Chapter 16 ~ Going Back Home

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Agent 3's (Sarah's) P.O.V:

I knew I should've been watching the majestic Zapfish, but I simply couldn't stop staring at the smiling, unbrainwashed Mike that was holding my hand.

He's back. He's seriously back!

"Looks like everything is just fine now.." Marie smiled as Callie slowly followed. "Mike sure did a number on me.." Callie muttered.

Everyone turned around to the two agents, and I decided to help Callie with her balance, since she seemed to be stumbling. "I have a headache.." She whined childishly while rubbing her head. "It's ok," I smiled.

"Well, how about we all head home? We all deserve a hard earned rest." Marie smiled.

I heard mumbling behind me, so I turned my head to see Mike's body swaying as he mumbled drowsily. "I'm sooo...tireddd...."

Suddenly he fell to the floor, turning into his octopus form halfway through, and plopping into a puddle of ink. I heard very faint snoring as he was submerged. Everyone's head turned to the Octoling.

"Is he..okay..?" Isabel asked not to anyone particularly.

I asked Marie to assist Callie before I walked over and squatted over the puddle of ink where Mike was submerged, sleeping. Slowly, I submerged my hands into the ink and fished around to find the sleeping Octopus.

I pulled him out, staring at the sleeping Octopus now in my hands. Smiling, I simply said, "Yea. He's just fine..."

I raised him up, and placed him in my hood, where he snored softly and peacefully behind my head. I even sensed him curl up into a ball in my hood.

Aw poor Mike. He probably didn't get sleep at all since before he arrived for work at the Splatoon.

Marie had seen what I did and copied the same idea. She instructed Callie to go in her squid form and placed Callie in her own hood. I carried both my Splattershot and Mike's roller, while Marie carried both her Charger and Callie's roller.

Everyone walked through the now empty HQ that seemed completely deserted. There wasn't any sign of a single Octarian in the base, which was odd, since there were a few on our way to rescue Mike. But I honestly didn't care. "Less danger for us to deal with and energy for us to waste..." I thought to myself before smiling and blushing as I heard Mike whisper: "Sarah..." in his sleep. Why was he so cute?


We all made our way and returned back to the area where the helicopter was when we first arrived. It was very late in the night now, and there were so many bright stars out. It was slightly chilly out, but it was one of those nights where everything felt so calm and peaceful. No one said a word, but we were all peaceful.

Marie and Callie boarded the pilot seats on the helicopter after loading the knocked out DJ Octavio in a snow globe onto the very back of the helicopter. Everyone else boarded in.

During the flight, the only sounds made were the very faint snoring of everyone who was sleeping, the whirring of the helicopter blades and the beeping of the control panels up front.

Marina and Pearl were sitting next to each other, but ended up falling asleep on each other. Pearl's head resting on her shoulder while Marina's head rested on top of Pearl's head. Jake's head faced slightly upwards as he fell asleep with Isabel, in her squid form, sleeping on his lap, embraced in his arms.

I was awake however, slowly and softly caressing the asleep octopus on my lap. Mike had a light pink blush as I did so, which was simply adorable. I just still couldn't believe he was back...

Ultimately, I decided to take out my phone and plug in my headphones to play some music. "Into The Light sounds good to me..It fits the peaceful night tonight.."

I gently tapped my foot to my music for the rest of the flight back.


We arrived at HQ a couple of minutes after. Everyone said their goodbyes as we all headed back to our homes, longing our beds and comfy pillows.

Mike and I entered back into our home. It felt like forever since the last time we've been here. "Sarahhhh...Can we please go to bed asap...?" Mike yawned tiredly, half asleep. I was starting to fall asleep myself and nodded.

I quickly headed to my room and changed into some comfortable, cool clothes, so I didn't get too hot in the night...or morning...I don't know. I just want sleep. And Mike. Sleep and Mike.

As if on command, Mike opened my door, completely shirtless and in basketball shorts, and jumped into my bed almost immediately pulling me in close.

I'd never though that I'd be in his arms like this again...

"Goodnight baby..." Mike yawned tiredly.

"Goodnight Mike..."

I placed a soft kiss on his lower cheek before burrowing my face into his neck and falling asleep.

We're back~

A.N. Surprise! Two chapters, One night! Bet you weren't expecting this! Ha! Anyways I'm going to sleep...😴

I hope this chapter was wholesome to everyone else like it was to me..


Word Count: 880


(One of the shorter chapters in this book..)

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