My favorite scenes and things part 3

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- Bell calling Clarke a mama bear for wanting to protect Madi

- Clarke being taken away by blodreina after Coopers death and the first thing Clarke's worries about is Bell taking care of Madi

- Shaw helping and comforting Raven (A/n totally would've shipped this but I'm pretty sure he dies

- Shaw and Raven and that weird flirting where he says he doesn't know why he cares maybe it's her charm and then Raven being like join us or die how's that for charming

- Madi asking what'll happen to Clarke if she doesn't take the flame and then deciding  to do it just to save Clarke

- Murphy being like hell yeah when Emori ask him if he wants that gatling gun

- Murphy in that scene in her real his eyes were so blue and gorgeous in that lighting

-Madi being all wise and telling Clarke she needs to become Heda

- Clarke telling Madi that she loved Lexa so much but she loves her even more

- Clarke telling Madi that she may be the commander but Clarke's the commander death and she says they will meet again

-All the people being so ready to die for Madi (A/n kinda creepy but still cute)

- O bowing to Madi and then everyone else following suit

-Gaia's mostly unwavering faith in the spirit of the commanders

- Gaia believing in and advising Madi to ask the commanders for advice

- Bell saying Madi should be better than them and not kill mccreary's men

- Madi telling Bell he needs to forgive Clarke and that he has no idea how much Clarke cares about him and her calling him out on his bullshit cuz Clarke was protecting Madi the same way Bell was always protecting O

- The look on Bells face when Madi tells him Clarke called him on the radio everyday for six yearsJordMonty telling Jordan about about the others and Murphy being his favorite

- Monty saving the human race

- Montys face the first tine he held Jordan

- Monty and Harper telling Jordan about the others and Murphy being his favorite

- Jordan

- "As therapeutic at beating up Murphy is.."- Bell

"Now for Clarke, we call that a Tuesday."- Murphy

"Oh, who knew cockroaches could swim?"- Emori

"Need to work on your game, kid. I owe your pops at least that much."-Murphy
"His game is just fine."-Delilah

"Don't worry, Murphy. Hells big enough for the both of us."- Clarke

-The scene in the tavern where Murphy, Jackson and Miller are watching Jordan flirt with Delilah like the proud father figures that they are

- All of them looking at Clarke all proud and ish when she walks down the stairs all dressed up

-"But not being willing to die for your cause makes you a coward where i come from."-

- O hugging Bell after he saves them in that weird forest on sanctum

- Raven telling Murphy that morality not immortality will be what saves him

- Bell refusing to give up on Clarke

- Bells voice filtering into Clarke's he'd and Clarke being inspired by it and throwing the hatchet at Josephine

- O's face when Bell and Clarke hug after Clarke beats Josie and wakes up  (a/n she ships them bro)

- The Bellarke shoulder nuzzle (A/n THE SHOULDER NUZZLE GETS ME EVERY TIME BRO 😭🤗)