She escapes the bloods only to be kidnapped and brought into the worlds dangerous gang the queens will she fall for the gang leader or will she escape again ???
Doctors and nurses came rushing in You: w-what's going one Nurse: sweetheart ima need to put this over your head ok They put u under and rushed u to the O.R AFTER SURGERY nurse: hello sweetheart how are u feeling You:o-ok what happened Doctor: ur placenta was stuck and u were bleeding to death You: oh god Doctor: but overall your fine u shouldn't have any types of complications You:when can I meet my son Doctor: we are gonna take u back to ur room so u can hold him ok You:ok They took u back to ur room and u met ur beautiful baby boy Doctor: what are u gonna name him You: I think I should name you Mateo Luca Polibio Doctor: that's a beautiful name *smiling U and him did skin to skin for a little bit then they explained to u a couple of things u asked if they could take pictures and they said yes These are the pics
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