She escapes the bloods only to be kidnapped and brought into the worlds dangerous gang the queens will she fall for the gang leader or will she escape again ???
U decided u were just gonna name him when u see him u finished up a couple things showered did ur night routine and went to sleep 4 MONTHS LATER U are now 9 months pregnant with ur baby boy u were currently going to your doctors appointment to get ur weekly check up U arrived told the receptionist that u have an appointment u sat in ur waiting area until ur doctor called u in for ur ultrasound Doctor: hello y/n glad to see u back right now we are gonna hear the babies heartbeat Doctor: his heartbeat sounds good U got to see him and these are sum pics u got
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U loved him so much already u couldn't wait to meet him ❤️ U went home and did a few things 1 WEEK LATER It was 2 weeks before ur due date and just the thought that the ur gonna be meeting your son very soon makes u feel excited and scared at the same time 3 DAYS LATER. U came back from Starbucks and finished cleaning the kitchen u were washing dishes and all of a sudden u feel a sharp pain You: ahh And u see water roll down ur leg with blood U tried to walk to ur phone U got to the phone and dialed 911 Operator: 911 what's your emergency You: I-I need a A-Ambulance-ce ahh Operator:ok what's ur address You: *says address 3 floor Operator: ok sending them right now You: ahh this hurts so bad *cryin Operator: focus on your breathing hunny Operator: breathe in breathe out slowly hun You do as she says until the ambulance people get to u They put u on a stretcher and rushed u to the hospital U were checked in and stuff the doctor that was gonna deliver your child Doctor:ok looks like ur 10 centimeters ur gonna start pushing ok hun You: o-ok ahhh Doctor: push You push You: ow ow it hurts Doctor: I know but u gotta push u almost there U pushed 2 more times and the baby was out Doctor: hello little guy yea ohh I know I know they took ur baby to clean him the doctor was workin in u meanwhile Doctor:WE NEED MORE DOCTORS HERE TO BE CONTINUED what will happen ?