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Jung Miyoung POV

"I'm going to bed!"

Study session-turned sleepovers began to occur more frequently. It was mainly because I would often curl up on Hyungwon's couch to study after we finished our homework. Sometimes it would be so late that I would end up falling asleep. Mrs Chae would come down and cover me with blankets. She even prepared me a toothbrush. She seemed happy about me being here

"Sure, loser"

Hyungwon emerged from the door linking our rooms. He donned flannel pajamas and was brushing his teeth. It distorted his 'sure loser' into something like 'fur roofer'

My mother was used to me sleeping over, and quite frankly, she didn't really care. She assumed since I was academically adept that she had succeeded as a parent. She though Hyungwon was my boyfriend, so she had warned me about STIs the morning after our third sleepover

Which of course, I already knew about

"You know" I said slowly "if somebody had told me six months ago that I'd be regularly sleeping over at Chae Hyungwon's house I'd probably drag them to see a psychiatrist"

Hyungwon chuckled, toothbrush still in his mouth

"If someone told me that Jung Miyoung would be occupying my guest room every Friday I'd probably run away from home"

I chucked a pillow at him, in which he ducked

"Hey! That's my pillow!" he exclaimed

"Just get lost!" I yelled, pushing him out of the room as he chuckled with a mouth full of toothpaste foam

I slammed the door shut, and leaned against the thin wood

"Hey, Miyoung?" he said huskily

My stomach flipped


"You're a bitch"

Angrily, I flung opened the door. Before I could even register what was happening, Hyungwon had his arm around my waist and his lips were against mine

His toothpaste-foamy lips

"Ew!" I exclaimed, pushing him off

He laughed hysterically as I wiped at my mouth

"What the heck?" I exclaimed

My cheeks were aflame and my heart was pounding erratically behind my ribcage

"Stop impulsively kissing me!"

"I can't exactly help it"

We locked eyes, then. My heart wouldn't stop pounding

"I hate you!" I exclaimed

"As do I" he countered

"Then stop kissing me!"

"I told you, I can't help it"

I stared at him incredulously

"Good night"

The door was slammed in my face, narrowly missing my nose. Our little exchange left me more confused than ever

I stayed up, staring at the ceiling. The ticking of the analog clock seemed to keep me awake. I lost track of time, and I was exhausted, but I couldn't seem to fall asleep

Until, I hear sounds coming from Hyungwon's room

"Oh god, No!" he screamed

I leaped off my bed and pounded on the door. It was locked

"Hyungwon? Are you okay?"

"No! It's not my fault!" he said again

"Hyungwon? Hyungwon, please, open the door!"

"No! Make it stop! Make it go away!"

I used all my might to kick open the door. The lock gave way and it swung open loudly. Hyungwon was sitting up in his bed, with his head in his hands. His hair was mattered against his forehead, the aftermath of being jolted awake from a violent nightmare


I approached him slowly, and he made no indication that he heard me. I sank down beside him

"Was it..another nightmare?"

It came out of the blue, but it was turbulent. That was how his nightmares always were, rare,but intense. It was remarkable as to how he even coped with them


And suddenly he was leaning against me. I could feel the hotness of his breath against my neck

"Hyungwon?" I murmured

"Please.. Let's just stay like this"

So, we did. We leaned against each other until my eyelids began to droop and slumber overtook me.

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