part 4 - the vet

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Harry sat outside the vet ER, leg bouncing a mile a minute and biting his nails. Duke had been hurt more than first assumed, broken ribs from being kicked in the chest, broken paw, sliced muzzle, and leg.

Duke had been in the ER for three hours now, and Harry was only a word away from breaking down.

Two dalmatians burst in, a gently aged woman with her blond hair in a bun and a tall man in a green vest and dark brown pants running in after them.

They stopped at the reception desk, asking for...duke. Harry let out a low sob, they had to be roger and Anita, they even had the two dalmatians.

Harry slowly stood and shuffled over to them, Anita noticed him and her eyes widened, and started to smack roger. "roger, roger that's harry-Harry!" she stepped away from roger and speed-walked over to him, reaching out as harry tilted forward a bit.

"og harry! Where duke, is he alright!? Wheres (y/n)!?" harry just shook his head. Anita gasped and covered her mouth, tears starting to stream down her cheeks.

"Anita, they said dukes still in the operation room, harry" roger set a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder "let's go sit down, you look like your about to pass out, pongo, here boy!"

Pongo and Perdita ran over and Perdita jumped up and cuddled into harry. Harry let out a low sob and wrapped his arms around her, rubbing his cheek against her neck.

"What happened baby" Anita cooed, rubbing her hand on Harry's knee. Harry just shook his head, gritting his teeth as he remembered the state of (y/n)s room.

"We have reasons to believe she's been kidnapped, the only thing we found was a fistful of black hair, possibly when duke or (y/n) tried to fight back" the police officer who had stayed with Harry spoke up, Anita covered her mouth and let out a sob.

"oh my poor baby" roger handed Anita a cloth, she gratefully took it and wiped her eyes.

"We also believe duke was injured from trying to protect her, he is getting the best care he can get right now" roger nodded, rubbing Anitas back and pongo nosed Harry's leg, whining and pawing at him.

A vet came into the room, looking around till he spotted harry, "harry Hook?" harry shot up, eyes wide with worry.

"duke is out of surgery and is in the restroom, you can come see him, now" harry squeezed past Anita and pongo, speed walking with the vet.

Roger sighed and let harry see duke alone, continuing to speak to Noah, the officer.


"Hey bud" harry whispered, kneeling next to duke and gently petting his head, swallowing harshly a the bandages around his muzzle. "im so sorry this happened....oh hades this is all my fault" he sobbed, burying his face in his shaved fur.

"if I had never met her" he hiccuped "she would have never been in danger...god im such a screw up" duke whined, lifting his head up and licking Harry's arm.

"son you stop talking about yourself that way right now" Roger stepped into the room, kneeling next to harry and patting his head. "you have no idea how happy you made (y/n), before you, she had a hard time even talking to others, due to only being around our rescue dogs. She was able to open up thanks to you, and she made amazing friends, including Carlos and uma."

Pongo slid his head underneath Harry's arm, pressing his nose to Harry's cheek "you don't know how many times (y/n) called us just to gush about you, I would say she loves you with all her soul harry, and she wouldn't want you to blame yourself"

Harry sniffed, leaning off duke and rubbing his sleeve on his face "aye, yer right"

Roger smiled "now how bout we get duke all ready to sign out and get him some stuff to stay in your room huh?


Duke popped open his eyes, looking to harry who was on the floor with him, duke carefully stood, limping out from under Harry's arm and to the door, pressing his nose to the red button that opened the door and slowly trekked outside.

"duke what are you doing" dude speed up beside him "it's so late and you just got out of surgery!"

"I need to find (y/n)" duke panted "my other pets been so sad without her, and she's in danger, im sending out an all dog alert all the way to the isle, someone must know where she is"

Duke released a deafening bark, scaring dude a little. But he continued, hoping to reach someone who knew something about (y/n)

Prim blinked awake, looking over to her window and jumping out of her pets arms, she nosed open the window, gasping as she heard the deep barks of a worried staffy

"oh my! A pet kidnapped! I have to forward it!"

She let out fast-paced yips, for once happy her pets household wore earbuds to bed.

Boxie padded over to her window, growling as she heard the message.

"rotten kid, whoever did it will come to justice"

Hours later little squeak opened his eyes, wiggling out from his pets dad's arms, he stumbled over the old man's belly and hopped down from the bed.

"pet stolen? (h/c) hair, (height), daughter of the Radcliffe?....oh crap!"

He knew exactly who took the girl.

He ran to the door, slipping through the hole and climbed up to the roof tops.

He sent back the message.

"pet found, isle of the lost, basment of the queen of hearts salon"

Duke slammed his tail on the ground worriedly, dude walking around him in a circle.

He perked up, tail stopping and panic setting in.

"queen of- oh no, Dude!" he stopped, looking over at duke "your pet speaks dog correct!"


"an isle dog found (y/n)! we need to tell him!"

"well, let's go!"


"Carlos!!" he jolted out of bed, looking to dudes bed only for him to be gone, he looked to his door, hearing his small mutt behind the door scratching at it "Carlos open the door! We know where (y/n) is!"

Carlos leaped out of bed and bolted over to the door and ripped it open, dude and duke rushing in and looking up at him.

"what how?!"

"I sent out a twilight bark" duke gruffed "got all the way to the isle, got a message back saying shes on the isle in the queen of hearts salon basement"

Fear set in Carlos' chest "no, that means-" he bolted to his nightstand, unplugging his phone and dialing up mal.


He didn't wait for her to respond, cutting off the call and getting dressed quickly.

"Come one! Harrys gonna want to know!"


You struggled to breathe, you could taste blood on your tongue.

"have you learned your lesson yet~"

You spit on her shoes, glaring up at her "fff–u off" you slurred, yelping as you felt pain surge in your cheek.

"seems not" the girl with long black and red hair cooed "you will soon then" she gripped your chin, giving you a crazed smile.

"Harry Hook belongs to the daughter of the queen~!"

–end of part 4–

Commission work - Harry Hook x Reader - love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now