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3rd POV

Aizawa sat stalk still, letting the boy cry in silence, letting the boy whipe his tears in silence, letting the boy calm down in silence. And then Aizawa started to ask questions. But softer this time, not as pressuring.

"What happened?" Aizawa asked, quietly, after Midoriya had stopped crying.

"Really. I just spilled my fucking guts o-out and you're going to ask what happened, even after my tantrum. You're a brave one."

"I dont know if you've noticed, but you can't really do anything."

Midoriya just smirked and lifted the hand cuffs, though the smirk wasn't really affective with his tear stained face, and showed him his separated hands. "Can I go back now?"

Aizawa was the tiniest bit baffled but very impressed, the handcuffs were supposed to be indestructible and unable for anyone to get out of. For Midoriya to do so was slightly amazing. He nodded, standing up and guiding him back.

"Izu!" Toga yelled, completely happy to see Midoriya, though she was obviously cutting off a conversation with All Might and Nezu.

He froze in the door way, no cuffs, no bars holding him back as he tried to calm down. "Get out." He said simply, holding back his anger. It wouldn't be far if Midoriya mauled his face without remembering what happened between the two. All Might, however, just stood there so Midoriya turned to Aizawa with a pleading look, tears almost brimming his eyes. "Get him out before I do something I fucking regret." He said in a quiet voice.

Aizawa was happy as he motioned for All Might to leave, they were obviously already getting somewhere whether Midoriya realized it or not, he had restrained himself. He didn't immediately attack. The same thing happened earlier, Midoriya could have very well attacked Aizawa but he stayed in his chair, he didn't attack. Aizawa was practically beaming. Well, not really, he was sorta smiling, but Nezu could see that that was as close to beaming as Aizawa would ever actually get.

Dabi walked up to Midoriya once he was back in the cell, "Hey are you ok? I heard yelling." Dabi spoke quietly, so Midoriya assumed no one else heard it, which he was grateful for.

He silently shook his head no and gave him a look, saying they would talk later.

"Well, we made arrangements and what we came up with was Midoriya and Toga will be in class 1-A, and Dabi, Shigaraki, and Twice will be in class 3-A. You'll be going tomorrow, is that understood."

Midoriya's ora intensified so that everyone, except Nezu, took a step back. "I said. I didn't. want. to go." He was glaring at Aizawa who was, unexpectedly, staring at the floor instead.

"You'll be going anyways, for one year at least, the hope is you will learn from this experience, this year and the 3 that are in the third year classes can graduate and you two," Pointing at Toga and Midoriya, "Will go all the way through the three years and become heroes with the potential you have." Before Midoriya could continue talking, Nezu walked out to join All Might. Aizawa stayed though.

"Aizawa, come on, please!" Midoriya wasn't above begging at this point, we was that against going to the school for future heroes. This didn't feel like a choice. It didnt feel like an offer. He was being dragged into something that he didn't want to do after he specifically said he didn't want to.

"I'm sorry, it isn't my call anymore." He quietly walked out, shutting the door quietly as well. There was fast talking, loud and fast talking heard on the other side before it all shut up and stopped. Nezu had won. Midoriya would be going to school.

"Izu, why don't you-"

"Because damnit! You know this! Dabi knows this! Everyone fucking knows this! Did you let the talk you guys all had with Aizawa erase what everyone has done to yourselves? I ran away from that damn life for a reason, a-and th-they are bringing m-me back o-over my d-dead body!-" Midoriya was going into panic mode and Dabi was right there. Sure, Toga was good at defusing these situations, but not as good as Dabi. Dabi ultimately knew Midoriya better, they had a bond no one else in the group had.

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