part 3 - teasing

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It had been a wonderful three months for harry, he had never felt this way about anybody, he had never felt the all-consuming love that the prissy princes and princesses talked about until now.

He could firmly say, that he was in love with you. And he wasn't ashamed to say it.

So when his crew jabbed at him (out of love tho) about (y/n), he just smiled and said: "aye, I am in love" and walked off to find her.

There would still be some lighthearted teasing, like them making whip sounds and cooing at him when they were together.

And then there were his past-flings...some of them were over it, understanding harry wasn't the type to have a one person and one person only relationship on the isle, he would jump from girl to guy, guy to girl.

But now he was adamantly in love with (y/n) Radcliffe, and he wasn't afraid to admit it. Unfortunately, that meant those who were still hung up on him went after (y/n).

Like now; you were sitting outside waiting for harry when two isle girls came up to you, sneers plastered on their faces.

You sighed, preparing to ignore them "I don't know why hooks staying with you, you probably don't even do anything for him!"
"yeah!" the other girl screeched "hes probably just pitying you and waiting around until you give in"

You saw a flash of red from the corner of your eye and you sat up, a smile starting to grow on your lips.

Harry was strutting up, his classic red pirate coat flowing behind him, and he was holding a pink rose and a small box.

As he reached you he leaned down softly pressing his lips to yours "hey my bonnie lass" he whispered, you giggled, making harry smile.

"hi" you bit your lip as you took the rose and box, hiding your smirk as harry stood to his full height to glare at the two girls.

"the hell yeh think yer doin'? get!" the girls stuttered, looking from you to harry, unable to comprehend harry truly liked someone for them, and not using them as a toy.

"did yeh not hear meh? I said get!" he snared, the girls squealed and bolted off, harry sighed and sat next to you, lifting your hand and pressing his lips to the back of your hand. "were they bothering yeh love?" his soft ocean blue eyes stared questioningly at you.

You gave a soft laugh and shook your head "not really, its just old news they keep repeating" harry still looked miffed but nodded.

"Alright, ready ta go to the beach tomorrow?" you beamed and nodded.

"yeah! Its been a while since I went to the beach!" harry chuckled and brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, tilting his head and giving you a soft look.

"you'll love it, I got everythin' planned out"


Harry groaned in frustration, date after date, something went wrong, almost as if the universe was trying to get them to fight so they would break up.

Luckily for him, (y/n) had always turned the situation around. Like today, he had tripped on a rock that he swore that wasn't there before and ripped (y/n)s sundress as he fell.

(y/n), after a moment of shock, had laughed and helped him get to his feet and stripped, revealing a swimsuit top and shorts.

"it was a cheap sundress anyway! Besides, the water looks amazing right now!"

Harry could fly, she was so amazing. He unleashed duke and left his bag and their shoes by the shore, running into the waves with duke, smiling as he heard (y/n) laugh to their antics.


Harry swung their intertwined hands between them as they walked, duke trotting next to (y/n), panting from exertion.

"Hey, guys, oh my! (y/n) what happened!" Evie stepped out from around the corner, seeing (y/n) was wearing her ripped sundress with Harry's zipped up red jacket over it.

(y/n) snorted and pointed to harry "he tripped and accidentally ripped it, its no biggie though, it was like 10 bucks" evie slowly nodded.

"ill make you a new one" you laughed and shook your head.

"im sure you were already making one so just finish that one alright? No need to make two" evie sighed and nodded.

"oh alright, did you two have fun?" harry nodded absentmindedly, staring as the water droplets still in your hair trailed down your jaw and dripped down to your shoulder.

"Harry?" his head shot up, blinking rapidly as uma and the crew quietly laughed at him.

"dude, were you that in the zone about (y/n) you couldn't hear us?" Jonas laughed. Harry felt the blush rise to his cheeks and he pouted.
"shut up yeh jerks" he muttered, wrapping an arm around (y/n)s shoulder and pulling her into his side.

"someones in louuuve~" Bonny teased, making (y/n) giggle and nuzzle her head into his shoulder.

Harry was unable to pay attention, thinking back to the last two months of dates.

Every single time, something went wrong, be it a genuine accident but it seemed on purpose coffee spill on her favorite jacket. Or her sketchbook that one moment was in his bag, the next in the lake.

Yet (y/n) was always so kind and let him attempt to explain what happened, believing him when he truly said he didn't know how the thing had happened.

Things were building up and harry didn't like it, he was getting that odd gut feeling he got on the isle when someone was plotting against him.

Harry numbly followed you inside, feeling as if someone was watching him and (y/n)....and they didn't have good intentions.


Harry jolted awake that night, the deep feeling of dread piercing his chest and he felt like he was going to throw up.

"I need the check up on (y/n)" he muttered, tossing his blanket off his body and quickly making his way out of his dorm and to (y/n)'s.

As he got closer to her dorm room, he heard the frantic barks of a dog 'duke' harry thought, panic began to set in, he started to run, uncaring if anyone heard him.

he skidded to a stop, starting to try to rapidly open the door, tears of panic starting to burn at his eyes. "(y/n)?!!" he yelled, no response other than dukes howls and barks "(y/n) come on why is duke doing tha'?!"

he dug into his pocket, digging out his copy of (y/n)s room key and frantically unlocking it. He stumbled in, heart freezing as he took in the sight of the room.

the bedsheets ripped, faint splatters of blood on the pillow, the window shattered and wide-open, (y/n)s personal things strewn about the room, her markers on the floor, her sketchbook halfway ripped open and ruined.

He flinched as he heard scratching from the bathroom door, he rushed over, ripping it open to have duke barrel into his legs, stumbling over himself, harry stopped him, letting out a panicked sob as he spotted two deep cuts on the dog's face and leg.

"wha' happened ta yeh duke, what happened ya (y/n)!!" Harry looked around the room again, looking for any clues.

A security guard burst in, looking pissed but it faded into horror as he looked into the room "wha-what the hell happened here?!"

Harry felt the panicked tears drip down his cheeks as he yelled out "(Y/N)s BEEN TAKEN!"

—end of part 3–

Commission work - Harry Hook x Reader - love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now