She escapes the bloods only to be kidnapped and brought into the worlds dangerous gang the queens will she fall for the gang leader or will she escape again ???
After they threw you in there you were trying to find a way to escape but then you fell asleep sitting up and while u were sleeping mattia came barging in your room u jolt awake Mattia: you could've slept on the bed Y/n: yea next think I know I'm tied to it Mattia: where did u come from Y/n:....... The bloods...... u said that while looking at the floor Mattia: them!?! Y/n: yeah they kidnapped me and killed my parents right in front of me I lost my whole family because of them * you got tears in ur eyes* Mattia: wait...... isn't their leader Marc Y/n: yea he's the reason I almost got shot one time Mattia: shot..... Y/n: he sent me on a mission to get information from this one gang I forgot what its called I ended up getting shot Y/n: they were terrible....I just..I just don't wanna go back I tried to escape from them and I ran for my life until the me of ur guys grabbed me Mattia: well your here now so... your phone started vibrating like crazy Y/n:* gasp * they are tracking my phone *you threw it across the room* Mattia went to grab your phone he pulled out his gun and shot a bullet through it which made you jump Mattia: look your here now so you don't have to worry abt anything He left the room You sigh and go to sleep still in your clothes
THE NEXT MORNING You were woken up by mattia and his boys walking in You:........ Mattia: your going on a mission You: NO!!!!! Mattia: your one of us now You: No I didn't even agree to join Mattia: stop whining your gonna be fine the boys will be there in case something happens You:why am I doing this Mattia: where going to the house come on You follow them to the car In the car there were two females devyn and Jenna Jenna was giving you glares and dirty looks but u ignored her You get to the house and that bitch was fucken huge it was 4 floors
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You follow everyone inside Devyn leads you to your room it was fancy and pretty u guys had a good convo she was really nice u guys were laughing until mattia and his boys came it the room Mattia: I didn't get your name You: Y/n Mattia: Y/n these are the boys Alvaro,Diego,Kairi,Alex,Alejandro,and Roshaun And these are the girls devyn and Jenna The whole day passes you were in your room Alex knocks You: come in Alex: get ready for the mission and put this on He leaves you get ready and shit after you put your outfit on u went to your mirror your eyes go wide You: Okay I see you y/n looking all professional and shit
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After you got ready mattia called u guys down Mattia:guys come in Diego: ready ? You: why am I doing this ?? Kairi: you need to get sum info on a guy that's on us Y/n: why me Alejandro: because he doesn't know who you are that's why Y/n: 😒 Alvaro: try to seduce him Y/n: what if something goes wrong ?? Diego: don't worry Devyn: well be near the building Alex: you have to wear this ear piece it looks like sum deaf people wear but it's something we use to communicate just hold this button while your talking and let go after your done talking Y/n: ok Alex helps you put it on right Before you go all the guys say good luck Devyn: look at your surroundings if someone looks at you suspicious talk ok Y/n: ok You head out the car and hear Jenna Jenna: Don't fuck up or you'll end up dead as a matter a fact end up shot Diego: shut the fuck up jenna You arrive at the lounge Alvaro: remember what you have to do we will all be here waiting for you to come back Y/n: do I even know what this guy looks like Kairi shows you a picture You sigh and go inside the lounge and there he was sitting at a table TO BE CONTINUED Will it go as planned or will go all wrong ???????