Chapter 1

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~The Adventure Kids's 'Unofficial' Theme Song~

"I love adventure! Nothing's better to me, than a journey down to the ocean floor, or a close encounter with a dinosaur!"

"Oh, I love adventure! Hope you're ready to see. We're on a roll again, raring to go again! I love adventure!"

"We'll slip and slide!" The twins, Brock and Ann sang. 

"With a zippty zoo!" Cynthia added, dressed up as some fancy dancer. 

"Go loopty loop in the moon! Yee-haw!" Teeders came riding in on a horse and wearing a cowboy hat. 

"Sailing into the sun" David sang before looking into a telescope. 

"Hope you want to have fun!" Kali then entered the scene. 

"Hey, come on everybody!" Kali told everyone. 

All of the Akids's friends from all their many adventures then appeared, gathered together and started singing. 

"I love adventure! Nothing's better to me, than a journey down to the ocean floor, or a close encounter with a dinosaur!"

"Oh, I looooove adventure!"


It was just another regular afternoon as the adventure kids were gathered in their usual hangout spot. Kali then entered after coming home from school and tossed her backpack down in the corner. She appeared to be in a rush. 

"What's going on?" David asked while looking up from his comic book. 

"We're going to Avalor" Kali informed her friends, too busy to look up as she was already packing for the gang's adventure. 

"WHAT?!?" David, Teeders, and Cynthia all exclaimed in surprise. 

"YES!" The twins however cheered with joy. 

"I can't wait to see Elena again, and take a ride on Skylar!" Brock beamed in happiness. 

"I know. We haven't seen them since the carnaval" Ann mentioned. 

Kali was then done with the gang's packing and ready to go. David and Teeders however came over to her in a bit of confusion. 

"Wait. So that's it?..." David asked Kali in confusion. "That's our opening? We're not gonna have a bigger, longer, proper beginning to this adventure story?"

"Yeah, you didn't even explain as to why we're even going on this adventure?" Teeders added to the lead adventure girl. 

Kali just shrugged her shoulders in reply then headed to the spot where there was the most space in the room, telling the gang. "Let's go!"

All the adventure kids had gathered in a circle, holding hands as Kali's crystal began to glow and the magic portal soon appeared in front of them. But there was only one thing that they were missing...

"Cynthia!" the adventure kids called to their fashionista friend who was shown sitting at her table doing her nails. "Let's go!"

"But I'm not done with my manicure" Cynthia pouted. 

Teeders then grabbed the spoiled fashionista by her and dragged her into the portal with the others. 

The adventure kids swirled around and and in the magic dimensional portal until they fell out, having finally arrived in Avalor. 

They had landed right outside on Elena's balcony, just a Skylar came flying down and landed next to them. 

"Hey, adventure kids!" he greeted them with a friendly smile. "Wow, that was quite an entrance" 

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