part 1 - Dogs are awesome

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It was driving you mad, being cooped up in your room, you let out a frustrated groan. You leaned back in your chair, staring at the artboard in front of you.

You needed a fresh needed to go outside and just...draw whatever came to mind. You stood from your chair and grabbed your sketchbook, watercolor, water brushes, your kneaded eraser, and pencil and stuffed them in your bag.

Maybe you would go to the park next to the school, you whistled and duke came from around the corner, the blue Staffy wagging his tail like crazy.

"wanna go for a walk boy" you cheered in a high pitch, duke let out an excited bark, leaping up and pressing his paws to your thighs "yeah! Yeah!! Come on!"

Duke bounded alongside you as you grabbed his leash and headed out the door.


"it's yer turn to walk dude" harry mocked, lazily strutting alongside dude "blah blah bleh" Harry looked down at the mutt, who was now peeing.

Carlos had decided to make Harry walk dude after dude wouldn't leave harry alone. When asked all he said was 'dogs intuition'

So here he was....walking dude in the nearby park next to the school. And he was bored out of his mind.

All of a sudden dude bolted off, dragging Harry behind him "ey wha' DUDE!" Harry yelped out, stumbling over his feet.

"slow down!"

"duke slow down!" all of a sudden someone slammed into Harry's chest, and he felt dude and another dog wrap their leashes around their legs.

The person started to fall backward and Harry's arms automatically reached out, wrapping around the small fo their back and tugging them into his chest.

"Are yeh okay?" the girl lifted their cap, and Harry's heart skipped a beat.

Sparkling (e/c) eyes stared up at him, pouty lips opened slightly "why yes, im-im fine, just a little shaken, what about you?"

Harry couldn't speak, he just stared at them, dude and the other larger dog stared up at them, wagging their tails and smiling.

They looked to each other 'nailed it'

You looked away, forcing down the strong blush and searched for Duke, he just sat there with that goofy grin of his.

"duke" you ordered softly "unwind please" the large dog gave a soft 'boof' and walked around you and the tall handsome boy, slowly undoing the leash around their legs.

"thank you" you muttered, scratching the side of his head, you looked back up at the boy, almost looking away again when you saw his bright ocean blue eyes. "s-sorry bout him, he gets a little crazy when he sees another dog" you stuttered, the boy finally seemed to snap out of whatever stupor he was in.

"no-no it's okay, dude went crazy too" he pointed at dude, you smiled, kneeling down and holding out your hand.

"Hey dude"

"Hey (y/n)!" he trotted over to you and gave you paw "sorry bout that, doggie instincts ya know" you giggled, making Harry's heart speed up.

'what is happening to me' he thought, placing his hand on his heart, which was going 1000 miles a minute.

"yeh know dude?" Harry asked, taking a small step back as you stood up and gave a blinding smile.

"yep, im the one who initially trained him" Harry nodded, jumping a little as duke pressed his head against his thigh.

"Well hello," Harry muttered, giving duke a good scratch between his ear and duke melted into Harry's side, his leg starting to go.

You giggled "he must like you, hes not very trusting of other people when he first meets them"
harry chuckled, and smiled down at duke, and you inhaled quickly. "well im a lucky one then..." he looked up, holding out his hand. "i'm Harry, by the way, harry hook"

You smiled and took his hand "i'm (y/n), (y/n) Radcliffe" harry tilted his head

"as in roger and Anita Radcliffe?" you beamed and nodded

"the same! They're my parents" Harry chuckled, and bit his lip you were adorable.

"well anyway" harry released your hand, mentally frowning as he realized he missed it "I should probably finish dudes walk and get 'im back to Carlos"

You nodded, leaning down and grabbing dukes leash, "well it was nice meeting you harry, maybe I'll see you around?" you hoped you would.

Harry nodded rapidly "aye, definitely" you nodded and walked off, holding dukes leash close to your chest, keeping the bursting giggles in your chest.

"wait!" you spun around, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks as harry ran up to you. "do-do yeh maybe wanna meet up on Friday? At the café?"

You beamed and nodded "yes! Should we trade numbers?" harry bopped his forehead with his palm and gave a shy smile.

"that would probably be a good idea huh?"

Five minutes later, as you sat down on the bench next to the koi pond, your phone went off, you picked it up and smiled.

-hey, so this Friday at 4? At tiaras café?

You squealed and kicked your legs a bit, duke barking and leaping up to look at your screen

-sounds good! See ya!

-see ya! :)

You bit your lip and looked up to the sky holding the phone close to your chest.

"duke, I think i'm in love"


"ugg why did I send a smiley face! She's gonna think im-" his phone went off and he scrambled to look at his screen.

(y/n) had texted back


Harry let out a giggle, falling back on his bed, holding his phone close to his chest.

"I think I'm in love"

Dude chuckled and lay back down, ignoring Carlos' questions

'dogs intuition'

–end of part 1–

Commission work - Harry Hook x Reader - love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now