The Lioness Queen

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The sun dawned bright and intense, as if it what to all of them wanted to look its splendor. 'I will do the same' Cersei thought, 'Everyone will admire the lion that I am'.

Cersei had sitting in the window since the sky was still dark. She could not sleep. The next day she would marry the King of the Seven Kingdoms, and she would be his queen.

Robert Baratheon was king since last year, the year that killed Prince Rhaegar and crush the Targaryen dynasty. For the death of the prince, Cersei almost mourned. I must be strong, a lioness. Lions do not cry. Rhaegar was very handsome and strong, but also smart and kind. I was going to marry him, but I'm going to marry his murderer. Though Robert did not seem bad.

He was tall and muscular, with a shock of black hair and ocean blue eyes, well-looking. All maids will envy me when they see me marry the most desirable man in the Seven Kingdoms. He would have to be the most desirable, as before it was Rhaegar.

There was another man who was very attractive and loved Cersei. Jaime she thought, my brother is going to be in the wedding and watch another man marring me. She wonder how it would be if she had attended the wedding of James and Lysa Though it will never happen, it boiled Cersei's blood. Lysa Tully married Jon Arryn, who was old enough to be her grandfather. And Jaime took the vows of the Kingsguard, that it basically consisted in chastity.

Still, Cersei grieved. Jaime is my twin brother, my lover, the other half of me. And you will see me with another man getting tired '. But that man was Robert Baratheon. There will be no worries and bad thoughts anymore. I will no longer be with Jaime. I'll be with the king, and when you see me in through the sept, he fall in love with me and forget that girl wolf. Though Lyanna Stark was dead, they say that Robert still mourns the loss of his betrothed. Cersei promised herself that he would fall in love with her.

While Cersei was deep in her thought, a shadow crept through the door. Cersei would had been scared if she was not used to Jaime's 'breaks'.
'Jaime', Cersei whispered. 'What are you doing here?' Jaime did not speak; he went directly to Cersei's mouth as his hands went down to her breast and hips. He is anxious, wild, like he will not touch me ever again. For Cerise's surprise, she led him to her bed.
Later, when Cersei was naked above Jaime's chest, he slid out of the bed, he got dressed and left the room. I was used as a blood whore. That did not please Cersei.

When the sun was raising when her handmaids entered in her room. They washed from head to toe, they perfumed all parts of his body, and began to dress her. Her wedding gown was tight of chest and loose of hips to the ankles. It was white as snow, with diamonds and gold embroidery. They combed her long golden hair and adorned with a cascade of diamonds and pearls, that highlighted her skin color. When she looked in the mirror, she realized there was no woman in the world more beautiful than her. The maids also noticed. Now I look like the sun of this morning, who illuminates every corner of the sept.

When the time came, the Kingsguard came for her. Jaime waited at the door, with a look of anger, but seeing Cersei he was looking like it was going to rip her dress and take her right there. I hope not to, because it's a beautiful dress.

Jaime took the bride by the arm and led her slowly outside the castle.

It was very uncomfortable; Jaime never left her for a moment, but he did not speak anything. He did his duty, but he hated it.

'You are very beautiful, sister' Jaime said.

'I have never been so beautiful to you?' Cersei joked to release tension.

'You have always been the woman most beautiful for me, but you will no longer be mine' his eyes kindled green fire, wildfire.

Though this morning you fucked me as a whore from Flea Bottom. 'Jaime, you know no one expected this. Also know that sooner or later I would get married, and at least we are together' though I won't touch you having Robert. 'I did not choose this, Jaime, it was Father'.

'You don't see that you hate the idea. You are radiant with the dress and with your smile, and i see that you're really in love with Robert'.

'Jaime, I ...' they entered in the sept and Jaime freed her. He hates you, she thought. Of course he hates you, you marry another man that is not him. Cersei was sad for a second, then I was surprised and excited by the beauty of the place.

The septo of Baelor was beautiful in itself, though it seemed to have been overcome; there were flowers in every corner, the deer and the lion were everywhere; I had many guests who looked admiringly at Cersei.

His own father walked her down the aisle. Tywin Lannister was splendid; wearing the colors of House Lannister; red and gold. The gold highlighted his bright green eyes he had. He did not smile, as always, but you could tell he was not upset.

When Cersei reached the altar, Robert turned; he was handsome with the colors of gold and black, the colors of House Baratheon. He wore his crown on his neatly combed black hair and his eyes were seas where you could drown, and his bright smile made him Cersei heart throb hard. I'll be your queen and wife. 

During the feast, Cersei and Robert have got to know a little. Robert was equally attractive kind that was chivalrous and everyone were friend with him. Cersei became to love him more and more. She looked around the feast, and everyone enjoyed the party. It is normal, we have all suffered losses and wounds in the war. Now is the time to relax and smile. Although not everyone was smiling. Jaime's face seemed carved stone. Cersei ignored him and paid attention to Robert. Now he was drinking and laughing with Jon Arryn. Cersei noted that Robert drank too much. It is normal to drink a bit more than usual in feasts like this Cersei herself was said.

At the time of bedding, the women took to Robert as men did and Cersei rose and began to they began to remove clothing. They ripped the beautiful dress of Cersei, and soon a breast poked out. They are direct with what they want, Cersei thought. She tried cupped it with her hand, but she was seized. Suddenly, she was totally naked. Cersei looked at her father, who was watching the men with a cold stare. Neither he like this. He does not like to see their daughter naked.

On arriving at the king's chambers, she saw Robert standing naked, supporting the bed with one hand to keep from falling. He is drunk. Either that, or he's dizzy. Cersei was not deceived herself. He had drunk too much.

When they brought Cersei to Robert, he took her and wrapped in his strong arms and muscles and gave her a long kiss.

They fell to the bed as they kissed passionately, his hands grasping the whole Robert thing Cersei had soft. Though he had drink too much, moves as if born to do it. Cersei was no maid; she had spent too many nights with Jaime, and she was already experienced with it.

The sighs became gasps and soft jerky movements; it was time Cersei had to prove the women she was. Robert seized her in his arms and never seemed to let go. She did not want to go. Between sheets and roses, kisses and gasps, King said the last name that Cersei would ever wanted.

'Lyanna' Robert sighed and fell down to bed and fell asleep, leaving a confused and naked Cersei.

It was a night with bright stars; stars that lit Cersei tears.

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