45- AA Rumors

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     It's amazing how fast time flies when you're happy, Caroline thought as she drove to work Monday morning. The past few months, and especially the past few days her life had been a roller coaster of ups and downs. Right now she was more than content with the "up" from the past forty eight hours. Her brother was doing so well that he was discharged on Sunday, and the man he hit woke up from his coma later that evening, seeming to have no injuries that will cause long term problems. Unbeknownst to Caroline until Saturday, as soon as Mason heard about the accident on Friday, he had placed her parents in contact with the lawyer who helped him during his accident. The lawyer was apparently one of the best in Georgia for DUI accidents involving injuries to the other party. Her brother would certainly have to serve jail time, but with it being his first offense the lawyer felt like he could get it down to the minimum which was a year. It would be a setback for James, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. At this point, Caroline and her family were just happy to have James alive.

     Her date with Mason Saturday night perfectly kicked off the renewal of their relationship. He had taken her to Babette's Cafe, a cozy, quaint little house east of midtown with a European feel, that served what they referred to as "French, Italian, and Spanish provincial food." It was delicious, real food, not pretentious like so many places that serve French food. That night he told her that the media had stopped hounding Sophia and him, and he was ready for them to be open about their relationship. He meant everywhere, including work.

     Somehow, in spite of the fact that Mason was going to meet her in the parking lot, so they could enter the building openly holding hands for the first time, she wasn't anxious. Caroline's excitement seemed to be affecting her nerves in a different way. Sunday she had called Brad and explained what was going on with herself and Mason. After all he had done for her and the fact that he had feelings for her, she wanted him to hear it straight from her and have time to process it. She had also told Megan, who of course wasn't surprised, and Michael who said he was exceedingly happy for them. For Mason's part, he told Chris who said he had been waiting for the day, and Jessica. Telling Jessica was the most difficult of all. He said she became snippy with him and told him it wouldn't last, and not to come complaining to her when he wanted to break things off and he had to deal with the potential backlash from his parents and the media. It didn't help that he had to tell her he was moving her back to the Communications department. Thankfully she was out of town with her mom for the next week as a result of them wanting to be away when her ex was released from prison, so she would at least have time to calm down before returning.

     When Caroline pulled her car into a spot and saw people parking and heading towards the building, then noticed Mason walking towards her car, the nerves finally hit. Caroline could feel her heart beat rapidly and her hands began to sweat. As Mason opened her door and reached for her hand, she panicked and didn't move.

     Mason leaned down and whispered to her, "Come on Peaches, you've got this. Actually, together we've got this." He winked.

     Caroline squeezed his hand back and forced a smile, before finally easing up out of her car. For the most part people didn't seem to notice them as they walked towards the building, but she did see a few do double takes or look at them with surprise.

     "Mr. Smith!" Laura, the receptionist, called out with a smile which changed to confusion when she noticed his hand interlaced with Caroline's. "Um, there's a, um, package here for you that I haven't had time to send up yet." She finally gathered her thoughts and handed him a box.

     "Thank you, Laura." Mason grinned with pride, then leaned forward and lowered his voice. "In case you were wondering, yes, Caroline and I are dating." Laura smiled back and nodded.

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