Part 6

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Marc's POV
After we send the video to mattia we start the fun I mean we've done it before so she'll be fine
After all I killed Mattia's parents I take y/n's pants off and start the fun
Your POV I wake up and see Mariano doing it to me
Marc came in as mar was putting his pants up
Marc: Dammit!! knock her out
( let's pretend Kevin survived just cuz )
Kevin and mar held u down so did Marc
You kept moving your head as they put a cloth over your mouth
You were knocked out once again until u hear gunshots
They all go outside and all you hear is gunshots
Devyns POV
I breaks down a door to a room and there I see y/n layout no in some sort of stretched without a mattress
I go over to her
Devyn: Y/N!!!!! Y/N!!!!WAKE UP !!! CAN U HEAR ME
I look around and see a cloth and a bottle
Devyn: SHIT !!
I had no choice I slapped her twice then she jolts awake
You jumped off from the bed
Devyn: Y/N! don't go out there it's not safe!
You run outside and see mattia ponying his gun at Marc
You run over to him and hug him you dug ur face on his chest he places his hand in the back of ur head
Mattia: this is for u Marc
Marc: u gotta have good aim
He started to run out while mattia was trying to shoot him but missed every time
Everyone else came back
Ale: everyone got in the car and left
Mattia: well get them next time
You all go back to the house and find jenna on the couch
Jenna:where were u guys
Mattia:don't tell her where we were
Next morning u wake up to mattia sitting next to u
You: what are u doing ?
Mattia: what did marc do to you
You: he raped me.............he did it many times before I le—
Mattia: I'm gonna kill him
You: why are u acting so overprotective
Mattia: because ur part of us
You: I am?
Mattia: do u want to
You: ......... yes
You: wait mattia.... I have to tell you something
Mattia: what?
You: um...marc
Mattia: what?
You:he umm.....
Mattia: he what ?
You: he was the one that killed ur parents
Mattia: the fuck did u just say to me
Mattia: since when have u known this
You: since the day we met
Mattia: oh my fucken god !!
You: I'm sorry
Mattia: GET OUT!!
You: where
Mattia: just away from here
You: where am I gonna go ?
Mattia: anywhere but here
He got close to ur face
Mattia: you knew he fuckin killed them and u didn't say shit u kept ur fucken mouth shut
Mattia: just pack ur shit and GET THE HELL OUT!!!!
                   TO BE CONTINUED

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