part 5 - rescue mission

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Mal, Evie, Jay, Uma, Ben, and Gil sat nervously in Ben's office, wondering why Carlos had called them all into here.

The door slammed open, revealing Carlos, Duke, and Dude. "duke found out where (y/n) is!" Evie stood from her seat, surprise clear on her face.

"what?" dude nodded.

"yeah, he used the twilight bark, it's a way we dog's alert others, he found out (y/n) is on the isle in the basement of the queen of hearts salon!"

"Quinn" a thick angry Scottish accent came from the door, Carlos whipped around, the fear he used to feel on the isle around harry spiking.

He was in his old isle gear, his dark hair ruffled and dark ocean blue eyes lined with kohl, hook in hand, and his sword strapped to his side.

Harry meant business, and the vks steeled up, Ben could feel the tension in the air.

They started to plan, Evie and Uma taking charge.

Harry clenched his fists, duke laying his head on his lap and pushing his muzzle under his hand. Harry looked down and smiled slightly.

"hey bud, well get 'er back, don' worry"

Uma paused in her planning, walking over and waving her hand over Duke "he'll probably want to help, by the power of the sea, heal all your injuries"

Within a moment, the cuts and broken bones healed. duke yipped and started to scratch at the bandages.

"Thanks, uma" harry muttered, undoing the bandages. She nodded, walking back over to evie and continuing with the planning.

"Alright so Ben, we'll need full access to the isle, and no matter what, no one can interfere!"

Ben tilted his head confused "why?"

Harry let out one of his old insane chuckles, Ben turning pale at the sound "the witch messed with meh lassie? Shes getting dealt with by the 'ook"


Quinn admired the small golden bracelet, small golden words laced into the metalwork.

-my bonnie lass-

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