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Jung Miyoung POV

"The sessions aren't helping"


Hyungwon leaned over his physics school work to grab my pen

"They're not helping. I don't feel any better"

"Don't you think it's too short term to decide?"

"No. They're not helping"

I watched him in silent frustration as he scribbled down the answers at the speed of light. Stupid boy, who can answer questions with a pen and not worry about making any mistakes

"Well, why the hell not?"

He checked-over his work

"I don't know. The psychiatrist is treating me like my mental state is made of break way glass or something. Also I have to about myself talk a lot. I really hate it"

He placed his work to the side. No mistakes

I though back to the time when I tired to visit him when he had first become depressed. He was asleep, so his mother and I conducted conversation. She told me about Hyungwon's childhood, but only the nicer aspects. She told me of all the things he wanted to do as a child, but never got to

From what I remembered, he wanted to go to an animal shelter, and a theme park, and most of all, he wanted to see fireworks

I cleared my throat

"Uh. Would you like to,uh,go? Go,uh,to,um,like,a shelter? Not for homeless people, for animals"

I cringed at my awkward verba; deliverance as my arch nemesis cocked a brow. A small smile played upon his lips

"Why are you stuttering, loser?"

"Why does your face look like my foot, loser?" I shoot back

"Your foot must be sexy as hell, then"

For some reason that made my cheeks grow hot. Did I have a foot fetish or something?

"Anyways,yeah, heck you, answer the question"

Hyungwon leaned back against his wooden chair. His hair flopped into his eyes

"Tomorrow, 10 am. I would pick you up, but I can't drive yet"

A wave of guilt engulfed me

"That's okay" I said quickly "I'll be here by 10"

"Okay. By the way, the way you solved your problem is really inefficientt"

Hyungwon was leaning over my physics work, examining it upside-down. He was so close that I could smell him. He smelled so..good. Like soap and freshener and something else that I couldn't identify but appealed to me

"Are you smelling me?"

"What? No!"

I pushed him away from my physics homework as he stared at me in confusion

"You wish!"

His confusion quickly melted away to reveal arrogance

"Do I smell good? Wanna take another whiff?"

"No, you frog!"

He burst into laughter and I could barely keep my face straight. He hadn't laughed that hard in a very long time


We stood next to each other in front of the animal shelter. I had my hands shoved in my pockets of my gray fleece hoodie. Hyungwon wet his lips in anticipation

"Ready,frog?" I asked

He nodded, pushing the glass doors and letting himself in. I could barely keep up with him as he scurried to the front desk and demanded to see the puppies

Ten minutes later, he was on the linoleum floor cradling a Bolognese and Yorkshire Terrier. They liked him instantly, licking his cheeks, making him laugh

I watched them from a distance. How much did I really know about Hyungwon? Up until a few months ago, he was the golden boy, the flawless frog that everybody loved and I hated. Three months ago, he was the broken boy, with his all of his will diminished, with barely the energy to get out of bed. Two months ago, he was the bot with a traumatic past that he had hidden behind his facade of perfection. Four weeks ago, he was the boy who had such vivid and traumatizing nightmares that he wanted to kill himself

But now, he was Chae Hyungwon. Happy, like he deserved to be, playing with puppies at a shelter and laughing hard

"Hey,ugly!" he called to me "wanna hold bubble?"

I didn't like dogs

"Who you calling ugly, you woman?"

"You, you middle-aged man. Get over here"

"Uh, I'd really rather not-"

He set bubble, the bolognese in my arms. He was a tiny furball of white. I could tell he didn't really like me because he tried to squirm away

"Hey, Miyoung, loosen up. You're really tense, Bubble can sense it"

"Can he, now?" I muttered under my breath

I relaxed my shoulder, and bubble became less nervous. He relaxed too. A few minutes later, he was licking my face like he did with Hyungwon

I hate dogs I hate dogs I hate dogs I chanted in my head. Bubble was staring to get to me. He was undeniably cute

All of a sudden. I felt liquid trickle along my leg. I looked down, extending my arms and holding bubble away from me

The Bolognese had peed. On me

"Oh my god" I shrieked

Hyungwon erupted into a laughing fit as I dropped bubble by his feet and sprinted towards the ladies room

I hated dogs

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