Part 3

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Everything was going as planned you seduced him to get information out of him until one of his enemies walk in 🤦‍♀️
He went up to the table u were in and the guy you were on pushes you off him and the other guy accidentally stabbed you 3 times in the waist everyone was screaming and running outside
Your communication thing fell off and u were holding your wound and trying to crawl outside the building u were crying
You went back inside and crying to the bartender and screaming for him to help you and he just yells at you to get out
You go back inside where you were visible and u tried to get up and once you got up u ran because u saw a hospital a block away
You kept on running but I started to slow down
The guys were following you trying to catch up with you u felt dizzy and collapsed on the floor in front of the desk
Diego went running for help as the others try to keep you awake you were loosing so much blood
Doctors come running with a stretcher put u in it and take u into surgery immediately
All the boys call Mattia and Alex waits until mattia arrives while the others leave
After an hour  you were still in surgery
Mattia's POV
Alex called me to go to the hospital I'm in the waiting room  pacing up and down until the doctor FINALLY comes out
Mattia: how is she
Doctor ( Doc )
Doc:she did get sum stitches the stabbed missed her organs shes OK
Doc: are you her brother
Mattia: well no — I'm her HuSbAnD
Doc: Mmh well you both look a bit too young to be married
Mattia: CaN I gO iN aNd sEe My WiFe Or NoT
Doc: ok she's in room 214 down to your left
Mattia: ok
I walk into her room and call over Alex I see she has a patch on her nothing connected on her
Mattia: call the gang and tell them to come her now
Docs POV
I was with a patient for 20 minutes and As I see visiting time is over Me and another doc walk in to y/n's room to check on her and I see that she's gone 😨 and so is her husband unless that boy really isn't her husband
                    THE NEXT MORNING
Y/n's POV
I suddenly wake up I sit up and run my head trying to remember what happened I looked down and see I'm in a sports bra and shorts I look over and see Mattia's shirt on the floor and his body half covered with the sheets he was laying on his stomach his head facing the other way you look down then at him and all you can think of is if u guys had sex last night
Mattia starts moving and u quickly lay back down and act sleep then u feel a patch on ur waist you turn the other way u feel mattia get up and then u feel his staring at you
You hear him leave the room you spend and hour trying to remember what happened last night but you can't you finally get up walk over to the mirror and look at your stomach you touch where the stab wound is then somebody walks in
You: what ?
Kairi: mattia wants you to come down to eat
You: ok
He leaves the room you sigh and go downstairs
You walk to the kitchen and nobody's there you think they are just talking somewhere else you see a plate of pancakes and bacon on the counter
You sit down on the counter and just look at the food u grab a tiny piece of bacon and bite it
Mattia walks in so u just keep the piece in your mouth and u watch mattia with your eyes
Mattia: how's the food
You: good
Mattia: bet your wondering why u were in my bed last night huh
                TO BE CONTINUED
sorry I haven't updated I'm busy with school u know doing finals and shit online 😒 but anyways I hoe you guys like the story ok bye love y'all

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