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Jung Miyoung POV

"You what?!"

I shushed her, and glanced around the cafeteria. When I was sure nobody had heard, I redirected my attention to a perturbed Eunmi

"He pulled me close and.. we kissed"

Eunmi's eyes nearly flew from their sockets

"What the heck, Miyoung?"

"But get this" I said "you know what he said after that? He just straight up told me to leave! What type of person had the audacity to say that? Like, seriously!"

Eunmi rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation

"You great idiot! He probably likes you!"

"What? No! No way. Hyungwon? And me?"

"Okay, that's a little bit weird, I have to admit, but why else would he do that?" she asked, curiously

"I don't know, to irk me?"

"I'm just saying. Don't give up, honey. You can still get his heart"

"You're talking as if I actually like him"

"Don't you" she smirked

"No! I hate him!"

An amused smiled played upon Eunmi's lips. She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table

"Weren't you the one who accidentally blurted that you wanted to kiss him, and then covered it up with "kill" instead?"

"That was a slip of the tongue! I really did mean kill!"

"Oh sure you did, honey. Sure, sure. Do you not find Hyungwon attractive at all?"

I regarded the fabric of my skirt like it was the most fascinating thing in the universe

"Uhm, maybe a little bit?"

Eunmi leaned in closer, until our noses were touching

"A little, Miyoung? We're talking Chae Hyungwon, the most sought-after hottie at this academy"

Reluctantly, I met her eyes

"Okay, then, yeah, I guess"

"Yeah, what?"

"Yeah, he's physically attractive"

"You mean hot"

"Ugh! Fine! I admit! Hyungwon is hot!"

"Lord, Miyoung! You don't have to be that excited"

This garnered more than just a few glances and whispers. It was no secret that Hyungwon and I were bitter rivals,and it was also no secret that I had spent the night in his hospital room. Now it seemed that everyone knew that I thought Hyungwon was hot.

"His personality is shit so it's not like it means anything"

Eunmi chuckled

"This means you have a crush on him right?"

I was about to smack Eunmi before she raised her arms in self defense and claimed she was 'only kidding, but seriously, answer the question'

I ran my fingers over my face and let out an unceremonious groan. Hyungwon was an enigma to me. Despite having such a traumatic past, he put up this almost flawless facade

But I, stupid inquisitive Jung Miyoung stole files from his goddamn psychiatrist and learned information that I never thought I'd ever learn. I was too far into his world to back out.

I hated him, I had always been sure that I hated him. He was my rival, he called me names and he didn't care about me at all. But as Eunmi's words about the incident actually amounting to something resonated through my mind, I began to have doubts

I had seen the part of him that he had always hidden so well, broken and anguished and robbed of light. It was like he was somebody else.

"I don't know" I muttered "I don't know"

I had always hated mysteries, mostly because they completely occupied my thoughts and prevented me from doing anything else until I solved them

Hyungwon was a mystery, and I couldn't keep him off my mind. Not until I unraveled his enigma


I was lying in bed leafing through a trashy paperback romance when I received a call from Hyungwon

I subconsciously felt my heartbeat speed up as I tapped accept

"What do you want" I asked in irritation

"Woah. Nice to speak to you too"

His voice was raspy and love

"You sound like you've been walking in a desert. Go drink some water"

"It hurts when I swallow"

My heart thumped even louder. If it hurts when he swallowed, then it must've hurt when he sat up to kiss me right?

"Okay, that's beside the point. What do you want?"

"I want to..apologize, for, um, that thing I did. It was something I regret"

Really hit me like a ten-foot wave. Of course he regretted it. I was a fool to think that it meant something

"That's okay" I said smoothly "It didn't mean much to me"

"That's good. I didn't intend for it to"

There was a brief pause

"Is that all?"


"Okay. Bye"

"Wait, Miyoung?"


Another pause


"Uh, okay. Bye"


I hit the end call. The more we interacted, the more confused I became. Instead of solving the mystery that was Chae Hyungwon, I was just becoming more and more confused

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Hey guys ! Here's another update ! Hope you guys are enjoying reading and I hope you guys liked it. Please do vote ~ HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY TO OUR BOYS!! <3 I LOVE YOU <3

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