Stuff I hated

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- Season 1 and 2 Murphy

- Charlotte murdering Wells

- When Bell kicked the crate out from under Murphy

-Murphy holding Bell hostage and trying to hang him and then shooting Raven

- Pike

- Season 3

- Echo sneaking into the battle for the

- The fact that Bellamy and Echo dated

-Clarke and Jaha betraying the others and stealing the bunker

-The fact that Bellamy and Clarke aren't together and haven't at the very least had a conversation about the nature of their relationship.

-O becoming blodreina

-Clarke chaining Bell in the turbine room and then later Bell chaining Clarke in the turbine room (A/n they really gotta stop chaining each other up when they disagree and just talk like rational people 🙄😂) 

- A.L.I.E

- Ontari cutting the Natblida kids heads off in their sleep (A/N personally I think she was coward for killing them like this instead of fighting them in the conclave)

- The whole Murphy and Ontari thing

- Diyoza and Mccreary

-Abby becoming a druggie

-Abby zapping Raven so she can get her drugs back

- Miller becoming one of blodreinas sidekicks

-Blodreina burning the hydro farm

-Blodreina getting mad when people call her a dictator when she is one

-Kane telling Mccreary about Wonkru's battle strategy and getting them killed

-Mccreary not accepting the surrender and continuing to kill Wonkru

- Clarke putting a shock collar on Madi and turning Raven and the others in to

-Mccreary deciding that if he can't have the valley no one can

-Russel, Josephine and Simone

- The so called primes thinking their better than everyone and thinking their too good to die

- Abby not just letting Kane go and have peace

- When sheidheda was in Madi's head

- That annoying trope they did where there's a family of murderous losers and then one of them decides to help the protagonists and then at the last minute right when their about to win they turn back again and say "for my family"

- Season 7 just the whole season -10/10 would not recommend that season