The Bride At The Window

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Hoster Tully couldn't be more angry. In less than a moon's turn he received news from Brandon Stark, who went to King's Landing to rescue his sister and to seek justice for the King, instead of marrying his daughter, Catelyn Tully. I've waited six years, Catelyn thought bitterly, it's okay to wait a few more moon's turn.

She was at the window of the castle; waiting for her betrothed and far from her annoying father, though Catelyn knew that she wanted to marry for another reason.

Brandon was very attractive and very fierce, though pious, as he demonstrated her by not killing Petyr in that stupid fight. Catelyn has 18 years and she was as proud as beautiful; had auburn cascaded cascaded and as long as it touched her waist, a color of eyes as clear as the waters that run through the Trident, and a young and gifted body; she was prepared for a husband.

She spent the afternoon waiting for Brandon and getting her father away with staying with Lysa; they sewed, they gossiped and laughed together, they did everything together. Lysa was a wild girl; aged 16, was a younger, less beautiful version of Catelyn but also very pretty, funny and was laughing with... childish dreams. Catelyn, since his mother died, had to act as the Lady of Riverrun and had to mature early; Lysa always grew up like a little girl. Despite being different, they are complementary, and that's what matters. Lysa would also be a good wife, Catelyn thought, I hope she could marry someone worthwhile, like Brandon.

Catelyn saw the Trident from the window. For days she had been watching. She always was waiting for men; her father when he returned from war, to her brother when he was traveling, a short boy who once came as a pupil of Lord Hoster ... and Brandon. Brandon would return, as always others have done. He'll be back, you'll see that, and you will get married with him and bring him strong and healthy children with dark hair and grey eyes, or auburn hair and blue eyes.

Catelyn longed for every passing hour, it could be all day looking at the window, looking at the sky, the river to the horizon...

Someone knocked on her door.

'Lady Catelyn, you father wants to see you at the Great Hall', her maid announced.

'I'll go at once' Catelyn said.

She arranged her hair and she put on her favorite dress; a blue sea gown with white pearls protruding eyes. It will be Brandon's news. He's back. We're getting married in a fortnight. Catelyn left her room and went to the living room with light steps.

In the Great Hall, her father and sister were present. Lysa apparently also wore a gown that favored her with a bright green color with diamonds, remarked that the color of her hair and eyes. Why Lysa had come? She will marry too? If Catelyn not remember wrong, Brandon had a younger brother, Eddard. Willas Tyrell was also a fine watch, heir to Highgarden. Jaime Lannister would also be a good idea if it were not because he had recently been named a white cloak.

Lysa had a smile from ear to ear; she was going to receive good news. Instead, her father, Lord Hoster Tully, had a solemn face, a face that Cat did not like. Lysa is so innocent. She does not realize that something is wrong. Will it be Brandon? He died in King's Landing? For Gods sake, no.

'Cat And Lysa, my girls, you are beautiful. I had not noticed that you had become women, as long as I saw girls I've always care' the tone of his father was sad. 'You are women, and no longer children, and you know that sometimes not everything goes well as the songs that your septa sang to you years ago'.

'Is something wrong, Father?' Lysa seemed so innocent and a sweet girl with that voice. We could do something?'

It's Brandon, you stupid girl, Cat thought. It's Brandon, so that's why he called me. And something will happen to you, something you will not like.

'It's Brandon' Catelyn was convinced.

'It's Brandon' Lord Hoster confirmed. 'It is Brandon. He went to King's Landing with his father for demanding justice for her sister. Though justice was not served. Lord Rickard and Brandon Stark Stark are dead.

Catelyn was more distressed than surprised. I knew it would happen, but it still hurts. But she could not reflect this; she was a Tully, she had to be strong. Yet she could not restrain tears.

'I'm so sorry, sister'. There was sadness in the tone of Lysa, but something more. 'I know yo hoped to marry Brandon Stark'.

That made Catelyn thought a moment.

'Eddard Stark is Lord of Winterfell now, and probably will not stay idly by the deaths of his father and brother and the abuduction of his sister. Robert Baratheon do something'. Catelyn also realized why she is here. 'You want to support the cause of Eddard, and you need to seal that with a marriage. With my marriage'. Catelyn waited for her father to talk.

'Like I said bedore, you are now women, though you will always be my girls' Lord Hoster seemed proud of Cat deductions. 'Yes, Cat. You'll marry Lord Eddard and bear his children'.

'But why supporting him? And why Lysa is here?' Cat was confused.

'We were going to be family anyway, so I should have also supported. House Baratheon will also join the cause to avenge the abduction of Lyanna Stark and House Arryn too, since Lord Jon Arryn had as pupils Robert Baratheon and Eddard. The Lannisters are out of the recent discussions of Tywin Lannister and King Aerys and his resignation as Hand of the King. Only we would face Martell, Tyrell and Targaryen. Four Houses against Three. But to support this cause, I needed a seal more to support it. As you rightly said Cat, I will seal it with a marriage. The marriage of Lysa'.

'Robert Baratheon will refuse to break his betrothal with Lyanna, if that's what you intend' Cat warned.

'I didn't mean Robert, I meant Jon Arryn'.

Cat was surprised and then Lysa began to cry. Jon Arryn was twenty years more than his father, he was an old man. He married twice before, but he is now too old to marry again.

'No, you can't do it Father, you cannot!' Lysa's voice trembled. 'I am a girl, not a woman. I cannot marry Jon Arryn, he is 20 years older than you! You cannot do this, you can't!' Lysa whimpered and began to weep again.

'Elbert Arryn died in King's Landing too, as he was Brandon's squire. Jon has no children or heirs. You're young, you will give him children who will one day be Lords of the Vale. No more denials. I'm sick of weddings' For a moment Lord Hoster looked 10 years older than he had. 'You will be married together and this time I will not wait, Lord Jom and Lord Eddard will come in less than a moon. Sorry, my sweet daughters, but not everything goes as is it expected' Hoster sighed. 'I must go to confirm the wedding'. He went out of the Great Hall.

It started with a abduction and ended in a rebellion, Cat thought. Catelyn returned to her window, waiting, waiting for this war to end.

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