiment of every messed-up thought i have in my head.
darkness may feel like having a gradual growth of black holes in every part of my body, yet it somehow soothes me.
Thoughts Bared in Gray Nuances
Poetry...and so, rather than flowers, throw the torn pages of this vestige to my tomb. and so, instead of elegies, recite all the pieces written here. and so, in lieu of crying, burn this whole thing and toss this tome's ashen catachresis to my grave. do...